Hitman: Contracts Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Hitman: Contracts Cheats
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Oct. 25, 2006
Aug. 08, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 6 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Use a text editor to edit the "hitmancontracts.ini" file in the game folder (create a backup copy of the file before proceeding!). Add the following line to the end of the file:

EnableConsole 1
EnableCheats 1

This will allow you to activate the in-game cheat menu by pressing [Shift]+[Esc] while playing. Use your arrow keys to navigate up and down then left and right to toggle the options (0=off and 1=on). For codes such as "give all" just press [Enter].

Cheat mode (alternate)
If the in-game cheat menu doesn't work for you, try typing any of the following codes at the console window after adding the 2 lines noted above to your .ini file. Press tilde key [~] to activate the console, and enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

IOISLO - Slow motion
IOIER - Bomb
IOIHITLEIF - Restore health
IOIHITALI - Boxing mode
IOILEPOW - Lethal charge
IOIGRV - Gravity
IOINGUN - Nail Gun mode
IOIPOWER - Mega Force mode
IOIRULEZ - God mode
IOIPENNY - Cardboard Tube

If you still cannot make these cheats work, try typing the following codes at the console window:

god 1 - God mode
invisible 1 - Invisibility
giveall - All weapons and items
give some - Most weapons and all ammmo
give <item name> - Spawn the indicated item (see the list below)
end level - Level skip
nailgun 1 - Enables Nail gun (nailgun 0 disables)
infammo - Unlimited ammunition

Item list: weapon_ak47, weapon_aug, weapon_awp, weapon_deagle, weapon_elite, weapon_famas, weapon_fiveseven, weapon_g3sg1, weapon_glock18, weapon_m3, weapon_m4a1, weapon_mac10, weapon_mp5navy, weapon_p228, weapon_p90, weapon_scout, weapon_sg550, weapon_sg552, weapon_tmp, weapon_ump45, weapon_usp, weapon_xm1014
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Level Select
Use a text editor to edit the "hitmancontracts.ini" file in the game folder (create a backup copy of the file before proceeding!). Locate the "DefaultScene=AllLevels\Logos.gms" line and change it to read "DefaultScene=AllLevels\LevelMenu.gms" to unlock all levels in the game.

Unlock Mini Gun
The mini gun is held by a patient who is behind the locked doors of a basement room in Mission 1: Asylum Aftermath. The keycard that unlocks the doors can be found during Mission 9: The Wang Fou Incident. It is called Orthmeyer's Keycard and is on Lee Hong's desk in his office on the second floor of his mansion. After finding the card, finish the mission and save your progress. Quit to the main menu and replay the first mission. Head to the northern section of the map and turn right in the small room with the red flashing sensor on the ceiling. Pass through the west door and dispose of the patient in order to collect the mini gun.

Unlock Dual Gold Desert Eagles
After getting the key card from the Wang Fou Incident you most likely went to Asylum Aftermath to collect your Mini Gun. After that continue thru the level and when you get to a large room with windows and the door ahead... STOP! One patient will be walking around and on your right will be steps leading down to a door with red lights over it. Enter that room with the key card. Walk forward until you find the Gold Desert Eagle Guns right under your nose!
Unlock weapons
Each weapon is unlocked by completing the mission and achieving the Silent Assassin rating:

Mission 1 - CZ 2000 Dual Pistols
Mission 2 - Micro Uzi Dual Submachine Guns
Mission 3 - Silverballer Silenced Dual Pistols
Mission 4 - Magnum 500 Dual Pistols
Mission 5 - Sawed-Off Shotgun Dual
Mission 6 - M4 Carbine Silenced Assault Rifle
Mission 7 - SG220 .S Dual Pistols
Mission 8 - MP5 Silenced Submachine Gun
Mission 9 - AK 74 Silenced Assault Rifle
Mission 10 - GK 17 Dual Pistols
Mission 11 - Micro Uzi Silenced Dual Submachine Guns
Mission 12 - PGM Silenced Sniper Rifle

Come back to Life
When your health bar reaches zero the game will enter a black and white death sequence. If you are able to get four consecutive head shots on four different enemies during this sequence you will receive a small amount of health and return to the game.

All weapons in training level
Start the training level, then enable the end level code. You will complete it with a "Silent Assassin" rank. Choose the training level again, and all the weapons in the game will be unlocked in the weapons storage area. This also will unlock the Cardboard Tube weapon.

Master Key
In the level "Traditions of the Trade" when you are on the 3rd floor you will eventually see a vacuum boy. When he opens a door to vacuum the room, go to the door and pick up the master key. You should then have access to most doors.

See Lee Hong
In the level Asylum Aftermath, once you get the double Desert Eagles, keep going forward through the second set of doors until you get to the last tank with a body in it, then look to the right and there is a tank with Lee Hong written on it.

The Bjarkhov Bomb: Humorous translations
Go inside of the submarine. There are some Russians wearing radiation suits working on the dirty bomb. The translation of what they are saying are the following four phrases:

"I hate this frozen wasteland."
"Careful! Are you trying to kill us?"
"Thank God there were 2 boxes of vodka on the plane this morning."
"Help me a little."

Traditions of the Trade: Ghosts
Once you enter the hotel, turn right to the double doors. Go through them and there will be another set of double doors. Pick them, as they are locked. After that, go down past two doors and look quickly because the ghost goes into the wall.

Follow the same instructions to see the ghost in the hallway for this level, then go into the room that the ghost enters. Kill the guard in the bathroom and look in the mirror. The reflection will show the ghost, but if you turn around nothing is there.

Traditions of the Trade: See murder
Go to your map in the level. There is a point of interest in the corner of the second or third floor. There is police tape and a guard there. Kill the guard, sneak in, and you will find a dead man on the bed. Go into the bathroom to see a bathtub full of blood. There is a sawedoff shotgun in front of it that can help you if you do not have any guns.

Getting the M60 Early
On the level "Deadly Cargo," it is possible to get the M60. If you don't get it here, you will have to wait until the 2nd to last level. Make your way to where the SWAT sniper is, on the building overlooking the ship. After the SWAT team attacks the ship, a helicopter will begin circling the area. If you shoot the gunner on the ship, he will fall to the ground with his M60. Make sure that you assassinate the target first and you kill the gunner while the helicopter is over a land area that you can reach.
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