Etherlords 2 Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Etherlords 2 Cheats
cheat description   size
Nov. 25, 2005
+3 option(s)13KB
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
To activate Etherlords 2 cheats press [~] to open the console, type 'EtherRevelation' and press [Enter] again. Now you can use the following codes:

1. Etherlords 2 adventure-mode codes
open_fog - Remove fog of war
hide_fog - Place fog of war back
lose - Lose mission
win - Win mission
save - Quick save
load - Quick load
player - Info about players
give all - Gives 15 of all resurces except ether
view resources - Info about resources

2. Etherlords 2 combat-mode codes
lose - Lose battle
win - Win battle
view_hand - Shows enemy hand
hide_hand - Hides enemy hand
swap - Swaps you and enemy
view army - Info about your army
view hand - Info about your hand
view players - Info of combatant
view spells - List of all spells and creatures 4-char codes. Used into following codes
add spell <4-char code> - Instantly adds spell defined by 4-char code to your hand. Ex: 'add spell TIWR'
add creature <4-char code> - Instantly adds creature defined by 4-char to your army. Ex: 'add creature TIWR'
change health <#> - Change the amount of your hero's health to #
change mana <#> - Change the amount of current hero's mana to #
change links <#> - Change the amount of hero's mana links to #
change enemy <health|mana|links> number - Change the same values for your enemy's - hero.

3. Unresearched Etherlords 2 cheats (last 3 are for the combat mode):
view heroes - ?
open_tomb - ?
net start - ?
net connect - ?
net host - ?
test - ?
set - ?
disenchant - ?
view creature - ?
spec - ?
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