F-15 Strike Eagle 2 Cheats - PC

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Hex Cheats
Some Useful Cheats
Edit the file egame with an HEX editor. Search for and change it to result:

29 06 EE 4F --> 90 90 90 90 enough petrol
FF 8F F0 4F --> 90 90 90 90 enough fire balls
FF 8F FA 4F 90 90 90 90 enough rockets
FF 06 00 95 90 90 90 90 enough energy/lifes
Some Useful Cheats
You can keep your pilots alive by copying the file HALLFAME. When you have successfully completed a mission quit to DOS change to the F-15 directory and type:

copy hallfame hallfame.xxx

If your guy gets killed on the next mission quit to DOS and resurrect him by changing to the F-15 directory and then typing:

copy hallfame.xxx hallfame
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