Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Cheats
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Aug. 08, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Edit the config file "\Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow\offline\system\SplinterCell2User.ini" and bind the following commands to desired keys. While in the game you will be able to use keyboard to activate the corresponding cheat function:

health - Gives health
killpawns - Kills all enemies
ammo - More ammo
ghost - No-clip mode
fly - Floating
walk - Turn off no-clip and floating modes
invincible 1 - God mode
invincible 0 - God mode off
invisible 1 - Sam is invisible
invisible 0 - Turn off invisibility
playersonly 1 - Freeze enemies
playersonly 0 - Unfreeze enemies
savegame - Save game
loadgame - Load saved game
stealth - View stealth amount
preferences - Modify settings, including key binding
mission win - Complete current mission
quit - Quit the game
summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround - Spawn one ring airfoil round
summon echeloningredient.edisposablepick - Spawn a disposable pick
summon echeloningredient.eflashbang - Spawn a flashbang
summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade - Spawn a frag grenade
summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade - Spawn a smoke grenade
summon echeloningredient.estickycamera - Spawn a sticky camera
summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker - Spawn a sticky shocker
summon echeloningredient.ewallmine - Spawn a wallmine
summon echeloningredient.ediversioncamera - Spawn a diversion camera
summon echeloningredient.ecamerajammer - Spawn a camera jammer
summon echeloningredient.echemflare - Spawn a flare
summon echeloningredient.ef2000 - Spawn a F2000
summon echeloningredient.eflare - Spawn a flare
summon echeloningredient.efn7 - Spawn a FN7 pistol
summon echeloningredient.elasermic - Spawn a laser mic
summon echeloningredient.elockpick - Spawn a lock pick
summon echeloningredient.emedkit - Spawn a medkit
summon echeloningredient.erappellingobject - Spawn a rappelling object
summon echeloningredient.ethermalgoggle - Spawn a thermal googles
summon echeloningredient.ethermalmine - Spawn a thermal mine

You can also bind several commands to one key, but you need to put | between them. In the following example pressing [F10] will make you invisible, pressing [F11] will give you more ammo, while pressing [F12] will give you two flares and a smoke grenade:

F12=summon echeloningredient.eflare|summon echeloningredient.eflare|summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade

NOTE: It's also possible to directly enter the codes in the game without key bindings. Simply press [Tab] and type in the code.
Prince of Persia reference
On the mission when you are on the train, look in the second car where the guard is located. Knock him out then go behind the fenced door. Look down you will see a magazine featuring Prince of Persia.

To move quieter, crouch down and walk slower. This will make your steps softer, and keep you undetected to a limit. Also, to decrease your chances of being seen, shoot out the lights with your gun. Be careful, as if there is an enemy is under that light they may see you shooting it out.

Knocking out guards
To knock out a guard without using a Sticky Shocker or a Air Foil, shoot a Sticky Cam at their head. Note: It must hit him directly in the head for the guard to get knocked out.

Defeating Norman Soth
After you have climbed up the elevator cables and have gotten on top of the other elevator, crawl through the hole in the wall. Norman Soth and two other mercenaries are on the top pathways. While in the hole, there will be one guard on the top path, slightly to the right. You should be able to shoot him in the head. Then, a timer will start and you will have one minute to kill Norman Soth and his other mercenary. When you shoot the first mercenary, drop out of the hole onto the first pathway. The second mercenary will go to exactly where the you shot the first mercenary. Shoot the second mercenary in the head. Note: The second guard will be aiming at the hole, so he will not see you if you drop out of the hole. The last person to kill is Normon Soth. Start running down the pathway and turn left on the second to last walkway on the left. Look up and turn on your thermal vision. You will see Normon Soth. Get a clear shot and shoot him in the head. After that you must retrieve the smallpox box from the top pathway. If you are on the second to last pathway on the left, go up the ladder. There will be another ladder; use it to climb up. Drop off the ledge onto the pathway. Run down the middle pathway to find the smallpox box.

A secret item
on the last level when you are in the elevator and you have to shoot the top of the lift to get out, do that then climb up the poles until you get on top of the elevator with the man in then face the hole where you are supposed to go then turn right, there should be two poles going up get on the one nearest the wall and go up until you get to the elevator then drop into the hole and there will be a secret in there after you have obtained the item continue on with the mission.
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