PC Cheats Index - Cheats List

Game Cheats List
Heroes of Might and Magic 2Cheat Codes, FAQ
Heroes of Might and Magic 2: The Price of LoyaltyCheat Codes
Heroes of Might and Magic 3Cheats, Trainer, Editor, FAQ
Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Armageddon's BladeCheat Codes
Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Shadow of DeathCheat Codes, Trainer
Heroes of Might and Magic 4Cheat Codes, Trainer, Guides, Walkthroughs
Heroes of Might and Magic 4: The Gathering StormCheat Codes, Trainer
Heroes of Might and Magic 4: Winds of WarCheat Codes
Heroes of Might and Magic VCheat Codes, Trainers, No-intro patch
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of FateCheat Codes, Trainers
Heroes of Might and Magic 5: Tribes of the EastCheat Codes, Trainer
Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic QuestCheat Codes, Hex Cheats
Heroes of the PacificCheat Codes, Savegame, Savegame Editor, No-intro patch
Heroes Over EuropeTrainer, Hints
Heroes Rise: The Hero ProjectHints
Heroes Rise: The ProdigyHints
Hero Generations: ReGenHints
Hero of ManyHints
Hero of MightTrainer
Hero XCheat
HexaLevel Codes
Hexcells PlusHints
HexenCheat Codes, Walkthrough
Hexen 2Cheat Codes, Walkthrough
Hexen 2: Portal of PraevusCheat Codes
Hexen: Death Kings of the Dark CitadelFAQ
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