Pro Rugby Manager 2015 Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Achievements (Steam)
5 in a Row - You have won 5 consecutive matches in Career mode.
10 in a row - You have won 10 consecutive matches in Career mode.
Aviva #1 - You won the Aviva championship.
Aviva promotion - You have been promoted to Aviva.
Big score - You have scored more than 40 points in a match.
Career Start - A career has been created.
Champions Cup #1 - You won the Champions cup.
Finance boss - You managed to be a boss!
Five-Star Senior hired - You hired a five-star senior rugbyman.
Five-Star shop - You upgraded an infrastructure to its maximum level.
Guinness Pro 12 #1 - You won the Guinness championship.
Infrastructure upgraded - You upgraded an infrastructure of your club.
Scout report - You read a scout report from your recruiter.
Senior contract extended - You extended the contract of one of your senior rugbyman.
Senior hired - You hired a senior rugbyman.
Top 14 #1 - You won the Top 14 championship.
Top 14 promotion - You have been promoted to Top 14.
Youngster hired - You hired a young rugbyman.
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