Dark Parables: Queen of Sands Cheats - PC
Achievements (Steam)
Art of the Game - Watch the entire credits.
Herald of Montafleur - Collect all hidden fleur-de-lis symbols.
Perfection - Finish 3 HOPs without any hints in 60 seconds.
Precision - Finish a HOP without any mistakes.
Puzzler - Solve 3 mini-games without skipping.
Quick Mind - Solve a mini-game in 30 seconds.
Rank Chaser! - Earn gold medals from all HOPs in the Extras menu.
Sage - Collect all parables.
Seeker - Find 250 objects.
Supreme Achiever - Find every souvenir.
Swift Feet - Quickly teleport using the map.
Ultimate Eye - Find 6 objects in 8 seconds.