Peggle Deluxe Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Peggle Deluxe Cheats
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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter the following codes while playing:

scott - Enable right-click speed-up
kathy - Permanent flippers
zoom - Disable Extreme Fever zoom camera
shanon - Turn background black
Unlock Ranks
Get the following ranks by completing certain tasks. You will get a different trophy on the Main Menu for each one.

Extreme Ultimate Master of Peggle - Complete all Challenges and get 100% completion (clear all pegs) on every level screen
Master of Peggle - Complete Adventure mode
Ultimate Master of Peggle - Complete all Challenges

Say hello to Mr. Ball
Whenever you play as Warren and use the Lucky Spin, there's a Magic Hat powerup. It has a top hat on top of the ball. The following will give you the top hat, however it is only for looks; it has no effect on gameplay what-so-ever.

The Ode to Joy Easter Egg
Start up the game and go to the main menu. Don't mouse over any of the buttons yet or it will mess it up. Mouse over (don't click) these buttons in this order: Duel, Duel, Challenge, Replay, Replay, Challenge, Duel, Quickplay, Adventure, Adventure, Quickplay, Duel, Duel, Quickplay, Quickplay If you do it correctly, it will play a cool loading screen and then it will roll the credits. Nothing special is gained from doing this, but it's an interesting Easter Egg. Make sure to NOT mouse over an extra button before or while performing this Easter Egg. If you do, or if it nothing happens after performing the procedure, you will need to restart Peggle and try again.
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