SpinTires Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Achievements (Steam)
BLIND NAVIGATION - Finish a level without removing any 'Cloaks'.
BULL - Load 'Long Logs' onto the Type D-537 truck and drive to an Objective location without using the brakes.
CARRIER HAS ARIVED - Drive 200 meters with the Type A-469 vehicle on the back of your truck.
CHIEF LUMBERJACK - Knock down 30 big trees.
CLIMBER - Climb a very steep hill for 50 meters.
COAST - Finish the Coast level in Hardcode mode.
COAST COOP - Finish the Coast level in Multiplayer with at least 2 players.
COAST SETTLER - Unlock all of the Garages on the Coast level.
DAVID - Use a Type B-130 to tow a Type E-3710 for 50 meters in Pull mode.
DIVER - Drive through water so that your vehicle is fully submerged and then escape without the engine stalling.
DRIVE CAREFULLY - Deliver Medium or Long logs without receiving any damage.
EXPLORE COAST - Remove all of the 'Cloaks' from the Coast level.
EXPLORE HILL - Remove all of the 'Cloaks' from the Hill level.
EXPLORE PLAINS - Remove all of the 'Cloaks' from the Plains level.
EXPLORE RIVER - Remove all of the 'Cloaks' from the River level.
EXPLORE VOLCANO - Remove all of the 'Cloaks' from the Volcano level.
EXPLORER - Remove all of the 'Cloaks' on any level with the Type A-469 vehicle.
FISHERMAN - Winch a vehicle to safety that is underwater with another vehicle.
FORESTER - Finish a level without using the 'Minimap' in one Single Player session.
FUEL TANKER - Fill up other player's Vehicle with 1,000 litres of fuel.
HILL - Finish the Hill level in Hardcore mode.
HILL COOP - Finish the Hill level in Multiplayer with at least 2 players.
HILL SETTLER - Unlock all of the Garages on the Hill level.
I HAVE ALL I NEED - Finish a level without changing the Vehicle addons during one Single Player session.
LUMBERJACK - Knock down 100 small trees.
MECHANIC - Repair other player truck for 1,000 points.
MY ONLY LOVE - Finish a level with each Vehicle travelling less than 20 meters in Single Player mode.
NIGHT OPS - Pick and pack logs from your capsized truck during the night.
OLD STILL GOOD - Complete particular objective by using Type B-130 only.
PLAINS - Finish the Plains level in Hardcore mode.
PLAINS COOP - Finish the Plains level in Multiplayer with at least 2 players.
PLAINS SETTLER - Unlock all of the Garages on the Plains level.
PLUMBER - Visit 8 toilets on the Hill level in one game session.
RED STAR - Collect the 'Finish' achievements for each levels.
RESCUE MISSION - More than 150 meters from a Garage, tow a fully damaged Type C truck to another Garage with the Type E-7310 truck.
RISE OF MACHINES - Completely damage a brand new Type A-469 with a Type E-7310.
RIVER - Finish the River level in Hardcore mode.
RIVER COOP - Finish the River level in Multiplayer with at least 2 players.
RIVER SETTLER - Unlock all of the Garages on the River level.
SCAVENGER - Deliver 20 load points with Logs found outside a Lumber location.
SISYPHUS - Drive a Type C vehicle with the Parking Brake engaged for 300 meters and Diff Lock disengaged.
SIZE DOES MATTER - Complete a particular objective by delivering 'Long Logs' only.
SIZE DOESNT MATTER - Complete a particular objective by delivering 'Short Logs' only.
STUDENT DRIVER - Receive 500 or more damage points from a single impact.
THE DRIVER - Travel 100 kilometers.
THE ROLL OVER - Roll a vehicle onto its roof.
UNSTOPPABLE - Load 'Medium Logs' onto the Type C-4320 truck and drive to an Objective location without releasing accelerator.
VOLCANO - Finish Volcano level in Hardcore mode.
VOLCANO COOP - Finish Volcano level in Multiplayer with at least 2 players.
VOLCANO SETTLER - Unlock all of the Garages on the Volcano level.
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