Screen capture
Press [Print Screen] to save the current screen in .PCX format in the "EXTREME" directory.
Thirteen balls
Highlight the "Balls" option at the main menu and press B + A" + L + [Enter].
Table select
Start the game with the "extreme"
command line. The game will start directly at the selected table.
Cheat mode
Press the following keys during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect | Key |
Disable anti-gravity | 1 |
Enable anti-gravity | 2 |
Exit to DOS | [End] |
Change scoreboard color | [F12] |
Nudge table right | Z |
Nudge table left | / |
Nudge the table. | [Space] |
Change ball type | [F1] |
Sound effect | [F9] |
Sound effect | [F10] |
Sound effect | [F11] |
Note: The sound effect and change ball type codes may only be enabled on certain tables.