Homeworld Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Homeworld Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 4 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Start the game with one of the following command-line switches to activate corresponding action: IE: c:\homeworld\homeworld.exe /debug

/debug - Enable debug window.
/nodebugInt - Fatal errors don't genereate an int 3 before exiting.

/heap - Sets size of global memory heap to [n].
/prepath - Sets path to search for opening files.
/CDpath - Sets path to CD-ROM in case of ambiguity.
/freemouse - Mouse free to move about entire screen at startup. Use F11 to toggle during play.
/ignoreBigfiles - don't use anything from bigfile(s)
/logFileLoads - create log of data files loaded

/disableKatmai - don't use KNI even if support is detected.
/forceKatmai - force usage of KNI even if determined to be unavailable.

/noSound - turn all sound effects off.
/noSpeech - turn all speech off.
/reverseStereo - swap the left and right audio channels.
/waveout - forces mixer to write to Waveout even if a DirectSound supported object is available.
/dsound - forces mixer to write to DirectSound driver, even if driver reports not certified.

/noBG - disable display of galaxy backgrounds.
/noFilter - disable bi-linear filtering of textures.
/noSmooth - do not use polygon smoothing.
/nilTexture - don't ever load textures at all.
/NoFETextures - turns off front end textures
/stipple - enable stipple alpha (software renderer).
/noShowDamage - Disables showing ship damage effects.

/sw - reset rendering system to defaults at startup.
/fullscreen - display fullscreen with software renderer (default).
/window - display in a window.
/noBorder - no border on window.
/640 - run at 640x480 resolution (default).
/800 - run at 800x600 resolution.
/1024 - run at 1024x768 resolution.
/1280 - run at 1280x1024 resolution.
/1600 - run at 1600x1200 resolution.
/d16 - run in 16 bits of colour.
/d24 - run in 24 bits of colour.
/d32 - run in 32 bits of colour.
/truecolor - try 24bit modes before 15 /16bit.
/slowBlits - use slow screen blits if the default is buggy.
/device - select an rGL device by name, eg. sw, fx, d3d.
/gl - select default OpenGL as renderer.
/d3d - select Direct3D as renderer.
/nohint - disable usage of OpenGL perspective correction hints.
/noPause - don't pause when you alt-tab.
/noMinimize - don't minimize when you alt-tab.

/noCompPlayer - disable default computer players
/notactics - Disables tactics.
/noretreat - disables the 'retreat' feature of tactics

/dockLines - show dock lines.
/gunLines - show gun lines.
/lightLines - show light lines (Debug only).
/boxes - render bounding bowties on the ships.
/textFeedback - enable text feedback for in game commands.

/aiplayerLog - enable AI Player Logging
/determCompPlayer - makes computer players deterministic
/gatherStats- enable gathering of stats
/showStatsFight= to show stats fight i,j

/captaincyLogOff - turns off captaincy log file
/captaincyLogOn - turns on captaincy log file
/logOff - turns of network logging file
/logOn - turns network logging file on
/logOnVerbose - turns verbose network logging file on
/statLogOn - generates game stats log file
/intOnSync - Generates an Int 3 when a sync error occurs
/syncDump=! X = size of SyncDumpWindow Y = granularity in universe Frames
/debugSync autosaves game frequently, records packets, logonverbose
/forceLAN - allow LAN play regardless of version

/testNIS - enables NIS testing mode using [nisFile].
/testNISScript - enables NIS testing mode using [scriptFile].

/demoRecord - record a demo.
/demoPlay - play a demo.
/packetRecord - record packets of this multiplayer game
/packetPlay - play back packet recording

/disablePacking - don't use the packed textures if available.

/smCentreCamera - centres the SM world plane about 0,0,0 rather than the camera.
/closeCaptioned - close captioned for the hearing impaired.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
During gameplay, pause the game, bring up the menu that has save game, load game ect. then press f12, f11, up, down, left, up, f12. do this in order within 5 seeconds and you will find that your ships cannot be destroyed.
Some Useful Cheats
During the third mission, make sure you have 3 corvettes and you fleet ready. Send 1 salvage corvette to immeadatly start salvaging cryo trays, and 2 others to capture 1 assult frigate. Have your fleet of fighters take it to the other assult frigate before it destroys any other cryo trays, and use scouts as a discraction to the one you will salvage because they won't kill the frigate and they can dodge incoming fire.

When you get to the second mission, do not dispatch a probe like fleet command tells you to. Instead, build up your fleet, and the recourcers will set off the reaction later. Make sure you have a strong fleet of intercepters, and be sure to have at least 3 salvage corvettes for the next mission.

A few salvage corvettes and a field frigate is a good recipy for capturing enemy capital ships.

Before you leave each mission, harvest all the remaining recources. They are sparce, and very valuable.
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