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Downloadable Resident Evil 4 Cheats
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Oct. 13, 2009
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Mar. 14, 2007
Feb. 25, 2007
Feb. 16, 2007

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Completion bonuses
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Separate Ways and Mercenaries-mini-games; the Professional difficulty setting; the Leon's Raccoon City Police Department costume, Ashley's pop star costume, and Ada's black costume; the Mathilda handgun and Infinite Rocket Launcher for purchase (for 1 million Pesetas), and the Tactical Vest (for 60,000 Pesetas); and an alternate title screen.

Successfully complete the Separate Ways mini-game to unlock Ashley's knight costume and Leon's gangster costume. Ashley's suit of armor is bullet and damage proof. She cannot get hurt by anything and it is so heavy she cannot be carried away. You do not have to worry about giving her First Aid Sprays, Herbs, or shooting Ganados trying to pick her up.

Alternate ending sequence
Successfully complete Assignment Ada and watch the credits. They will be in gray scale. However, if you select "Yes" when asked "Watch the ending movie again?", it will be replayed in color in a smaller frame. If you watch it once more when prompted, it will play is full wide screen color. They will alternate each time you choose to replay the credits.

Mercenaries mini-game: Bonus characters
Achieve a four star rank in the following areas to unlock the corresponding character in the Mercenaries mini-game.

Ada Wong: Pueblo
Albert Wesker: Waterworld
Hunk: Island Commando Base
Jack Krauser: Castle

Note: To unlock Albert Wesker easily, play as Krauser. All your arrows will kill the Ganados soldiers in one hit. Also, use your mutated arm on the dual wielding chainsaw men for a one hit kill.

Mercenaries mini-game: Items and ammunition
Leon Kennedy
Handgun Ammo x30
Shotgun Shell x10
First Aid Spray x1

Ada Wong
Handgun Ammo x30
TMP Ammo x100
Rifle Ammo x5
Scope (semi-auto rifle) x1
Incendiary Grenade x3
First Aid Spray x1

Jack Kauser
Arrows x30
Flash Grenade x3
First Aid Spray x1

TMP Ammo x50
Hand Grenade x3
First Aid Spray x1

Albert Wesker
Hand Grenade x4
Flash Grenade x3
Incendiary Grenade x1
Silencer (Handgun) x1
First Aid Spray x1

Game trailers
Remain idle at the title screen. Eventually two trailers will begin playing and begin to cycle.

Chicago Typewriter
Complete the Separate Ways mini-game to unlock the Chicago Typewriter (Tommy gun with unlimited ammunition) for purchase for one million Pesetas.

To unlock the Chicago Typewriter for Separate Ways mini game, first complete the Separate Ways mini game. Save the cleared file for the Separate Ways mini-game, then complete Assignment Ada. The next time you play the Separate Ways mini-game load the cleared saved game file for it, the Chicago Typewriter will be available for purchase for 300,000 Pesetas.

This gun has 10.0 Firepower and a TMP-like firing rate. It can be used to kill Veldugo without freezing him very quickly, and will dispatch Ganados and Los Illuminados almost instantly. This gun also has unlimited ammunition.

When you complete the original game, you will have the option to start a new game with all of your items from the end of your first session. However, you will also unlock Assignment Ada. Complete Assignment Ada to unlock the Chicago Typewriter in story mode with Leon. Instead of getting the Infinite Launcher or the Matilda, save as much money as possible, and sell all your ammo and weapons except for the rifle. Only do this when You should have at least 1,000,000 Pesetas and can purchase the Chicago Typewriter. This weapon has maximum firepower, an extremely fast firing rate, and unlimited ammunition.

Get a five star rank with all mercenaries to unlock the Handcannon weapon. To get unlimited ammunition for it, fully upgrade all of the Handcannon's options.

Successfully complete the game two times. The Handcannon will be available as soon as you start the game again for 0 Pesetas. It is a very powerful magnum, and will have unlimited ammunition. When you go to upgrade it in the merchant window, in the "Handcannon" update screen there is an option labeled "Exclusive". When chosen, the gun is upgraded with power identical to the Chicago Typewriter.

Handcannon spread
If you are observant, you can actually see that the Handcannon fires in spreads of four bullets. The best place to see this is to take the Handcannon and go to the lake where you face the Del Lago Boss. Take out the Handcannon and fire into the water from the high cliff on the left. When the bullets hit the water, you will see four splashes. This indicates that the Handcannon fires in four bullet spreads, almost like a shotgun.

P.R.L. 412
Successfully complete the game in Professional mode. The merchant will give you a PRL 412 laser cannon when you start round 2 of Professional mode.

Although the P.R.L. 412 laser cannon takes up 21 boxes (3x7) of inventory, it will kill any Boss in parasite form in one hit, even Saddler. It has two forms of firing The first is to tap [X] to make a flash of the laser-light, which slightly damages and blinds Ganados. The second is to hold [X] to charge it up. When the red dot lights up on the gun, you can shoot a laser that will go through an unlimited number of people, instantly killing them. Usually, using the flash function on Ganados will blind them for about twenty seconds. If the parasite is sticking out of their head, the flash will kill all in one hit within range. As the description of the gun says, it is specifically made for harming parasites, not humans. If they are within range, Chief Mendez, Verdugo, Krauser, the U3 experiment, and Saddler will all die in one flash without having to reveal their weak spot or freeze them, even in Professional mode. Note: This will not kill an El Gigante in one hit, but using the fully charged laser on him will reveal his weak spot. You can then use the flash to kill the parasite. Also, will not kill Salazar, as he is too far away to use the flash function, but he will die from a charged laser.

If you destroy all blue targets in the beginning you can get a free Punisher from the Merchant 2 guns before you can buy it. This pistol hits two targets when you get it, and five when you get exclusive. This makes it work well for crowd control.

Riot Gun one shot kills
To do this, you must fill the entire Firepower, Firing Speed, Reload Speed and Capacity of the weapon. When you shoot a Ganado or a Los Luminados, one shot will kill them. Note: The same happens with the Chicago Typewriter.

Killing birds
Toss a flash grenade in the center of a group of birds. All of them will die instantly, leaving lots of Pesetas. This also works with the Granadas when their heads are transformed.

Defeating Bosses
To defeat Chief Mendez, Verdugo, Krauser, the U3 experiment ("It"), and Saddler, all in one second, immediately at the start of the battle take out the PRL 412 laser cannon. Use the laser-light flash and they will die instantly, without having to reveal their weak spot or freezing them, even under the professional difficulty setting. Note: You cannot kill a Gigante until its parasite is showing. If you read the description of the gun, it says that it is made to harm just parasites. However, a charged blast of the PRL 412 is just as strong as a rocket; use that on a Gigante, then stand close to it and use the flash. You also cannot kill Salazar with this strategy because he is too far away for the flash, but not for the charged blast. Because of his spine, Chief Mendez can be defeated in only three seconds with this strategy.

The easiest way to kill Bosses is buying a rocket launcher. For example, shoot the first golem thing with a shotgun or any other weapon that can weaken it. When it bends over and the parasite sticks out of his back, shoot it with your rocket launcher and it will die. It works with every golem. This also works with Salazar and his "right hand" (hooded creature), and the armored enemy that has something like a football helmet.

Buy the Infinite Launcher if you are able to. This is not needed, but it is cheaper overall. Normal launchers will also work. Shoot any of the following Bosses once with a launcher to defeat them: Verdigo (Salazars right hand man), any El Gigante, Dr. Salvador, Bella Sisters, J.J. (mini gun man),Salazar (after shooting the thing in the eye), and the blind enemies with claws. These must be direct hits. Also, the Infinite Launcher helps against Saddler.

Defeating the "Big Cheese"
In the early stages of the game, Leon is captured by the "Big Cheese" (as Luis calls him) and his minions and gets infected by the T-Virus. An intermission sequence then follows, opening in the room where Leon was held after he became captured. He is tied up to Luis. After the two talk for awhile, the "Big Cheese" sends in a villager with an enormous axe. A button command happens and you will kill the villager if performed correctly. Most of your encounters with this enemy involve using simple button commands. However, the final battle between this enemy and Leon involves a T-Virus parasite that comes out of the "Big Cheese". To defeat this Boss easily, you will need two hand grenades and two or more incendiary grenades. When the battle starts and the "Big Cheese" is still ground-bound, use up both of your hand grenades. This will be faster than shooting the Boss with any other projectile-based weapon. Then, quickly throw another hand grenade at him as he is recovering from the first one. After shooting the Boss at strategic moments, an intermission sequence will start, involving the "Big Cheese" having his legs blown off. He will cling to the rafters in the Boss-fight-arena. Take out your incendiary grenades. Make sure that the Boss is on the lowest level of rafters possible. Then, climb up the ladder that leads to the second story of the arena. As you run around dodging the "Big Cheese's" blows, throw an incendiary grenade at him as he is swinging those massive tentacles located on his back. The grenade will hit him and he will lose his grip on the rafters and fall to the ground. Now, just as the first step using hand grenades, quickly throw another incendiary grenade at him as he is recoiling. The next intermission sequence will explain that you have defeated him, and you will receive the "False Eyeball" item. .

After the "Big Cheese" Boss' body has been torn in two and he is swinging from the rafters after you, just shoot him at close range with the shotgun as he is in the process of moving and has only one arm attached to the beam. He will fall every time. However if you hit him while he is hanging with both arms attached, it will not work.

When he morphs into the parasite, use a rocket launcher to shoot the Big Cheese. He will then split in two. Climb the ladder and take out your shotgun. When he is close, just shoot him a few times.

Use the following trick to defeat the Big Cheese when you actually fight him in the warehouse, where he twists the handles up and Leon knocks over the gas tank (assuming you did the dodge button command correctly) then shoots the gas and says "Hasta Luego". If you have completed the game at least once, or have the TMP exclusive before you get to him, make sure you have at least 150 bullets, or a full clip (250 rounds). As soon as the battle starts, just unload on his first form until it snaps. When he is in his spider-like form and starts swinging through the rafters, just shoot him with the TMP repeatedly before he even swings once. He will then drop to the ground and try to crawl away and hide. Just unload on him once more and he will die. You will see an intermission sequence where he coughs up blood and loses the false eye which you need to open the door next to the lift you took to get to the Big Cheese. Go to that door and stick the eye in front of the retinal scanner and you are through. When you get through, look ahead and there will be four torches. Either use a rifle to shoot them down; or set Ashley to wait then take about 20 paces forward and it will show a truck starting up. It will then drive down to you, and run over the four men. Then, take out your rifle and shoot him anywhere. Then have Ashley follow, because the truck will crash and about seven or eight enemies will come out and attack you. Kill them for ammunition and money or just run to the castle and watch the intermission sequence.

At the start of the fight when the "Big Cheese" is still on his feet, go up the ladder and get all of the items, or wait until the end of the fight. If you chose to get the items before the end of the fight, the battle will be slightly harder unless you have the rifle with scope. If you do not have it, you must go down the ladder and destroy the "Big Cheese's" first form from the opposite area. If you do not choose to go up the ladder, just stand your ground and move if needed. Try using the shotgun in the first part of the fight. After the "Big Cheese" splits in half, go into the bottom right corner of the bottom level as far as possible. If done correctly, the "Big Cheese" will not be able to attack you. After you are positioned correctly, attack him with your shotgun and TMP. Note: During the first part of the battle, destroy all of the gasoline tanks with your handgun to inflict extra damage on the "Big Cheese" to end the battle faster and to conserve ammunition.

Defeating Chief Mendez
When you fight Mendez in the barn, use grenades to stun him, then fire the shotgun or TMP to break his spine and change him into his second form. When he is in this form he will hang from the ceiling and attack you. Use the ladder to go to the second floor then run to the right side of the catwalk, on the side where you find the Red Herb. Move as far to the end of the catwalk as you can without using the other ladder to go down. When Mendez attacks, hit him when he has only one arm holding himself up, so that he falls. If done correctly, do not move. When he jumps back up on the ceiling he will be unable to hit you at all from his position. Then, shoot him until he dies. You will not take any damage. If you shoot him off again, simply let him return to the same place and he will still be unable to hit you.

Avoiding Del Lago
When Del Lago goes underwater and comes at you, turn the boat as far to the right as possible. You will always avoid a hit.

Defeating Del Lago (the lake monster)
When you start, he is towing you and heading toward the pieces of land in the middle. Steer to avoid them and harpoon him as soon as you can afterwards (before it lets go). Next, aim a harpoon and throw it at any sign of movement so that you will not be knocked off the boat. After awhile it will go away, then charge at the boat.Throw as many harpoons at it as possible before it reaches the boat. If you get knocked out, press [X] until you get back in. Repeat this process until the intermission sequence starts and the monster retreats.

Defeating Dr. Salvador
When facting Dr. Salvador (the chainsaw man with a burlap bag on his head), do not let him get very close or he will decapitate you. About fifteen shotgun shell to the face are required to kill him.

Avoid fighting El Gigante
Use the following trick to avoid fighting El Gigante when he is encountered the second time. After you survive the raid, you must choose a path to open; left or right. Open the right gate and it will take you to El Gigante. Use the shotgun and make the boulder drop down on his head when he arrives. Then, turn around and kick the door six times to knock the chains off it. If you are still standing outside the door when you see Gigante approach you from behind, do not panic; just get out of there quickly. He does not attack for a few seconds after he comes up behind you. The knife or a gunshot may help destroy the chains quicker, but kicking works. Go through another door in the same fashion and somewhere along the way you should find a key. It may be in one of the last huts you see toward the center. If you are quick enough, you can escape El Gigante and make it through the door alive with Ashley.

Use the following trick to avoid fighting El Gigante with Ashley. After the cabin raid with Ashley and Luis, you will be given a choice of two large doors. The left door will lead to the Chainsaw Sisters fight, which is very difficult. The right door will lead to a second El Gigante. Make sure that you have a rifle with a scope before entering. If necessary, purchase it from the merchant nearby. Immediately after you enter the right passage and appear on the other side, equip you rifle and shoot the chains off of the wooden door across from you from a distance. Then, equip a shotgun or a pistol. Walk forward and you will see the intermission sequence of El Gigante appearing. Ashley will point out a large boulder above your head. Shoot it, then run to the door with the chains that you shot off. Kick it down and run to the second cabin that you see. Note: Make sure that you are holding [Square] to run; timing is very important. In the second cabin, quickly get the key on the floor immediately as you enter the doorway. Then, run to the next door and shoot off those chains (a shotgun works best). Run to the final door and use the Old Key that you found in the cabin. If you done fast enough, you should escape El Gigante by a few seconds.

Defeating El Gigante
Either weapon works; feel free to experiment. When the battle starts, check out the shacks and get all of the items that you can. When he gets close, run between his legs, get behind him, then open fire. When he is approaching you, use the shotgun and keep shooting him in the head while avoiding his attacks. When he roars and starts moving around, something will pop out of his back. Before it kneels on the ground, get in close until the action command that reads "Climb" appears. Use it to get on his back. The screen will indicate which button to use to slash. Press that button as fast as possible until you get off. Repeat the process one to three more times to defeat him.

When facing the El Gigante, buy a rocket launcher It will kill him in one hit instead of wasting your other ammunition.

You will have to fight four El Gigantes (the big monster that breaks through the door and picks up and crushes Leon). You will fight one by yourself, one with the girl, and two at the same time by yourself. The quickest way to kill them is to buy a rocket launcher immediately before the fight so that you do not take waste space in you inventory. Throw a flash grenade to stun him, then run around behind and shoot him in the back. You will kill him in one hit. The same can also be done on most of the Bosses. If this does not kill them, it will do a lot of damage.

To win easily against the two El Gigantes in Chapter 4-2, go up the ladder and go down the rope on the other side of the room to activate the mechanism. It will open the circle in the middle of the room and take an El Gigante into the lava. Do not try it a second time; the mechanism will not work again. Just use the rocket launcher to finish the remaining El Gigante.

To defeat the first El Gigante, avoid him for about a minute or two so that the dog that you saved earlier can help you. When the dog arrives, he will distract El Gigante. Take this opportunity to get the ammunition inside the cabins. Once you get everything in the cabins, shoot all of your shogun or TMP rounds at the El Gigante. Once you have shot all of it, switch to the weapon that you did not use, then shoot him until the virus in the back comes out. Then, shoot with all of your remaining ammunition. Note: It is recommended that you shoot El Gigante with the TMP first, then with the shotgun. The shotgun rounds do more damage.

Near the beginning on the right side of the road is a dog/wolf in a bear trap. Save him. After doing so, he will run off into the woods. Later during you fight with El Gigante, it will show up and help as a distraction. It will take his attention off of you so that you can collect items. If you fire, he will go back after you, but will later still go back to trying to attack the dog/wolf.

Defeating Garrador
When you fight Garrador (the person in the prison), leave Ashley upstairs. Go downstairs and shoot the bell. Then, take out the mine thrower and shoot the parasite on his back. The explosion will kill him instantly. Then, call Ashley, pull the lever, and go upstairs.

Defeating Gothic Illuminados
When you are in the castle and you fire at the Gothic Illuminados, it is best to fire at their knees. They will fall on them and allow you to use a suplex move instead of a kick. You will then throw them over your head and smash their head in the ground. Note: In mercenary mode, the same goes for the rest of the mercenaries.

Defeating J.J. (mini gun man)
An easier way to kill J.J is to first hit him in the head with a weaker gun. When he is holding his head, attack him with a more powerful weapon. If he recovers quickly, just use the same strategy. This also works on the military base during the Mercenaries mini-game.

Defeating Los Illuminados
Instead of firing at Los Illuminados when there parasite is exposed, use a flash grenade to destroy the parasite instead of using your weapon.

Defeating Krauser
To easily defeat Krauser's final form, when his arm is mutated just use your knife whenever his guard is down. It is possible to defeat him in a little over a minute under the pro difficulty setting by using this technique.

When fighting Krauser, instead of wasting ammunition, use your knife. You should only have to hit him four or five times before he dies.

Get the mine gun and the rocket launcher first. During his final form, shoot him in the knee with a mine. Immediately take out the rocket launcher and aim. Once the mine explodes, shoot him with the rocket launcher and he will die.

When fighting Krauser and he uses his blade arm, use a strong gun to hit his legs. When he is down, slash him with your knife. Do this four times and he will die.

This trick requires the Stryker with a couple of power and capacity upgrades. Keep shooting him with the Stryker until his arm transforms. When he uses his arm as a shield, shoot his legs. then open fire on his back. Keep doing this until he dies.

You actually only need the knife at first. When the fight starts, he will be aiming at you with either his custom TMP or his bow. Just run away to a small tower-like structure. Krauser will follow you. When he gets close, slash him with the knife. He should flinch, back off, toss a flash grenade, and escape. It might require more than one slash, but usually, even under the pro difficulty setting it takes only one to make him back off every time. When his arm finally transforms, try dodging his attacks and waiting for an opening. Then blast him with a powerful gun when his arm is not in the way. Note: He may not take damage when he is on one knee.

Use the following trick to defeat Krauser with Ada. Work your way up to the last part of the gamem where you reach the long bridge-looking area. Slowly walk up, and as soon as you see the three barrels stop and shoot them with anything other than your rifle. Walk a little further up and watch the intermission sequence as Krauser jumps down and starts chasing you. Then, if you want the items, run as fast as you can, pick them up, then run to the edge of the bridge. Turn around, and shoot Krauser in his head with your rifle. (or any part of his body that is not covered by his wing). This should keep him from slashing you with his wing-like arm. After this, stay backed up into the edge and, even though he is close, continue to shoot him with your rifle. This may take some practice, but you can still use your button commands while scoping. Since you do not have a knife, this is probably the most effective way to kill him. He will go down with about five or six shots to the head.

When Krauser's arm transforms and he attacks, get the action command correct and you both should be on the wooden balcony. When this happens, he will do his back flip. When he does, get off the balcony so that only he is on it. Then when he comes toward, take out your pistol and shoot him in the leg until he falls to one knee . Note: This was done with the exclusive Blacktail. While he is on one knee, pop him in the face once. Eventually he will fall and die.

Use the following trick to defeat Krauser in pro mode. Before you even meet Krauser, make sure to buy the following items: a powerful Broken Butterfly, powerful Mine Thrower, rocket launcher, and several first aid sprays. Buying all these items may require selling guns but it is worth it. When you first meet Krauser, shoot him a few times until he runs away. Use your Broken Butterfly and sniper rifle to get rid of him and you will eventually make your way to the top of the tower to face Krauser for the final time. You only have about three minutes to defeat him. When you are fighting him, take out your Broken Butterfly and shoot him when you have the chance. When you shoot him, he goes down on one knee for about a second. This is a crucial time. As you shoot him with your Broken Butterfly go to your menu and switch to a Mine Thrower. Exit the menu and shoot Krauser with the Mine Thrower will he is still on his knee. This may require a few attempts because you must be close to get the mine on him. Make sure the mine is on his body, and not his arm. It only does damage on his body. Once the mine is on his body you will hear it beeping. Run away from Krauser and get some distance between him and yourself. Once the beeping gets faster and the mine is ready to explode, go to your menu and take out your rocket launcher. Immediately take aim. The mine will explode, sending Krauser to his knee. Shoot Kruaser in his chest with the rocket launcher. If the shot was good, Krauser will die. This may require a few attempts because the mine sometimes does not send Krauser to his knee. Make sure you have the Mine Thrower updated so that it is powerful enough to send him to his knee. Also, if Krauser is on his knee and you try to pull out the rocket launcher, it is too late. Aiming with the rocket takes too long and Krauser will be up again.

Avoiding close combat with Krauser
At the beginning of the second encounter with Krauser, you will be forced into one area due to a gate which is on a time lock. Because of this, you are forced to deal with Krauser until the gate opens. To avoid wasting ammunition or Herbs, climb up the ladder and jump down once Krauser comes up after you. He will jump down again to get at you, which is your cue to simply climb back up the ladder. You can continue this charade until the gate opens, and Krauser will never be able to attack you. Although this is much less exciting than actually fighting Krauser, and far more ridiculous, it is more effective than wasting ammunition on an opponent you cannot kill while risking loss of health.

When Krauser is in his normal form, he will try to slash you with his knife. Sometimes, dodge commands will appear. Press the correct buttons to dodge him. When the dodge commands do not appear, simply walk backwards. Do not turn around and run, as you will have already been hit while trying to turn around.

Defeating enemies on bridges
When on a bridge with open areas, take out a weak gun. One shot will make them fall off the bridge. However, you will not get any items from them.

Defeating Saddler
Look at his legs. If you see an eyeball, shoot it until ypu can see the eyeball in his mouth. Get near it and press [Action]. Do this about three times, then go across the bridge and get the rocket launcher. Shoot it at him. Then, go down, get the girl, and ride the jet ski.

Note: This trick requires a strong weapon such as the Chicago Typewriter or the Broken Butterfly if you have not completed the game yet. When the fight starts, shoot his lesser eyes on his leg. When he collapses, shoot the eye in his mouth to inflict damage greater than the knife. This strategy is very useful in pro mode, where about ten stabs will get Ada to throw the special launcher. However, it requires three exclusive Handcannon shots to get Ada to throw the special launcher. After that, two more shots will kill him.

You will need a lot of recovery items (buy them from the merchant before the battle), the Striker Shot gun, the Killer 7 magnum, and the Combat Vest. When you start the battle, Sadler's parasite will appear. Quickly run over the falling bridge and go to the side. Go up the ladder and pull the switch when he gets close. Run back across and do the same thing. Then, take out his four eyes with the shotgun (recommended) or any other weapon. Land hits with the magnum on his large eye. After you take out the eyes on his legs, Ada will throw you the Rocket Launcher special. Use it on Sadler's giant eye to finish the job. After the battle, collect the 10,000 Pesatas and run for the jetski.

Buy two unlimited rocket launchers and shoot him once then in the eye ball. If you want to make the fight more difficult, use only a handgun and knife. At the beginning of the fight, run away from him until the eyeballs in his legs appear. When this happens, go near and climb him. Then, quickly run towards the little stage at the end of the platform and climb the ladder. Be careful because Saddler throws steel pipes quickly. When Saddler gets near the small platform, activate the wrecking machine and the pipes will hit him. Then, go down and climb him. Run away from him to the main platform and wait until he comes near the red barrel. Shoot the barrel and it will explode, allowing you to climb him. Shoot an eyeball from his legs and climb him again. Then, go to the other platform and wait until he jumps over there. When he jumps, run to the platform quickly and activate the machine. Climb him again and stab. There will now be a barrel. Wait until Saddler is next to it. Shoot it, then climb the back. When you shoot an eyeball in his leg and climb him the eight or ninth time, Ada will come out and give you the special rocket launcher. Shoot Saddler with it and it should kill him. Get the keys and go down the elevator. Note: Do not shoot Saddler with the special rocket launcher at close range. You will either miss or kill him and yourself.

It is possible to defeat Saddler without the Special Rocket Launcher. Buy the mine gun. Shoot it at his torso and he will drop instantly. Then, climb up on him and stab his eye. Run to each level on the platforms to hit him with steel beams. After the mine gun ammunition is expended, shoot him in the eyes on his legs to bring him down. Continue to stab his eye. After you dispose of all his leg eyes, Ada will throw you the rocket launcher. Just bring him down to the ground with any weapon and stab his eye. He will eventually die, and you will have a brand new Special Rocket Launcher that you can sell or use when you start a new game.

To defeat Saddler with very little effort, keep the Broken Butterfly from the Castle stage. Upgrade it to at least level 4 firepower. During the final Boss fight with Saddler, shoot the eyes that appear on his legs until he reveals the eye in his head. Then, shoot him with the magnum. This should kill him in two or three hits. For a one hit kill, upgrade it fully before the fight. Note: In the third stage (the whole island part), the Boss difficulty is determined by the number of guns that you own, the current upgrade status of them, along with the amount of health items and the amount of ammunition you have -- your results may vary.

As soon as you get to the island, start saving your hand grenades. By the time you get to Saddler you should have at least ten. When the fight starts, throw a hand grenade underneath Saddler and walk backwards a little to avoid being grabbed by him. When he is down, climb on top of him and stab him in his main eye. Keep repeating this process and Ada will throw you the rocket launcher. If you are lucky, you will not get any damage from Saddler.

Defeating Salazar
Note: This trick requires the Basic Sniper Rifle fully upgraded with the Exclusive Upgrade. Make a note of the dodge actions at various times during this battle. Start off by running to the side of the platform on the top. Quickly shoot the tentacle in front of you, making sure that you dodge if needed. With the upgraded sniper, shoot the tentacle retracts with one shot. Ignore Salazar's eye and other tentacles. Only focus on the tentacle closest to you. After some point, Salazar himself will emerge from the upper back of the monster. Use your sniper to pick him off. After you get about two shots in, he will go back into hiding. By now that tentacle should have returned. Shoot it once to take care of it for awhile. Repeat the process of shooting Salazar and the tentacle, and the battle will cause Leon to take little damage. If you run out of ammunition for the sniper rifle, either drop down and look for more in the barrels (but be prepared to fight the spider-like parasites or run pass them), or use your Punisher to snipe Salazar and just dodge the tentacle.

When you are in the castle, you may find a rocket launcher in the room where you must make a bridge to get to the other side. Take the rocket launcher but do not use it. Wait for your fight with Salazar to use it to end Chapter 4 easily. Immediately before the Boss battle with Salazar, take the TMP, the rocket launcher, some herbs, and a shotgun (Striker recommended, but the Riot Gun works). When you enter the room, watch Salazar fuse with the monster, then get to work. Use the shotgun or TMP on the tentacle to your left until it goes away. Grab the item that is at the end then fire with the TMP until Salazar appears. Then, equip that rocket launcher and fire for a one hit kill. Get the 30,000 or 50,000 Peseta that he drops. This will pays for the rocket you used, and you will save health for the next chapter. Once the Pesata is collected, go down into the pit and pick up the remaining items. You can then leave and proceed to Chapter 5.

You must have the Broken Butterfly or Killer 7, and the striker or riot shotgun. When you run into the room a sequence will begin. Make sure to have the shotgun (striker or the riot) equipped. Do not use the pump action, as it slightly slow. Once the sequence ends, shoot him in his left eye, which is the yellow one, until another sequence starts, showing the true Salazar. As soon as you have control of Leon, quickly equip the Magnum. Note: They should be upgraded in power and firing speed. Shoot him repeatedly until he dies. It should take around six or more shots, depending on your aim and the Magnum that you use. All this should take no more than thirty seconds to a minute and a half if you do not have the Magnum powered up. If you do not kill him with the first attempt when it opens up, you may have to repeat the process.

Use the following trick to defeat Salazar in under thirty seconds. You need the rocket launcher you find in the gallery and a Broken Butterfly magnum (preferably with two firepower upgrades). As soon as the fight starts, aim at his eye with the Broken Butterfly. When his "shell" thing opens up to show the midget, blast him with the rocket launcher.

Use the following trick to kill Salazar when he combines himself with Verdugo. Go to the left corner of the room. This will make you be immune to any attacks he basically tries to use. When the giant mouth tries to eat you, it will not work. Shoot the tentacle above you and the tentacle on the other side without moving. Red9 is the most recommended gun to take out the tentacles. After they retract, quickly take out your TMP or a rocket launcher and fire at the little blob, which is Salazar. Sit there and shoot. Do not be afraid if the giant mouth reaches for you. It will not kill you because it cannot reach you. Buy a Red9 and upgrade it all the time, along with your TMP (stock for both).

Buy a rocket launcher at the merchant just before you enter the Boss battle. After the intermission sequence (when Salazar transforms), shoot the striker out then shoot the eye of Salazar's transformed left hand until he opens his egg. Then, take out the rocket launcher and shoot Salazar. You will get 50,000 Pesetas.

To defeat Salazar, you need most weapons fully upgraded, like a shotgun, TMP, Punisher, Broken Butterfly or a Killer 7, and mine thrower. At the start of the fight, take out your shotgun and go left to get the herb and shotgun shells. Then, go to the right side of the room to avoid getting eaten when his head spreads out. Make sure you avoid all his attacks. Then, in clean shots get Salazar in the eye. After the fourth clean shot, he should come out from hiding. At this point, take out a mine thrower and shoot him twice until the head recovers. Then, if you have ammunition, shoot the eye ball with another mine dart and let it explode. The head should lower down, allowing you to hit Salazar. Take your TMP and keep shooting him until he recovers. Keep shooting the eye ball with your magnum. Keep doing this with different weapons every time he is defenseless and he should die. Note: If you run out of your main weapon ammunition, use the fully upgraded Punisher. Keep shooting the eye ball and he should die using no more than forty shots with all the damage done.

Get enough money to buy a rocket launcher. Use it on Salazar when he pops out. He should fall in the one shot.

When the battle starts, run to your right then turn right again. You should be given an option to jump down. Do so, then run towards the two barrels. Quickly smash them, then run to the corner of which the left barrel was at. This should be the corner on the right when facing Salazar. This is the only location where Salazar cannot get you, but you can still get him. The speed of this battle depends on the guns you have. The fastest way is to use a rocket launcher. Do not just blast it; you will just waste your rocket. While you are down there, there will be plenty of little scorpion-like things trying to attack you. Keep them at bay with a handgun or shotgun. They should start getting close every ten to fifteen seconds. In between these times, take out your rifle and aim for the green eye on the huge monster's face. When you get a clear shot, take it. Do not forget to take out your handgun or shotgun to kill the little scorpion things every few seconds. Repeat this until you see Salazar come out. At this time, take out your rocket launcher and fire at his head. This should kill him. If you do not have a rocket launcher, simply shoot Salazar's head with the rifle until he dies. This will take much longer and is much harder. You should not have to worry about running out of ammunition. The scorpion things should leave plenty of it.

Make sure you have a mine thrower and a rocket launcher. Upgrade the damage range on the mine thrower at least one level. When the battle begins, hit the big head with the mine thrower. This should make Salazar appear in one hit. Simply shoot him with the rocket launcher to defeat him. If done fast enough, he should not have enough time to attack you.

Defeating Verdugo
To defeat Salazar's right-hand man (Verdugo) quickly, make sure you have a rocket launcher. Then, tip over a freeze canister and shoot him with a rocket to make him explode. You will get a Crown Jewel that fits into a Royal Crown.

Defeating the armored opponents
Try not to get surrounded by them. Make sure they are in a group. Take out whatever rifle you have and shoot them all in the head until the snake thing appears. Wait until they are all like, then throw a flash grenade to kill all of them at once. This works well on all of them, and saves ammunition.

Defeating chainsaw men
When you meet a man with the chainsaw, shoot him with the shotgun and incendiary grenades. You can also just use your handgun, but you will probably get killed. Note: The shotgun is found in the building that is diagonal from the tower.

Shoot the chainsaw man in the head or stomach with a TMP. Make sure you have over 150 rounds of ammunition, as the chainsaw men are strong and fat. They will not die easily with less than 100 TMP rounds.

The first chainsaw man you encounter is in the house after you are almost choked to death. Go down the steps. Before going in the room, turn right and enter the bathroom. Be prepared for one of the monsters. Then, enter the dining room. In one corner of the room is a save point. Use it. Do not shoot your gun. Walk to the oven to your left. Open it and get the egg. Wover to the fireplace and walk by it into the other room. In the tall bookcase is an incendiary grenade. Slash the case with your knife and get the grenade. Now equipped your rifle, walk through the door. Do not kick it. Take two or three steps and zoom in with your scope towards the fence. Look for the chainsaw man. Shoot him between the eyes then run back up the stairs. Turn and equip the incendiary grenade. When he is halfway up the stairs, throw it at him. Run by and get to the door. Run all the way. You can stop to fight but listen carefully for his chain saw revving. If you hear it, run forward and get to the other doors before you lose your head.

Bypass chainsaw man encounters
When you enter the town, kill everyone. When the second wave of people arrives, also kill all of them. You can then go into the house and they will not come out.

During the mine cart section of Chapter 4-2, the mine car will stop and lots of enemies and two chainsaw men will load into the stopped cars. To avoid most of this encounter, be in the front car and immediately shoot the switch. The cars will start moving, and you will have only have about four enemies to kill.

Defeating the chainsaw sisters
Soon after the farmhouse raid (where Louis helps you then mysteriously dismisses himself from Leon and Ashley), you will reach a place where you will find a merchant, a typewriter for saving, and in the distance, a fortress containing two pathways. A lever is needed to open both doors on either the left or right side. Depending on which side you choose, the right door will take you to El Gigante and the left door will take you to a frustrating battle between two mad chainsaw women. This battle can be easy if you use the right tactics. As soon as you rid all the other zombies from getting in your and Ashley's way, hide Ashley in one of the red dumpsters located in the beginning of the path, or on the top of the fortress. You will see a "battle ring" of some sort just below you. Jump down and a brief intermission sequence will show you the two zombie menaces with chainsaws. Instead of staying in the ring waiting to be decapitated, use a flash grenade to stun all the other distracting zombies, including the two chainsaw sisters. If you do not have any grenades of some sort, quickly run to the nearest ladder. While they are stunned, run to the nearest ladder and climb it. Run to the farthest place where there is a lot of space. This tactic also gives you time to reload or prepare for the swarm of zombies coming after you. Shortly afterwards, when the zombie crowd reaches you, throw a grenade at them, or shoot them. When you see the chainsaw sisters, shoot them first, as they are much faster and can do more damage. It takes a lot to kill them, but they do fall to their knees or flat on their back when shot with a rifle or shotgun. You will know if you have killed a chainsaw sister when a colored beam glows from her body. One of the sisters has an item on her, while the other contains a Camp Key. If this technique does not work the first time, keep trying--it is better than being mauled in a ring full of zombies.

Note: This will only work if you have at least 30,000 Pestas. An easier way to defeat the chainsaw sisters is to buy a rocket launcher. Do not use it until you are in the arena-like area. Take out your rocket launcher before you go down the ladder. The chainsaw women will come out, accompanied by some other people and go after you. Aim at the nearest one and shoot her. When you do, Leon will duck down and flame will go everywhere. If done at the correct moment, both of them should be dead. Only two or three people will be remaining. Take them out and continue.

First, stash Ashley. Then, take out any Ganados you see. Climb up the ladder and drop down in the pit. The sisters will eventually make their appearance. As soon as they do, go back to the door that you used to enter. Let them come to you and take them all out. It is recommended that you have the TMP, shotgun, and any kind of grenade (preferably incendiary or flash). Use the shotgun first, then the grenades, then finally the TMP. Aim for their legs to save time.

When you approach the "battle pit" where the chainsaw sisters battle begins, go around and knock down the ladder on the other side of the pit. Go to the other ladder (located on the opposite side of the ladder you knocked down). Jump down besides the ladder. The intermission sequence will start and the battle will begin. Immediately climb back up the ladder and knock it down. Then, just shoot them in the head. Any time you see one trying to set up the ladder, shoot them first. They will stop to pick up the ladder, which gives time to shoot them before they can set it up. This will cause them to drop the ladder. If they set up the ladder in front of you and one is climbing it, shoot them in the face when you see them approaching the top and kick the ladder back down. Regularly check to make sure no villagers are coming from either side of you. By doing this it is possible to defeat the chainsaw sisters without getting touched once, using only the basic handgun. If you use the shotgun or Punisher, the battle can end faster. Also, avoid using the rifle as it takes longer to shoot and can give the villagers too much time to set up and climb the ladders. The key is to make sure that they never get the ladders set back up. Once they are all dead (the chainsaw sisters should be the last two alive), you can hop down, grab all the goods, then set the ladder back up if desired.

In the part where you can choose our path to either El Gigante or the chainsaw sisters, you can go left and fight them. When you first enter and there is a ladder, get the sisters to follow you. Go down the ladder. Once they come down, go up and knock it down. Note: Make sure you have killed everyone else. As they get to the top of the ladder, knock it down. Do this repeatedly and after awhile it will kill them.

Defeating the prison Boss
When inside the castle, an obstacle blocks your path (two fire breathing statues) To shut it off, you must enter the prison (the key is on a painting near the obstacle). When you go into the prison, equip either the TMP or shotgun and tell Ashley to wait atop the stairs. After the intermission sequence showing what the boss looks like, kick down the cell door and get close to the switch to initiate the battle. If you go up the stairs to try to escape, the door will shut. Try walking as much as possible, as he is sensitive to sound. You can use the bells at each end of the prison by shooting at them, but they can only be used once. Stay close to walls so that he gets stuck when he tries to attack you. Do your best to avoid his attacks, as they take much damage and there is only one Green Herb in the area. His only weakness is the spider thing on his back. When he is stuck in a wall, concentrate all of your firepower on the the weak point until he recuperates. After awhile, he will let his guard down and walk around. This is when he is most vulnerable, besides when he is stuck in a wall. Repeat this as many times as needed to kill him. When you put Ashley atop the steps, she is out of harm's way.

Make sure that he is closer to the bell than he is to you. Shoot it with your handgun. If he is closer to you, he hears the gunshot. Then, switch to the rifle and aim just in front of the bell. If you aimed well and timed your shot correctly, you can shoot him in the back before he destroys the bell.

Whenever you first open the gate to the prison, run out to the opposite wall. Turn your back to the wall and remain still. If you do not move, the prison Boss cannot hear you. He will eventually walk around with his claws shortened. When he retracts his claws, wait for him to turn his back to you. Whenever you have a clear shot, shoot the small creature on his back with your most powerful weapon (besides grenades). He should turn and run after you. He will extend his claws and try to stab you. However, because you are up against the wall, you can easily side-step him and he will get his claws stuck in the wall. You must time when you side-step precisely. Whenever he gets his claws stuck in the wall, run to the opposite wall and turn your back to it. Remain still and he will eventually retract his claws again. After that, just keep repeating. It may take as many as five to ten times to kill him. Also, you should use the bells on the walls to your advantage. They can only be used once, but they are a good way to get his back exposed. However, make sure that the Boss is closer to the bells than to you are, as he will hear the gunshot rather than the bell if he is nearby. If you use this method, you should not take any hits or waste much ammunition.

Stand at the opposite wall. Make sure you are directly next to one of the bells. When he turns around, shoot him on the spider on the back as many times as possible. After he recovers he will run towards you and try to kill you. If you move at correct moment, he will get stuck in the wall next to the bell. Shoot him in the back again and wait until he recovers before he charges at you. Shoot the bell. He should get stuck. Shoot him with your Punisher or handgun. Do this three or four times. During the third time you do this, shoot him with a shotgun and he will die. If not, keep doing it again until he is finally defeated.

Avoiding the prison Boss
Use the following trick to avoid the prison Boss the second time. When you go into the room where you get locked in a cage, stay on the sides and move to the left where the furniture is. Then, instead of fighting one person at a time and the prison Boss, you will fight two people at once with no prison Boss.

Defeating the Enemy Regenerator and Iron Maiden
You do not need a special scope to kill them. Buy the Killer 7 Magnum and use it on them. After three or four shots, they will go down. Shoot it in the sheet until there is a hole. Then, shoot its head. After that, the body will explode then the legs will fall over and leave 5,000 gold.

Another way to kill the Regenerator creatures is to shoot their head or chest with the shotgun. Then, blast a leg away. It will fall on the ground. Then, take out an incinerator grenade (the red ones) and let him have it. If done correctly, he will burn on the ground and die.

Defeating dogs
The zombie dogs are brown colored. You will find one in the beginning. The zombie dogs will not attack you until you meet the "Big Cheese", as Leon calls him. The dogs will have parasites sticking out of them after chapter 3. A shotgun will kill them easily. Note: Do not kill the white dog in the trap. It will help you fight the ogre Boss.

You can shoot the white dog in the head and it will be released from its trap and run away. It will still helped in the Gigante fight. Note: A stronger gun might kill it.

Defeating human zombies
If you are low on ammunition, try to avoid these enemies. The zombies have orange eyes. When killed, the parasite in them will come out of their heads. Stay away from it and shoot it from a distance. If you are too close, the parasite will cut your head off.

Defeating evil cult members
When you fighting the evil cult at anytime, shoot their legs and bring them their knees. Leon will do a suplex instead of a kick. It is very effective.

Defeating two men with claws
When battling these two characters in a hall, simply move slowly to the end of the hall. If they hear you and start attacking, run and slow down. You can either go through the door or have some fun and hide behind one and shoot the other. The one you shoot will attack, but since you are behind one you are safe.

Defeating Novistadors
Novistadors are the giant insects that you encounter mostly underground. They can be difficult if left alive for too long. They have a habit of jumping at you, spewing acid all over, and repeating this until you break them off or die. They also bend light around themselves, becoming mostly invisible. You can see them if you look carefully, especially for their glowing eyes. Blast them a few times with the shotgun from close range, or from afar with the semi-auto rifle or regular rifle. If they are airborne, shoot them once with the handgun in the air. They will go down with a single shot, but may also fall into a crevice or gap. If this happens, you will lose all the pickups, pesetas, ammo or the unique eye treasures they hold. Note: If you picked up the Thermal Scope when you completed the game and saved it until the point you encounter Novistadors, you can use the Thermal Scope to see them easier.

If you are able to hit the flying insect enemies in the cave area while they are airborne, they will die in just one hit. Any weapon works, though the shotgun is recommended. This will help conserve your ammunition. If they manage to land, you will use about three to four shogun rounds from a Stock Striker (firepower 6.0).

Defeating villagers
The villagers are very common, and are the weakest of Los Ganados or "the cattle". They go down with a few well placed headshots. Alternately, shoot them once in the head, once in the knee, then go close and kick them. They should go down easily like this under the pro difficulty setting. Otherwise, just headshot and kick, or kneeshot, kick and finish off with the knife. Note: Always finish downed Ganados with the knife to save ammunition, except if you cannot reach them.

Use the following trick to easily pick off villagers during the first visit to the village. When you first get to the village, go inside the building with a red dumpster near the door. After the intermission sequence, go behind the stairs to get a few items. Then, go upstairs. Get the shotgun on the wall and shatter the glass to get a grenade. Look on the bed for shotgun ammunition. Jump out the window that is next to the cabinet. Once you are out, throw down the ladders. Then, go around to the other side of the house. There will be a person here. Dispose of him and stand where he was. Turn around to face the path you used and just shoot the villagers that get near you. If Dr. Salvador appears, just shoot him. If he gets too close, jump off the house.

Defeating villagers with torches
Some villagers have torches. If those villagers come close to you, they can do two things. If they hit you with the torch, shoot their head or take a step back. If they will blow on the torch and try to burn you, shoot at their body and they will burn themselves.

Defeating the village chief
His weak point is his spine. This important body part is best targeted with the shotgun and the TMP. Bitors has a devastating lunge attack that you must dodge. Watch his arms. They will flinch just before he attacks. Keep hitting the spine and eventually he will break in two. Bitors will get up and start swinging around the cross beams. Climb up the ladder and blast the half village chief when he gets too close. Keep shooting him and he will be dead in no time.

Defeating zealots
Zealots are the hooded Ganados in the castle area. They are tough, and take more punishment than your average Ganado. Watch out if the parasite in them pops out of their heads. They have a nasty habit of chomping your head off in a single bite when they get close. Otherwise, use the shotgun at close range and blast off their heads. Alternately, use a handgun and make several headshots, a knee shot, and when he is kneeling go close and suplex him down. Leon will suplex them down instead of kicking. The suplex is more powerful than the kick, but it does not knock down others around you like the kick. There does not seem to be a way to switch between the kneeling kick and the kneeling suplex; the headshot/flash blind attack is always a kick.

Defeating the two hallway Ganados
To defeat them, take out a rocket launcher and fire at the doors in the back of the room. Note: When you enter the area, do not take a single step to avoid arousing the cultist.

Another way out
At the start of the game, before you enter the house, go to the side of it and break the window with your knife. After you kill the villager, run up the stairs, get the ammunition, run back down, and jump through the window you broke earlier to get outside without getting ambushed. Note: If you are noticed immediately for any reason (for example, forgetting to break the glass), you will be cornered and hurt badly.

Cabin: Extra ammunition
When in the cabin with Luis fighting the Ganados coming through the windows, stand by Luis for a few minutes. He will eventually start throwing handgun ammunition to you. He will continue doing this until he tells you to go upstairs.

Cabin: Surviving
When in the cabin with Luis, push one of the bookshelves over one window. This will leave you one you do not need to worry about until it breaks. Wait until the bookshelf that was moved breaks and all the villagers standing there come through. Do not stay and fight. Go halfway up the stairs and kill any that are coming up. Allow Louis do all the fighting downstairs( he has unlimited health ). When your starting to become overwhelmed on the stairs, go all the way up. When Luis gets upstairs, throw an incinerating grenade at the steps only when the swarm of villagers are near the top. This will set a mass of villagers aflame. Some villagers will start coming through the windows. -- knock down the ladders. If you see one approaching the window, shoot him and he will fall to his death. Make sure that you have a shotgun to deal with the villagers that have the viruses in their head. If all goes well and you balance your combat with the ones coming through the windows and those coming upstairs, you will win.

Cabin: Two paths
During the game you will get ambushed by a lot of villagers and be forced to hide in a cabin. Block as many doors and windows as possible, then go by the stairs and equip the shotgun. Zombies will eventually find their way in. Blast away. Do not worry about your partner, as he can take care of himself. If things get too rough, go upstairs and take out the zombies. When things start getting too hot, the zombies will back off. When you exit and pull the lever, you will have a choice to make. The left way takes you to the Chainsaw Sisters. The right way takes you to a giant zombie. When you take the left way you will be in a mine. Hide Ashley in an iron box near by. When you get down to the lower level, the Chainsaw Sisters will appear. Go head back to the entrance and fire at them with the shotgun. When they are dead, pick up the ruby and the Camp Key. If you chose to go to the right, you will encounter a huge zombie. Drop a bolder on him then run and shoot the chains off the door and get the Old Key. Drop another bolder on the zombie to stun him. You cannot stash Ashley on this level. Make sure that she gets first aid. When the parasite appears, slice it off.

Castle: Broken Butterfly
When you are in the area where you are just about see the intermission sequence with Luis dying, there will be a door that lets you know that you will need another person for it. After you get Ashley back, return to this door. Give Ashley a piggyback and she will open the door. Inside will be a lot of treasure, and the powerful Broken Butterfly. You do not have to buy it from the merchant or sell it for money.

Note: The strongest Magnum is not the Killer 7. When you tune up and buy the exclusive option of the Broken Butterfly its power will increase to 50.0, far stronger than the Killer 7's 35.0. You can kill a Boss in four shots.

Castle: Knights
When you are on the board to get the King's grail, you will become trapped in the place with the knights. For the first round of knights, use the shotgun. If you have a Magnum, do not use it yet. The second round comes with feathers on their heads. Use the magnum (Killer 7 recommended). In the room should be a Green Herb and ten shotgun shells. Collect them and the grail.

Castle: Easy money
Look behind every painting of Saddler to find 5,000 Pesetas.

Castle: Flying insect nest
If you are in the castle and have passed the sequence where spikes come down to you, shoot the red lights. After that, you will be in a big room with a giant flying insects nest. A sequence will begin where one flying insect captures Ashley from you. In the middle of the room hangs a big nest of them. Shoot the nest with two magnum bullets. A sequence with the nest will falling down will begin. Pick up the items that sparkle on the ground and sell them for a big price to the merchant.

Cemetery: Eye in the sky
When you reach the cemetery part of the town, kill the two Ganados, then stand in the middle of the cemetery. Look up and "seek" for an eye-like thing. It seems to be reactions of the Illuminado's blood on Leon's body.

Church: Getting the Green Catseye
In Chapter 1-3 in the church, turn right. Go to the small path at the back of the church. You will see a blinking object. Get near it, then press [X] to check. After that, first rotate seven times using option 3, another five times using option 4, then one more time with option 3. You will hear a sound and can now get the Green Catseye.

Church: Unlimited villagers
When you first get to the church, defeat everyone in the area. Then, return to the church and shoot the bell above. Villagers will arrive in a groups of three to six Gonados. You can continue this process as you see fit.

Church: Getting items
After you get the key after being choked by Chief Mendez, gi to the church and kill everyone. You can then shoot the bell above the church. You should hear "There! He is there!" and a group of Gonados should be in the graveyard. This process can be repeated five times or less, but they drop items for your inventory.

Church: Revenge
After you rescue Ashley from the church and the intermission sequence where two Goth Gonados fire upon you, you can go back inside and get revenge.

Church: Ring bell
At the church where you rescue Ashley, you can shoot at the bell outside and it will ring.

Shoot the bell in order for more zombies to come running through the graveyard towards the church.

Farmhouse: Surviving the raid
An intermission sequence will start when you are escorting Ashley across a bridge. A large crowd shows up and you will run into a farmhouse. After the sequence ends and you are inside the house with Lou, push the bookcases in front of the windows and go to the bottom of the staircase. Using the shotgun is recommended, but the pistol works fine. Once they are able to gain entrance to the house, aim high and fire until they are all knocked down. Then, reload and repeat until Lou tells you to head up stairs. When you do this, go over to the windows and knock down the ladders. After that is done, go to the edge of the stairs and kill everyone that is coming up Grenades work the best for this. After they are taken care of, rush back to the windows and knock down the l
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