Risen 2: Dark Waters Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Risen 2: Dark Waters Cheats
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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter "pommes" while playing to unlock test mode. After the map screen flashes, press [~] to bring down the console and enter the following codes:

give_It Gold # - Get # gold.
list - List all commands.
Achievements (Steam)
All-Rounder - Learned each skill once.
Alligator Jack - Killed all alligators on Treasure Isle.
Artefact Hunter - 'Steelbeard's Artefact' completed.
Ghost Pirate - 'The Journey to the Underworld' completed.
Grave Robber - Opened every deadly chest once.
Gunslinger - Learned everything about firearms.
Harpooner - 'The Titan Weapon' completed.
He Really Exists! - 'Find Steelbeard' completed.
Just a little tipple... - Drank first rum.
Kleptomaniac - Picked 100 locks.
Knight in Shining Armour - 'Rescue Patty!' completed.
Legendary Hero - Collected 20 legendary items.
Liberator - 'Free Hawkins' completed.
Bane of the Beasts - Killed 500 monsters.
Beginner - Killed 10 monsters.
Big Game Hunter - Killed 2,000 monsters.
Birdbrain - Used parrot 5 times.
Blademaster - Learned everything about blades.
Bookworm - 'Following Garcia's Trail' completed.
Captain - 'A New Ship' completed.
Cash Cow - Acquired 100,000 gold.
Cheese Knife - 'The Cunning Captain' completed.
Crab Catcher - Killed 10 giant crabs.
Crack Shot - Hit 10 times in one game in the shooting mini-game.
Deep Sea Fisherman - Killed 50 sea monsters.
Detective - 'Garcia's Masquerade Uncovered' completed.
Digger - Dug up 50 treasures.
Drunkard - Won drinking duel mini-game 10 times.
Exterminator - Killed all gargoyles and gave their eggs to Eldric.
Friend of the Gnomes - 'The Gnome Eater' completed.
Pirate - 'Become a Pirate' completed.
Pirate with Muskets - 'Four Muskets against Crow' completed.
Protector - Won duel against Severin.
Provisions Master - 'Ship's Equipment' completed.
Robinson Crusoe - 'The Marooned Sailor' completed.
Long John Silver - Set course for Treasure Isle for the first time.
Lord of the Tentacle - 'Defeat the Kraken' completed.
Made of Money - Acquired 300,000 gold.
Monkey Dance - Used monkey 20 times.
Mr Industrious - Completed 250 quests.
Necromancer - 'The Split Soul' completed.
Pet Cemetery - Killed 20 ambient animals.
Rogue - Learned everything about cunning.
Seafarer - Travelled by ship 20 times.
Skinflint - Acquired 1,000 gold.
Storyteller - Collected 10 legendary items.
Templar - 'The Air Temple' completed.
The Curse Is Broken! - 'Kill Mara' completed.
The Hand of God - 'The Greedy Captain' completed.
The Right Hand - 'Chaka Datu's Legacy' completed.
Tough Bastard - Learned everything about toughness.
Tour Guide - At least 5 crew members on the ship.
Treasure Hunter - Found first treasure in the game.
Tub Captain - 'Build a Raft' completed.
Voodoo Pirate - 'The Ancestors' Blessing' completed.
Voodoo Wizard - Learned everything about voodoo.
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