Crazy Duck Hunter Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Codes
Press [Tab] while you are in the game to bring up the console. This will pause the game and will display the prompt. Enter > at the prompt, followed by one of the console commands, and then press [Enter]. NOTE: USING ANY CHEAT CODE MEANS YOU CANNOT SAVE A HIGH SCORE FOR THAT GAME.

iwantallweapons - Allow use of all five weapons.
stopfreeze - Cancel freeze mode (see above).
freeze - Freeze ducks.
icanflytoo - Fly.
givemehealth - Permanent 100% health.
showdebuginfo - Show internal game info, used for debugging.
unlimitedammo - Unlimited ammo for all available weapons.
noduckhair - Unknown effect.
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