Pulstar Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Achievements (Steam)
Beat the Developer - Get a higher score than the developer in a singleplayer game.
Beat the Developers - Get a higher score than the developers in a multiplayer game.
Centre of Attention - Do not move for 4minutes.
Champion - Get a score in the world top 10 singeplayer rankings.
Champions - Get a score in the world top 10 multiplayer rankings.
Grand Champion - Get the best score in the world in the singeplayer rankings.
Grand Champions - Get the best score in the world in the multiplayer rankings.
Jack of All Trades - Pickup a life, multiplier upgrade, weapon upgrade and an explosion while PulseTime is activated.
Kiting - Keep 1 monster alive for at least 2 minutes.
Monsterkill - Get a killstreak of 2,000 or more.
Rampage - Get a killstreak of 500 or more.
Ridiculous - Get a killstreak of 5,000 or more.
So Pro - Play for 3 minutes without getting hit and picking up a weapon upgrade.
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