Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Cheats
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Achievements (Steam)
All Dressed Up... - Level up an armor completely.
Amateur AntKiller - Kill 100 Ants.
Ant Farmer - Kill 10,000 Ants.
Bedside Manner - Revive 250 teammates.
Campaigner - Unlock all armors.
Eyes Up! - Destroy 10 Carriers.
Fleet Depleter - Destroy 10,000 Gunships.
Good Start - Make it through 5 Survival Mode Waves in One Session.
Gunship Down - Destroy 1,000 Gunships.
Carrier Dropper - Destroy 100 Carriers.
Chopper's Choice - Beat the game on Hard.
Collateral - Destroy 500 world objects.
Daddy WarBugs - Purchase all weapons for all armors.
Demolition Derby - Destroy 500 cars/vehicles.
Hangin' Tough - Survive 100 (total) waves in Survival mode..
Hector Wrecker - Kill 100 Small Hectors.
It's a Start - Destroy 100 Gunships.
It's Bomber - Kill 10 Bomber Spiders.
Lander Commander - Get 250 kills with the Lander Turret.
Lemon Squeezy - Beat the game on Normal.
Lifer - Level up all armors completely.
Look What the Rookie Did! - Kill 5,000 enemies.
Manticide - Kill a Mantis.
Manticore - Kill 10 Mantises.
Hector? What? - Kill 10 Small Hectors.
Hectorcide - Kill a Large Hector.
Helping Hand Award - Revive a teammate.
High Roller - Purchase all available weapons for a single armor.
Homewrecker - Destroy 100 Anthills/Spider Nests.
I Heard Them Scream - Get 500 kills with the Tank.
Infernal Master Destroyer Deluxe - Beat the game on Inferno.
Regicide - Kill a Queen Ant.
Scavenger - Collect All Dropped Weapons.
Smells Like Team Spirit - Incapacitate a teammate.
Social Dead Butterfly - Get 10,000 kills in Survival mode.
Spider Fighter - Kill 10,000 Spiders.
Survive-o-Rama - Survive 500 (total) waves in Survival mode.
Surviving... - Get 1,000 kills in Survival mode.
The Architect - Destroy 500 buildings.
The Sting's the Thing - Kill 10 Wasps.
Mechs Master - Get 500 kills with the Mech.
Nesting Instinct - Destroy 10 Anthills/Spider Nests.
Newb - Kill 100 Spiders.
Nothing Turret - Get 500 kills with Base Turrets.
Patricide - Kill a Daddy Long Legs.
Tick Picker - Kill 100 Ticks.
Tick Tock Ya Don't Stop - Kill 5,000 Ticks.
War Against Soaring Pests Award - Kill 100 Wasps.
Welcome to the EDF - Kill 1,000 Ants.
Who Ravages the Ravagers? - Kill 25,000 Enemies.
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