Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Cheats
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Aug. 23, 2007
Author: 69KB
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
To enable Jedi Academy cheats, while playing a game bring down the console with [Shift]+[~] and type: "devmapall". You can then enter any of the following codes in the console:

god - God mode
undying - Dead mode
noclip - No clipping mode
notarget - Enemies ignore you
give all - All weapons and health/armor at max
give health - Health at 100%
give armor - Armor at 100%
give ammo - Ammo at 100%
give inventory - Maximum inventory
give <item name> - Spawn indicated item
npc kill all - Kill all non-player characters
npc spawn <npc name> - Spawn indicated NPC (see the list below)
npc spawn vehicle <vehicle name> - Spawn indicated NPC vehicle (see the list below)
d_npc freeze 1 - Freeze all NPCs (place 0 instead of 1 to unfreeze them)
sabercolor <1-2> <color 1> <color 2> - Set saber color
setsaberall <1-10> - Set all lightsaber abilities
setsaberthrow <1-3> - Set lightsaber throw level
setsaberoffense <1-3> - Set lightsaber offense level
setsaberdefense <1-3> - Set lightsaber defense level
setforceall <1-4> - Set all forces to indicated value
setforcejump <1-3> - Set Force Jump level
setforceheal <1-3> - Set Force Heal level
setforcepush <1-3> - Set Force Push level
setforcepull <1-3> - Set Force Pull level
setforcespeed <1-3> - Set Force Speed level
setforcegrip <1-3> - Set Force Grip level
setforcelightning <1-3> - Set Force Lightning level
saber single_<1-9> - Single lightsaber with desired hilt
saber single_<1-9> single_<1-9> - Dual lightsabers with desired hilt
saber dual_<1-5> - Double lightsaber with desired hilt
saber sith_sword - Sith sword
g_spskill <number> - Change difficulty level after quicksave/quickload or starting a new mission
shaderlist - Show shaders
force_heal - Use Force Heal
thereisnospoon - Bullet time
timescale <number> - Change speed (1 is default, .5 is half speed)
g_saberrealisticcombat <1-20> - Enable dismemberment
playermodel <model name> - Play as indicated model
fly_xwing - Fly an X-Wing
drive_atst - Ride an ATST
devmap <map name> - Load map with cheats enabled
map pit - Pit level
victory - Level skip
record <filename> - Record a demo with indicated name
stoprecord - Stop demo recording
demo <filename> - Play a recorded demo
g_saberrealisticcombat <1-20> - Enable dismemberment (turn it on at the options menu after enabling this code)
freeze <#> - Freeze game for # seconds
taunt - Perform a taunt
echo <text> - Display indicated message in the console (or on main screen if bound)
toggle <variable> - Toggle any variable/command that uses a 1 or 0
levelshot - Turn off HUD and save screenshot
screenshot - Save screenshot
centerview - Centers the view on the screen
kill - Suicide
quit - Quit game
where - ?
spawn - ?
altbind - ?
altbindlist - ?
systeminfo - ?
gfxinfo - ?
playsong - ?
widgetcom - ?
inventory - ?
vstr - ?
heartbeat - ?
kick - ?
tiki - ?
rcon - ?
flushlips - ?
meminfo - ?
reset - ?
alisdump - ?
skinlist - ?
mand - ?

NPCs List
Use one of the following entries with the npc spawn code. NOTE: Some models may not work as they are not finished and/or used in this version of the game or on certain maps. Also be aware that there are also variations of some character models using modifiers such as cultist_saber "_strong", "_throw", etc.
assassin_droid, bartender, bespincop, bespincop2, cultist, cultist_destroyer (this character will suck in all surrounding force energy and self-destruct), cultist_drain, cultist_grip, cultist_lightning , cultist_saber, cultist_saber2, cultist_saber_throw2, cultist_saber_med2, cultist_saber_med_throw2, cultist_saber_stong2, cultist_saber_strong_throw2, cultist_saber_all2, cultist_saber_all_throw2, cultistcommando, elder, elder2, galak_mech, glider, gonk, gran, gran2, granboxer, granshooter, hazardtrooper, hazardtrooperconcussion, hazardtrooperofficer, human_merc_bow, human_merc, human_merc_rep, human_merc_flc, human_merc_cnc, human_merc, human_merc_key, impcommander, imperial, impofficer, impworker, interrogator, jawa, jawa_armed (will cause an error; no jawa gun), jedi, jedif, jedi2, jedimaster, jeditrainer, jedi_random (will spawn one of the following jedi_ models), jedi_hf1, jedi_hf2, jedi_hm1, jedi_hm2, jedi_kdm1, jedi_kdm2, jedi_rm1, jedi_rm2, jedi_tf1, jedi_tf2, jedi_zf1, jedi_zf2, mark1, mark2, merchant, minemonster, mouse, nulldriver, player, prisoner, prisoner2, probe, protocol (C3PO), protocol_imp, r2d2, r2d2_imp, r5d2_npc, r5d2_imp, rebel, rebel2, reborn, rebornacrobat, rebornboss, rebornchiss, rebornfencer, rebornforceuser, rebornrodian, reborntrandoshan, rebornweequay, reborn_dual, reborn_dual2, reborn_new, reborn_new2, reborn_staff, reborn_staff2, DKothos, VKothos, RebornMaster, RebornMasterDual, RebornMasterStaff, remote, rockettrooper, rockettrooper2, RocketTrooper2Officer, RocketTrooper_ver1, rocks, rodian, Rodian2, saber_droid, saber_droid_training, saboteur, saboteurcommando, saboteurpistol, saboteursniper, sand_creature, sand_creature_fast, seeker, sentry, snowtrooper, stcommander, stofficer, stofficeralt, stormpilot, stormtrooper, StormTrooper2, swamptrooper, SwampTrooper2, Tavion, tavion_new, Tavion_scepter, Tavion_sith_sword, test, trandoshan (different colors possible), tusken, tuskensniper, ugnaught, Ugnaught2, weequay, Weequay2, Weequay3, Weequay4 (different colors possible), ragnos, luke , kyle, kyle_boss, rosh_penin, rosh_penin_noforce, rosh_dark, rosh, rancor , rancor_mutant, wampa , jedi_random , howler, shadowtrooper , ShadowTrooper2, stormtrooper, alora , alora_dual , jan, lando, boba_fett , chewie, desann , galak, lannik_racto, rax, noghri, reelo, monmothma, morgankatarn, prisoner, rebel
You can use any npc spawn name with the playermodel code to turn into any specific NPC. However, using any non-humanoid models such as robots may crash the game sometimes.

Vehicle names
Use one of the following entries with the npc spawn vehicle code:
swoop, atst_vehicle, lambdashuttle, rancor_vehicle, swoop, swoop_cin, swoop_mp, swoop_mp2, swoop_red, tauntaun, template, tie-bomber, tie-bomber2, wampa_vehicle, wildtauntaun, x-wing, yt-1300, z-95
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Changing saber colors
When using the sabercolor <1-2> <color 1> <color 2> code, the following values can be used for <color 1> and <color 2>.
green, red, blue, yellow, purple, orange

sabercolor 1 will make the right-hand saber (for dual sabers) <color 1>. sabercolor 2 will make the left hand saber (for dual sabers) <color 1>. sabercolor 1 <color 1> <color 2> will make the top part of the saber staff <color 1> and the bottom part <color 2>. For example, to have a saber staff (two handed saber) green, use the sabercolor 1 green green code.

Difficulty settings
Use one of the following entries with the g_spskill <number> code:

0 - Padawan
1 - Jedi
2 - Jedi Knight
3 - Jedi Master
Values higher than 3 will progressively increase the difficulty setting.

Haunting glitch
When you are about to get eaten by a Rancor, use level 3 Force Protection power. Note: You must have full health. You will be inside the Rancor. Kill it to get free. At first, it appears as if you are in spectator mode, but you are not. You and no one else can see your character, even if they have level 3 Sense. You can still attack people and ride vehicles.

Access all saber types at any stage in the game
In the early stages of the game you only have the choice of one single saber. If you want to use the dual sabers or saber staff do the following:

1. Go to the "GameData\Base" folder
2. Open "jaconfig.cfg" in wordpad (wordpad sorts out the encoding making it easier to read)
3. Go to the line which starts ' seta g_saber_type "single" '
4. Replace that line and the next 4 lines with the following.

If you want 1 single saber.

seta g_saber_type single
seta g_saber single_1
seta g_saber2 single_1
seta g_saber_color blue // change this color to what ever you want e.g. blue, green, red
seta g_saber2_color blue // change this color to what ever you want e.g. blue, green, red

If you want 2 single sabers.

seta g_saber_type dual
seta g_saber single_1
seta g_saber2 single_1
seta g_saber_color blue // change this color to what ever you want e.g. blue, green, red
seta g_saber2_color green // change this color to what ever you want e.g. blue, green, red

If you want the dual bladed saber staff (think Darth Maul).

seta g_saber_type staff
seta g_saber dual_2
seta g_saber2 dual_2
seta g_saber_color red // change this color to what ever you want e.g. blue, green, red
seta g_saber2_color red // change this color to what ever you want e.g. blue, green, red

5. From the main menu press [Shift]+[~] to access the console.
6. Type: map yavin1b (See the note at the bottom)
7. And your off...

NOTE: Do not start a new game otherwise the file is overwritten. This is the first level that you actually play and this skips the overwrite when you select the saber. If you have not chosen your character settings yet do this first, start the game and then exit. Perform the actions above and when you start your player settings will be there, enjoy! There is obviously a setting to change the saber hilts however I cannot find it. If someone has or does find it please tell me! Matthew Kingshott (Kingers)
Key binding
Open up the console by pressing [Shift]+[~] and type bind <key> <code or effect>. For example, type bind Home setforceall 4 or bind T taunt. Note: Do not bind over existing keys that you are using for regular game play movement or fighting. If you do, go back into your game options and reset them.

Fighting friendly characters
Enable the playerteam enemy code in the console, then spawn kyle or jedi_random to fight them.

Defeating Reborns
Activate Force Speed (works best with grade 3 speed) and slash once at their front to lure them down. Then, run around behind them and slash their back as many times as possible. This works best if you push them in a corner and complete the procedure.
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