Puzzle Quest 2 Cheats - PC

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Achievements (Steam)
Bragging Rights - Defeat 5 opponents in multiplayer.
Craftsman - Upgrade an item to Epic.
Crafty Consumer - Complete the "Deep Delving Dwarf" quest.
Dark Elven Nemesis - Gain access to Gorgons Cathedral.
Disarm, Or Be Disarmed - Disarm 5 traps to avoid being wounded.
Cheating AI - Be defeated by an opponent on their first turn during single player quest mode.
Clear The Town - Clear the town of Goblins.
Completionist - Finish the single player campaign with a hero from each class.
Epic Fail - Lose to an opponent who's on 1 Life Point during any single player game mode.
Epic Win - Defeat an opponent while on 1 Life Point during any single player game mode.
Equal Opportunity - Finish the single player campaign with both male and female from the one class.
Feeling Groovy - Heal some trap damage by visiting Jarrum Blackstone in the Chapel.
Gate Hacker - Choose the Bash mini-game whenever possible during the single player campaign.
Grand Slam - Win 5 Tournaments.
Green Dragon - Defeat the Green Dragon.
Hammer Time - Forge the "Hammer of Righteousness".
Learn 2 Spell - Learn all the bonus spells.
Left 4 Undead - Complete the "Able Replacement" quest.
Locksmith - Pick your way through 5 locks.
Match Fixer - Complete the "Eye of the Owlbear" quest.
Not Bad! - Defeat 500 monsters.
Not Quite Right - Complete the "Imp!" quest for Crye.
Handyman - Upgrade an item.
Happily Ever After - Complete the game.
Have You Killed Him Yet? - Defeat a Yeti after at least 100 turns have passed.
High Roller - Play the "Lucky Dip" side quest.
Killer Combo - Do more than 250 damage during your turn.
King Godd - Defeat king godd.
Last Hero Standing - Survive the Endurance mode.
Omghax - Make a match of 8 gems in a row in any battle game mode.
Open Sesame - Magically force your way through 5 locks.
Perfect Preparation - Advance to the Green Dragon in Endurance mode on full health.
Pwnt! - Defeat an opponent on your first turn during any single player game mode.
Questionable Ethics - Complete the "Insurance Fraud" quest.
R-e-s-p-e-c - Respec your hero by visiting Jarrum Blackstone in the Chapel.
Resistance Is Futile - Defeat the Arch Lich.
Scavenge Hunt - Search 5 rooms for hidden treasure or danger.
Shadowbringer - Defeat shadowbringer.
Skull Breaker - Defeat the monster known as "Teh SkullBrekker".
Smashing! - Bash your way through 5 locks.
Stumbling Blind - Activate 5 traps during a campaign.
Sweet Dreams - Complete the "Stuff of Nightmares" quest.
That Was Lucky! - Resist Subjugate or Crushing Kill.
The Dark Elves - Escape the Dark Dwarven Laboratory.
Tourist - Visit every room in the game.
Underdog - Win a Tournament with the first or second hero alive.
We Didn't Even Test This!!! - Defeat 2000 monsters.
We Don't Need No Water - Lose the burning inn challenge battle.
We Love You Too - Watch the credits sequence to the end.
Wow!! - Defeat 1000 monsters.
Yeti - Defeat the Yeti.
You Only Live Thrice - Kill an undead monster, then kill it again and again after it reanimates.
You're Doing It Wrong - Complete the game without activating an item.
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