Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds - the Clone Campaigns Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds - the Clone Campaigns Cheats
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Cheat mode
Press [Enter] during game play to display the chat window. Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Some codes have been deactivated in various patches of the game.

1000 foodforcefood
1000 oreforceore
1000 carbonforcecarbon
1000 foodforcefood
1000 Nova crystalsforcenova
Remove fog of warforcesight
Full mapforceexplore
Instant construction and researchforcebuild
Destroy indicated enemydarkside<1-8>
Destroy all enemiestarkin
Win missionskywalker
Killer Ewoksimonsays
Imperial Star Destroyerimperial entanglements
Death Starthat's no moon
Corellian Corvettetantive iv
Jedi turning range increasesthe force is strong with this one
Stronger Jedimost powerful jedi
Units do more damagesuddenly silenced
Press [Comma] for invisible naval ship; screen must be over water when activated.forceboat
Speed boat with increased fire power; screen must be over water when activated.scaryneighbor
Hear Star Wars quote<1-58>
Control other units
In the third level on the Confederacy campaign, fly something to the lower left corner of the map. You will find a valley with a Jawa sandcrawler, R2-D2, C-3PO, IG-88, and some Tuskan Raiders that you get to control. Note: The only way to get there is with something that flies.

In the second level of the Trade Federation campaign, fly somewhere to the upper left part of the map. You will find and be able to control Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Jar-Jar Binks. Note: You can only get there by flying.

In Chewbacca level one, fly to the upper right hand corner to find and control Queen Amidala, Captain Panaka, Qui-Gon Gin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker.

In the fifth level of the Republic campaign, fly to the left corner to control R2-D2, C-3PO, Senator Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker and a Lt. Frigate.

In the third level of the Confederacy campaign, enable the "forceexplore" code. Look closely to the right side corner until you see some Tusken Raider tents. Bring your army there to control 4 Tusken children, 2 Tusken Females, 2 Tusken Riflemen, 2 Melee Tuskens, and 2 Tusken Bantha Troopers.

In the seventh level of the Gungun campaign, fly to the left corner to control 2 Gungun Sea transports. Click on either one, and instead of seeing pictures of Gungun military, you will see pictures of the Imperial military. To turn the pictures into the Gungun versions, ungarrison them, then put them back into the transports. Note: It is best to do this before you enter Theed -- enable the "tantive iv" code to get to the transports.

Quick win
In the first level of Basic Training enable the "forceexplore" code, then have a Tantive IV or an Imperial Star Destroyer (enable the "tantive iv or imperial entanglements" code) fly to the left part of the map. You will find a Sith Master. Kill him to get an instant victory. Note: Do this immediately or he

Easy money
Type "38" into the chat prompt and press [Enter]. If you have CPU allies (not neutral), usually you will get 500 of everything except ore if your allies are not above Tech Level 3.

Get any unit in Scenario Builder
Under the Scenario Builder's "Hero/Unit/Building/Other" list, there are lists of units and players. Select player two, choose a unit or building, then re-select player one. That player two unit now has the player one color and is under control of player one. For example, select Galactic Empire (player one), select Gungans (player two), select Gungan Unit, re-select Galactic Empire, then you can use the Gungan Unit for the Galactic Empire.
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