Sunrider: First Arrival Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Primary Collection of Cheats
Developer Cheat Codes
Note what following codes work in beta version but may not work in the final release version. There is no guarantees. Open Sunrider game folder, than open folder named "game". Open "Options.rpy" in Wordpad or Notepad++ or Notepad (last option is risky, you must make back-up copy or be very careful) Change the following line: config.developer = False to config.developer = True Save changes and delete "Options.rpyc" if there is one but not "Option.pry"! Return to main game foulder, than open folder "renpy", and than open folder "common" and find file "00console.rpy", open it same way and change the following line config.console = False to config.console = True Save changes and delete "00console.rpyc", if there is one, but not "00console.rpy"! Now you can use cheats. In game open the dev console using [Shift] + [O] and type codes. Also, you can use [Shift] + [P] to instant win in battles and have option to return money in R&D. = 99999999 - Aquire 99999999 cash.
Exit - Leave the console.
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