Rise of Nations Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Rise of Nations Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 4 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
To activate Rise of Nations cheats, hit [Enter] and then type.

cheat pause [1|0] - Pause game
cheat sandbox - Sets all players to human and the map to reveal all
cheat ai [on|off|debug] - Set AI behaviour
cheat safe - Safe creates lots of machine guns around every human capital
cheat diff [?:0-5] - Sets difficulty
cheat achieve - Display Achievements
cheat ally (ally[who]) - Force alliance with nation
cheat peace (peace[who]) - Force peace with nation
cheat war (war[who]) - Force war with nation
cheat meet (meet[who]) - Force encounter with nation
cheat unmeet (unmeet[who]) - Force encounter-off with nation
cheat human (human[who]) - Turn off computer control
cheat computer (computer[who]) - Turn on computer control
cheat defeat (defeat[who]) - Defeat nation
cheat victory (victory[who]) - Victory for nation
cheat tech (tech[who][tech|all][(on|off)]) - Show or change technology
cheat resource (resource[who][goodtype|all][+|-][amount]) - Resource cheating
cheat age (age[age][who]) - Show or change age for nation
cheat military (military[level][who]) - Show or change military level for nation
cheat civic (civic[level][who]) - Show or change civic level for nation
cheat commerce (commerce[level][who]) - Show or change commerce level for nation
cheat science (science[level][who]) - Show or change science level for nation
cheat library (library[level][who]) - Show or change all library tech levels for nation
cheat bbox (1|0) - Toggle bounding box mode
cheat ranges (1|0) - Show combat ranges
cheat die (die[o[,who]|select]) - Kill object or all selected
cheat damage (damage(o[,who]|select)[+|-]damage ) - Adjust damage to object or all selected
cheat insert (insert[#]typename[who=RED][x,y]) - Insert unit or building at mouse loc
cheat add (add[#]typename[who=RED][x,y]) - Insert unit or building at mouse loc
cheat finish (finish) - Finishes selected building(s) or next item in queue
cheat bird - Drop a Wild Bird at Mouse
cheat nuke - Drop a Nuke at mouse position
cheat pack - Packs the currently selected unit(s), if they are packing units
cheat deploy - Deploys the currently selected unit(s), if they are deploying units
cheat reveal (reveal[1|0]) - Toggle reveal map
cheat explore (explore[normal|explored|all]) - Change game explore config
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Increase population limit
Use a text editor to edit the "rules.xml" file in the "data" directory in the game directory. Search for the "<POP_CAP" line. From here, you can edit the desired population limit entries in quotation marks. Also, search for and edit the "<MAX_POP_LIMIT" value and type in the same number used in the entry for the pop cap field. Then, search for the "poplimits" entry. Edit each category to the desired population cap. Then, type in the desired population limits in the data brackets under each category.

For example, the end result would be:

<POP_CAP entry0=''2500'' entry1=''5000'' entry2=''7500'' entry3=''10000'' entry4=''12500'' entry5=''15000'' entry6=''17500'' entry7=''90000 pop cap''/>


<MAX_POP_LIMIT value=''90000 pop cap''/>


<CATEGORIES id=''poplimits'' title=''Population:''>
<CATEGORY name=''5000''>
<DATA>5000 </DATA>
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