Daikatana Cheats - PC

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Start the game with the command-line parameter +set console 1. Then during gameplay, press [~] and type 'cheats on' to enable cheat mode. Now enter any of the following "Codes":

god - God Mode
health # - Increase Health by # (100+)
weapon_give_# - Give Weapon # (1-10)
massacre - Kill All Enemies on Level
notarget - Invisibility
noclip - No Clipping
cheats 1/0 - Cheats On/Off
cam_toggle - Cycle 3 Camera Views
cam_nextmon - Focus Camera on Next Enemy
cam_nextsidekick - Cycles through sidekicks
screenshot - Take Screenshot
timescale # - Choose speed of the game (x = 1.0 standard)
map # - Go to level #
bind # - Binding
connect <server> - Choose an active server
boost [X] - Boost X, where X might be power, attack, speed, acro, vitality or all#
kill - Suicide
rampage - Kill all enemies with one hit
changelevel xxx - Change level and keep power ups and weapons
map xxx - Change level and lose power ups and weapons but the Daikatana
weapon_give_gashands - New waepon in episode 1
g_unlimited_ammo 1 - Unlimted ammo (0 to disable)
developer 1 - shows all messages from engine
flushmap 1 - completely clean map load; no caching
r_speeds 1 - show rendering speeds
r_drawflat 1 - draw flat-shaded polys only
r_fullbright 1 - no lightmaps on surfaces
gl_polylines 1 - display line drawing only (not on Voodoo)
timescale 1 - normal time (0.5 half the speed, etc.)
cmdlist - List all commands in the console
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Some Useful Cheats
Weapon numbers:
Use one of the following numbers with the weapon_give_ code.

Weapon Number
Episode 1
Hands / Gashands 1
Ion Blaster 2
C4 Vitzatergo 3
Shotcycler 4
Sidewinder 5
Shockwave 6
Daikatana 7

Episode 2
Discus of Deadalus 1
Venomous 2
Sun Flares 3
Hades Hammer 4
Poseidon's Trident 5
Eye of Zeus 6
Daikatana 7

Episode 3
Silverclaw 1
Bolter 2
Stavros' Stave 3
Ballista 4
Wyndax's Wisp 5
Nharre's Nightmare 6
Daikatana 7

Episode 4
Glock 2020 1
Slugger 2
Kineticore 3
Ripgun 4
Novabeam 5
Metamaser 6
Daikatana 7

Level names:
Use one of the following entries with the changelevel or map codes.

Location Level name
Marsch 1 E1M1A
Marsch 2 E1M1B
Marsch 3 E1M1C
Sewer System 1 E1M2A
Sewer System 2 E1M2B
Solitary 1 E1M3A
Solitary 2 E1M3B
Crematorium 1 E1M4A
Crematorium 2 E1M4B
Crematorium 3 E1M4C
Processing 1 E1M5A
Processing 2 E1M5B
Icelab 1 E1M6A
Icelab 2 E1M6B
Icelab 3 E1M6C
Vault 1 E1M7A
Vault 2 E1M7B
Lemnos Isle 1 E2M1A
Lemnos Isle 2 E2M1B
Lemnos Isle 3 E2M1C
Catacomb 1 E2M2A
Catacomb 2 E2M2B
Catacomb 3 E2M2C
Athens 1 E2M3A
Athens 2 E2M3B
Athens 3 E2M3C
Acropolis 1 E2M4A
Acropolis 2 E2M4B
Acropolis 3 E2M4C
Acropolis 4 E2M4D
Acropolis 5 E2M4E
Lair of Medusa 1 E2M5A
Lair of Medusa 2 E2M5B
Lair of Medusa 3 E2M5C
Lair of Medusa 4 E2M5D
Lair of Medusa 5 E2M5E
Plague Village 1 E3M1A
Plague Village 2 E3M1B
Plague Village 3 E3M1C
Passage 1 E3M2A
Dungeon 1 E3M3A
Dungeon 2 E3M3B
Dungeon 3 E3M3C
Wyndrax Tower 1 E3M4A
Wyndrax Tower 2 E3M4B
Crypt of Nharre 1 E3M5A
Gharroth's Throne 1 E3M6A
Alcatraz 1 E4M1A
Alcatraz 2 E4M1B
Alcatraz 3 E4M1C
Beneath the Rock 1 E4M2A
Beneath the Rock 2 E4M2B
Tower of Crime 1 E4M3A
Tower of Crime 2 E4M3B
Tower of Crime 3 E4M3C
Mishima Labs 1 E4M4A
Mishima Labs 2 E4M4B
Mishima Labs 3 E4M4C
Mishima's Hideout 1 E4M5A
S.E.A.L. Training Center 1 E4M6A
S.E.A.L. Training Center 2 E4M6B
S.E.A.L. Training Center 3 E4M6C

Advance Level
To advance level (power, attack, speed, acro, vitality) bring down the console and type:

boost [attribute]
Example: boost speed

To advance all atributes at once, type: boost all.
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