Silent Hill 4: The Room Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Silent Hill 4: The Room Cheats
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Jul. 16, 2008
Mar. 19, 2008
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 4 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Brand New Fear mode
Successfully complete the game under any difficulty. Save the game after the credits complete to unlock the "Brand New Fear" option.

One Weapon mode
Successfully complete the game with a rank of 10 big stars.

Start a game in "Brand New Fear" mode. After entering the Forest World for the first time go to Jasper's car. Search near by for a cut tree trunk. Look next to it to find the chainsaw.

Submachine gun
Successfully complete the game with a rank of at least 9 big stars. Start a game in "Brand New Fear" mode and look in Room 202 in the Apartment World to find a submachine gun for Eileen.

Alternate Eileen costume
Start a game in "Brand New Fear" mode. Continue until the "Outside of Room 302" part of the game. Enter Room 303 and search it for Eileen's nurse costume. Collect it and complete the game. When you start a new game, you can now have Eileen dressed as a nurse.

Alternate Cynthia costume
Unlock all four endings and Eileen's alternate costume on a single game save. Start a new game and select Eileen's nurse costume. Cynthia will wear her alternate costume.

Call restaurant
When you look out your window, you can see the phone number of a restaurant. You can use the phone to call that number for fun.

Radio clues
Notice the suspicious radio in Henry's living room. At certain parts throughout the game, you will be able to listen to certain broadcasts. Listen to them carefully as they will be part of the story and clue you into what is going on. After you finish the subway, take out the chocolate milk and keep it in your inventory; then save and restart. When you reload, look through the front door peephole then go to the radio for a broadcast from Washington. They will talk about a 3 year old boy.
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