Super Chain Crusher Horizon Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Achievements (Steam)
10 Chain - Achieve a Max Chain of 10 or more.
20 Chain - Achieve a Max Chain of 20 or more.
30 Chain - Achieve a Max Chain of 30 or more.
40 Chain - Achieve a Max Chain of 40 or more.
50 Chain - Achieve a Max Chain of 50 or more.
Achieve One Million - Break 1,000,000 points.
Big Bang Mania - Fire 100 Max Charge Shots.
Boss Challenger - Destroy 100 bosses.
Chain Crusher Master - Unlock all achievements.
Defuse Double - Defeat two bosses in a single game.
Depart Earth - Play Monoshot Game.
Destroyer - Destroy 10,000 enemies.
Emperor of Destruction - Destroy 1,000,000 enemies.
Final Hope - Played the Suicide Game.
Halley's Comet - Play the game 76 times.
High Speed Experience - Played the Highspeed Game.
High-Speed Mania - Reached Dist5 in the High-Speed Game.
How Could You Miss?! - Miss with a Max Charge Shot.
Kamikaze - Two players defeat a boss by ramming it.
King of Destruction - Destroy 100,000 enemies.
Music Master - Listen to all the songs in Music Mode.
Pacifist - Clear a wave without firing a single shot.
Rapid-Fire Mania - Have 10 bullets on-screen at once in Standard Mode.
Rapid-Fire Pilot - Play with the Standard Ship.
Reach Jupiter - Reach Wave 4.
Reach Mars - Reach Wave 3.
Reach Neptune - Reach Wave 7.
Reach Saturn - Reach Wave 5.
Reach the Moon - Reach Wave 2.
Reach Uranus - Reach Wave 6.
Recycle - Fling wreckage at a boss with your shots.
Secret! - Hit a boss 32 times to achieve this secret bonus.
Solor Tour - Clear Wave 7.
Steel Wall - Fire 100 shots into a boss.
Suicide Mania - Reached Dist5 in the Suicide Game.
Super-Secret! - Achieve the Secret! Bonus twice in a Miniboss Swarm.
Trash Compactor - Get a Game Over from accumulated wreckage.
United Crush - Both players survive crushing a boss.
United Front - Play the game with two players.
Wave Master - Reach Wave 100.
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