Fable: The Lost Chapters Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Fable: The Lost Chapters Cheats
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Apr. 15, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 24, 2005

NOTE: There are 5 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Unlimited Silver Keys
This trick requires a spade/ First, take the Hobbe Cave Quest and go to the Rose Cottage. Walk to the circle of flowers near the house. Use your spade and dig up a Silver Key. You can also get 500 gold each time you do this if desired, by cutting the thorns and opening the treasure chest. However, you will get Evil points. Then, do a hero save and then load the saved game again. You should appear out of the Rose Cottage area. You can repeat this as many times as desired. If you want to get unlimited keys throughout the game, do not finish the quest. You can keep going back and getting the Silver Key.

Fire Heart Puzzle
When trying to get the fire heart, on the last puzzle, screw trying to turn all the stones into suns. Though it gives you bad points,(not sure how much, sry) turn all of the stones into moons. It's way frickin' easier.

Obsidian Axe In Oakvale
Easy way to get high damage weapon early is the Obsidian Axe in Oakvale. Talk to the Chicken Competition guy, then the pirate, dig where the ghost says, then give his wife the money, after that dig in the grave for the axe and some gold.

Stay Through The Credits!
If you watch all the credits you get to keep playing. The credits are pretty long so go watch T.V. for 10 minutes or so then go back to your computer.

Easy Money
In Twinblade's Camp play the Spot the Addition game. Try to save as much time as possible. Round 1-4 say the objects, repeating them helps, on the fifth round easy way to do it is to look for whats not there, usually 4-5 things. Practice with low amounts of gold then when you get good at it max it out.

Easy Way To Get Experience
At the snow villiage when you run out theres a group of white balverines and summoners kill them and run to Archon's Shrine real fast, so you don't waste any of your combat multiplier, run back and they reappear rinse and repeat. Also try not to get hit, pretty much the best way not to get hit is to use your bow+Multi Arrow it owns them real quick.

Magic Combos
A couple of the good spells are Assassins Rush, Berserker, Multi Arrow, Multi Strike, Slow time, Enflame, Heal. Good thing about melee weapons and Magic is that you can cast while blocking. Block untill they get close then use Enflame. Block use Multi Strike then use Assassins Rush and attack. Rinse and repeat.
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