Quake 2: Ground Zero Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Type the folowing codes in the console.

god - God Mode (on/off)
notarget - No Target Mode (on/off)
noclip - No Clip Mode (on/off)
kill all - Kill All (including yourself)
sv_gravity - Set gravity (800 normal, 0-750 is less, 850 or higher is more)
cl_blend 0 - Blend into walls (1 to disable)
cl_footsteps 0 - Silent footsteps (1 to enable again)
cl_entities - Removes all except walls (for you only)
cl_forwardspeed # - Set running speed from 100-500 (200 normal, run 300)
cl_gun 0 - Gun view off (1 to enable again)
give all - Give all items
give weapons - Give all weapons
give [item] - Give an item (see item list below)
map [mapname] - Level Select (see map names list below)

Weapons and items: ChainFist, ETF Rifle, Plasma Beam, Prox Launcher, Tesla, Double Damage, Hunter Sphere, Defender Sphere, Vengeance Sphere, A-M Bomb, IR Goggles, Doppleganger, Flechettes (ETF Rifle ammunition), Prox (Prox Launcher ammunition).

Single player maps: Lower Mines - RMINE1, Mine Engineering - RMINE2, Thaelite Mines - RLAVA1, Tectonic Stabilizer - RLAVA2, Eastern Warehouse - RWARE1, Waterfront Storage - RWARE2, Logistics Complex - RBASE1, Tactical Command - RBASE2, Research Hangar - RHANGAR1, Maintenance Hangars - RHANGAR2, Waste Processing - RSEWER1, Waste Disposal - RSEWER2, Munitions Plant - RAMMO1, Ammo Depot - RAMMO2, Widow's Lair - RBOSS.

Multi-player maps: The Low Road - RDM1, The High Road - RDM2, Boxed In - RDM3, Razor Close - RDM4 , Stone Hinge - RDM5, Nexus - RDM6, Sewer Citadel - RDM7, Styx and Stones - RDM8, Scenic Overlook - RDM9, Great Divide - RDM10, Dish It Out - RDM11, Fall From Grace - RDM12, Roads To Nowhere - RDM13, Rogue's Edge - RDM14.

Other maps: Weapon and ammo depot - RUNIT2, Weapon and ammo depot - RUNIT3, Weapon and ammo depot - RUNIT4.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Fun kill
Enable the give all code. Go to any level and get all the enemies to follow you. Run into a corner with them in front of you. Press [Tab] button until you see "AD bomb" or something similar, then press [Enter]. All the enemies must be in front of you. This will freeze all the enemies and allow you to walk around with no problems.
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