Spider-Man 2 Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Spider-Man 2 Cheats
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Dec. 03, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Change health
This cheat requires editing of a saved game, so either start a new game and reach a save point or use an old savegame:

1. Backup the files: gamestat.ini and game#.ini (where # is the number of the saved game from 0-9) from the \Spider-Man 2\System directory (eg: game0.ini)

2. Edit both files with Notepad (or equivalent)

3a. In \Spider-Man 2\Systemgamestat.ini change the line:

MaxHealth=100 // 200 is upgraded value


MaxHealth=1000 // 2000 is upgraded value

and save the file.

3b. In \Spider-Man 2\Systemgame#.ini change the value:



Health=1000 MaxHealth=1000

This will give you 1000 hit points (use higher values if necessary). You can edit your current health at any time by reaching a save point and changing the line Health=### in the game#.ini to it's max value again. Thankfully, this doesn't effect enemy forces.
Crawl on wall faster
Get on a wall and begin crawling and jumping at the same time. You will climb up the wall faster. This is useful when you face Puma.

Free ride
To get around the city quickly, get on top of a vehicle and enjoy the ride.

Travel faster
Because you cannot swing freely without the Spidey targets, you can zip. First, zip as far from the building as possible then quickly turn to another building before you reach the first one. Keep doing this so you can travel faster.

Liberty Island
I bet a lot of you wonder how to get to the Statue of Liberty. All you have to do is hitch a ride on a helicopter. If you land in the water close enough to Ellis Island you climb out of the water onto it. Note: If you want to check to make sure you got it, move the right analog stick so that you are looking straight up.

How to defeat Rhino
If you need some health, zip around the inside of the prison collecting health crosses; then, exit the prison to initiate the first fight with Rhino. Double-jump to avoid his shockwave -- start your double-jump at the same time Rhino jumps. Then quickly close and beat on him until the green circles that indicate he's stunned wear off. Rinse-and-repeat until Rhino runs off down the street and is captured in a containment field. Swing around the corner and drop down inside the containment field with Rhino. (Get health crosses from the surrounding area first, if you need them.) Wait for him to start his charge and then jump or double-jump out of his way. The best way to handle this is to wait until he snorts and then double-jump straight up. When you land, close in and beat on him a few times. Rinse-and-repeat until Rhino breaks the containment field, runs down the street and starts some fires at a gas station before being spirited away by Doc Ock.
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