Geneforge 5: Overthrow Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press [Shift]+D to open the cheat dialogue, and then type a code from the list below:

shieldsup - Blesses your party.
pleaselikeme - Erases your criminal record. Certain crimes are unforgivable.
giveasnack - Gives you cake.
iamweak - Gives you XP.
iampoor - Gives you money.
healmenow - Heals your party.
whereami - Lists your character's current zone and (x,y) coordinates.
showmeall - Marks all characters on your minimap. dontshowmeall deactivates it.
clearthisarea - Marks the current area as completed on the world map.
ihaterebels - Put yourself on good terms with the Shapers.
iloverebels - Put yourself on good terms with the Rebels.
rechargeme - Refills your energy and essence.
resetbugs - Resets the Shredbugs.
exitzone - Sends you to the world map.
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