Mortyr Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Press [~] to activate the console, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. A message will appear to confirm correct code entry.

God modesatan or megaboss
Level select.jt <level number>
All weapons and items<SUP>1</SUP>allit or gimme all

1. Using this code will prevent the level from completion as you will not be able to collect Quantum Receptor parts.

Level numbers
Use one of the following entries with the ".goto" code. Note: Levels 20, 21, 25, 26, 27 and 42 lead to multi-player levels. Levels 36 through 40 are different versions of other levels in the game.

LevelLevel number
First Steps41
The Outer Citadel01
Through the Citadel30
The Middle Castle10
In the Middle of the Castle33
The Cathedral11
The Darker Cathedral34
The Cemetery12
The High Castle (Imperial Theme)13
The Castle Cathedral14
The Factory17
The Machine Park35
The Train Station07
U-Boat Bunker08
U-Boat Pen32
V2 Factory06
City Ruins09
The Duel24
The Time Machine15
The Future Time Machine02
Time Machine Facility28
Underground Channels05
The Sewers31
Droid Factory03
Computing Center19
City in the Clouds04
The Spaceport16
Docking Bay 9429
The Flying Fortress23

Cheat mode (demo version)
Press "`" to activate the console, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. A message will appear to confirm correct code entry.

Enable auto-aimingaim on
Disable auto-aimingaim off
God mode.prezes
All weapons and items<SUP>1</SUP>.wp
Level <level number>
Display frame rate.did
Remove frame rate display.diz

1. Using this code will prevent the level from completion as you will not be able to collect Quantum Receptor parts.
Enable the "satan" code, then jump off a high building to die. Then, enable the ".jt" code to return to life with zero health. Enemies now cannot see you, even when you are shooting them.
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