Europa Universalis Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press F12 during game to bring up the console window and type in the codes.

richelieu - allows you to control all military units (toggle ON/OFF)
pappenheim - toggles Fog of War ON/OFF
columbus - explores all provinces
gustavus - increases land technology level
drake - increases naval technology level
cromwell - increases infrastructure level
polo - increases trade level
oranje - sets Stability to +3
cortez - eliminates natives (toggle ON/OFF)
alba - eliminates revolts (toggle ON/OFF)
tilly - the A.I. will not declare war (toggle ON/OFF)
montezuma - adds 50.000 ducats to treasury
pocahontas - adds 10 colonists
dagama - adds 10 merchants
swift - adds 10.000 population to capital province
tordesillas - triggers the effects of the Treaty of Tordesillas (allows Spain and Portugal to attack anyone outside of Europe) (toggle ON/OFF)
luther - triggers the effects of the Reformation (allows nations to convert to protestantism) (toggle ON/OFF)
calvin - triggers the effects of John Calvin (allows nations to convert to reformed christian) (toggle ON/OFF)
trent - triggers the effects of the Council of Trent (cancels effects of Johan Calvin and Treaty of Tordesillas) (toggle ON/OFF)
peterthegreat - troop limits
russianhordes - more cannonfodders
difrules - god mode (toggle ON/OFF)
vatican - adds 10 diplomats
shogun - closing Japan
event [#] - Trigger Event [#] (See List)
luther - Triggers Effects of Reformation
calvin - Triggers Effects of John Calvin
trent - Triggers Effects of Council of Trent

Other commands:


shift + D = Explore province under cursor
shift + U = "Unexplore" province under cursor

Event List (Use with EVENT cheat):

Event 1 = Creates Revolt in random province
Event 2 = Creates Revolt in random colony
Event 3 = rel rev
Event 7 = Religion
Event 8 = Heretics
Event 9 = Death
Event 10 = Excellent
Event 11 = Insanity
Event 12 = Scandal
Event 13 = Gift
Event 14 = Gold lost
Event 15 = Obscuritism
Event 16 = except year
Event 17 = Colonist
Event 18 = Demand
Event 20 = Bank
Event 21 = Stock exchange
Event 22 = company of trae
Event 23 = Port closure
Event 24 = Diplomacy
Event 25 = pressure
Event 26 = Col Dyn
Event 27 = Inventions
Event 28 = Merchants
Event 29 = Stolen sea charts
Event 30 = Plague
Event 31 = naval disaster
Event 32 = dessertion
Event 33 = Land tech
Event 34 = naval tech
Event 35 = Enthu army
Event 36 = Enthu navy
Event 37 = Annex
Event 38 = Agriculture
Event 39 = Fire
Event 40 = Good Gov
Event 41 = Poor Gov
Event 42 = Unhappy Clergy
Event 43 = Unhappy Artis
Event 44 = Unhappy Peasants
Event 45 = Unhappy Merchant
Event 46 = Minerral
Event 47 = Crisis
Event 48 = Corruption
Event 49 = Defaltion
Event 50 = Dip insult
Event 51 = favored trade nation
Event 52 = Indust development
Event 53 = New centre of trade
Event 54 = trade restrictions
Event 55 = fortification
Event 56 = Explorer
Event 57 = Conquistador
Event 58 = Explorer with Ship
Event 59 = Conquistador and 1000 Troops in Random City
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