Pickers Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Achievements (Steam)
Alluring - Change a character's mood to green in one transaction.
Anger Management - Bring an owner's mood from angry (red) to happy (green) in one day.
Auctioneer - Make a 300% profit in an auction.
Bulk Discount - Buy a group of items at less than 65% of the asking price.
Explorer - Explore every scene, hidden object game, and close up in the first 6 location.
Fire Sale - Auction 20 items for a profit.
Haggler - Buy an item at less than 75% of the asking price.
High Stakes Purchase - Buy a Vampire Hunting Kit.
In The Trenches - Buy a WWII Helmet.
Junk Yard Art - Buy a Maffler Man.
Key Keeper - Collect 40 keys to unlock Unlimited Hidden Object Mode.
Business Savvy - Make a profit 5 days in a row.
Cellar Picker - Sell 5 items from Lizzie Davis' crawl space.
Charismatic - End a day with two or more characters liking you (in green).
Contract Picker - Complete 5 unique hidden object scenes.
Crafty Collector - Create 10 new items using the combine tool.
Crusader - Combine a Suit of Armor with a Sword.
Restorer - Restore an item.
Rockin Daddy - Buy a Jukebox.
Safety First - Buy CJ Baxter's safe.
Sasqwatch - Buy a Bigfoot Photo.
Sharp Eye - Complete each hidden object game without using the scanner.
Staying Single - Buy a Motorized Scooter from Hambone Richards.
Key Master - Find all 60 keys.
Knowledge Seeker - Consult the Expert 20 times.
Leader Of The Pack - Reach the Number 1 Rank.
Lucky7 - Maintain the leader position for 7 days.
Money In The Bank - Reduce your store inventory to one page anytime after the 20th day.
Perfectionist - Restore all items before they are sold.
Quick Profit - Complete a hidden object scene in under a minute.
Reel To Reel - Buy a Movie Projector.
Sunshine - Buy a Sun Clock.
Talent Show - Buy an Accordion.
The Geek - End a day with Patrick Merman in a green mood.
Thorough Picker - Complete each hidden object game without using any hints.
Tinkerer - Combine two items to create something new.
Trend Setter - Buy and sell 20 items from the Hot Category.
Trendy - Buy and sell an item from the Hot Category.
Wanderlust - Unlock all locations in the game.
Weather Forecast - Buy a Snow Globe.
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