Eterium Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Eterium Cheats
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Achievements (Steam)
Capship Down! - Score the killing shot of a capship (campaign only).
Do not Abandon Hope - The Nozomi Maru must survive until she reaches Lyota Station.
I was at Vega - Complete the Battle of Vega simulator mission series.
Overkill - Score more torpedo hits than required to take out a capship (campaign only).
Play on Ace - Start a campaign mission playing on Ace difficulty.
Report Revi Presence in Eridani - Successfully escort the courier pilot, Flash, to the jump point.
Saving 'Em for Something Bigger - Complete a mission without firing a single missile (campaign only).
Survive the Destruction of Your Ship - Eject from your ship and survive to continue to the next mission (campaign only).
Take the Honorable Route - The UEA Sirius must survive the encounter in Procyon.
The Free Republic of Vega - Complete the campaign.
Virtual Gamer - Complete a mission in the simulator.
We Don't Need Backup - Take out the B'tao P'ta Patrol Boats attacking the Canopus in the Eridani system.
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