Panza Kick Boxing Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Stay undefeated
Press [Esc] after your fighter has been knocked down to avoid a loss.

Recommended moves
Try using the upper cut, round house, low leg kick often. The low leg kick can be used to keep your opponent out of range and on target for a follow-up combo, such as the round house followed by an upper cut. The double backfist is very powerful and can result in a knockout.

Recommended settings
Use the following settings to create a powerful boxer:
A: 34
B: 05
C: 17
D: 11
E: 08
F: 32
G: 04
H: 33
I: 01
J: 55
K: 10
L: 25
M: 16
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