Need for Speed: Underground 2 Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Need for Speed: Underground 2 Cheats
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Aug. 08, 2006
Aug. 08, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter one of the following codes before pressing [Enter] to get into the main menu to activate the corresponding cheat function:

opendoors - The Doors sponsor car
yodogg - Snoop Dogg sponsor car
wannacapone - Capone sponsor car
shinestreetbright - ShinestStreet sponsor car
wintmyd3 - D3 sponsor car
davidchoeart - David Choe sponsor car
tunejapantuning - Japantuning sponsor car
gimmechingy - Chingy Navigator sponsor car
needmybestbuy - Best Buy vinyl in Career mode
goforoldspice - OldSpice vinyl in Career mode
gottahavebk - BurgerKing vinyl in Career mode
gotmycingular - Cingular vinyl in Career mode
gottaedge - Edge vinyl in Career mode
needperformance1 - Unlock performance parts level 1
needperformance2 - Unlock performance parts level 2
gimmevisual1 - Unlock visuals level 1
gimmevisual2 - Unlock visuals level 2
ordermebaby - $1,000 in Career mode, RX-8 and Skyline in quick race mode
regmybank - $200 in Career mode
regmebaby - $20,000 in Career mode
Wining an outrun
Once you have found an opponent to outrun with, get in front of the opponent and get in the lead. Get as far as possible until the distance meter has reached its limit. If the distance meter starts to drop, it indicates that the opponent is catching up. When this happens, do a handbrake skid and turn the car around. Go back the way that you came from. The opponent will follow you as you are the one in lead, but he will take time to catch up, giving you an advantage to win the outrun.

If you are in front of an opponent but cannot seem to lose him, head toward the center of the city ( the area that has the five fountains ). Once there, weave through the fountains. Your opponent will most likely crash into one of the fountains, giving you an easy win. Note: Practice going through the fountains first before you attempt an outrun so you do not lose your money. It is easier to do this in an SUV because it will not reach a high speed before you reach the fountains.

Easier turns in URL races
Notice that before the sharp turns during the URL races, there are a set of numbers that countdown to 1. Follow those numbers to perfect your sharp turn into a groove to speed through faster. Keep accelerating until you reach "1", then slam on the brakes and turn. Once perfected, this can help you get through the turns with more speed. In URL races, the CPU will try to spin you a lot. Whenever your car slides to an 30 to 60 degree angle, use your NOS and turn.

Easy money
Collecting the little information logos around the city gives you money. You will receive $25 for each one.

Easy NOS
Get on the highway and drive in reverse. After a few seconds you should begin racking up points on the right side of your screen. These points will give you extra NOS. Note: Crashing into traffic at high speeds will reduce your NOS.

Finding hidden shops
Look at road signs around the city. They often have colored shapes (yellow triangles, etc.) to guide the way to the shops. Also, look for street-lights casting a colored glow. This indicates that there is a shop very close.

Drift mode
In drift mode, set your car up using the following this basic structure. Tune the ECU to have as much torque as you can get in the early gears. Make all of the suspension settings as hard as possible to eliminate shock travel. This will help get the back end out. Turn the tire grip to weak. Also, make the cars acceleration as quick as possible. For the toe settings, lower it all the way. Make the aero settings as weak as possible. Set the brake bias towards rear. By doing this, you will greatly increase your score, especially on the downhill. On the straight-aways you can do Choku-Doris (go from side to side) to rack up big points. You can then link them to power over-steer drifts, which is when you will use the torque and acceleration to lose traction in the back tires, then use carefully timed throttle control to get around the corner as sideways as possible. This will help your drifts scores get as high as possible. Throttle control is very important -- do not get discouraged if you spin out a lot. Note: This has not been attempted on FF or AWD cars. FF and AWD cars will most likely have a softer suspension setting but everything else would probably remain the same. FF and AWD cars also need the hand brake to initiate drifts more than a FR car would.

Easy drift points
Some of the downhill drift races have houses with looping drive ways that you can drive in. Drifting in these driveways gets a lot more points than on the street because you are so far off the road and are not hitting a wall.
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