Mysterious Space Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Achievements (Steam)
... Than Never Have Earned At All - Yeah, no, sorry, this analogy just isn't translating to upgrade points very well.
10k'er - Accumulated 10,000 points during the course of a game. Could have gone for an "it's over 9,000" thing. Didn't.
20k'er - Accumulated 20,000 points during the course of a game.
30k'er - Accumulated 30,000 points during the course of a game.
40k'er - Accumulated 40,000 points during the course of a game.
50k'er - Accumulated 50,000 points during the course of a game.
Alternative Route - Discovered an alternative route through the ZZ-Omega sector.
Better to Have Earned and Lost... - I guess?
Discovered Mysterious Sound Test - Ooh! Barracuda!
Discovered Mysterious Source - Was it everything you'd hoped it'd be?
Frequent Dier - We know you have a choice in video games to die in; thank you for choosing Mysterious Space.
Fully-loaded Potato - Achieved maximum equipment slots with a ship.
Good Samaritan - Helped 5 outposts.
Gotta' Go Fast! - Gotta' Go Fast!
Great Samaritan - Helped 10 outposts.
It Always Feels Better with Someone Else - No comment.
Old Magic - Nothing happens.
So-so Samaritan - It IS better than bad, but it isn't quite good...
There and Back Again - A... a space ship's tale??
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