Conflict: Desert Storm Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Conflict: Desert Storm Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 2 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
To get the cheat menu hold down the left shift key on your keyboard and type in "desertwatch". Then go into the game options and you'll get cheat menu.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
God Mode and Debug Options
This method requires hex editing and DECOMPRESSED VERSION of desertstorm.exefile. Open this file with hex editor and find "-f -d" string (without quotes) or "2d66202d6400" (linear hexadecimal notation), then do one of these:

1. Replace with "-f-d-j" (2d662d642d6a00) to activating god mode.
2. Replace with "-f-d-m" (2d662d642d6d00) to activating debug options.

Note that you cannot set all those four switches together (-f-d-j-m) because the switchesstring length are limited to 8 bytes including null-terminated code (00 hex).However, if both god mode and debug options are needed, you may remove -fswitch (become -d-j-m) which causing the game to displaying a dialog box forchoosing game starting module (default is frontend.dll).

God Mode Enabled (supplied with -j switch) - During gameplay, press K key to toggle god mode on/off. Be sure you didn'tmapped K key with one of keyboard assignment mapper functions. A short messagewill be displayed at the top of the screen when K key is pressed. "TogglePlayer Damage OFF" means god mode activated. God mode applied to all teammembers. Probably won't works on MP (multi player) game.

Debug Options Enabled (supplied with -m switch) - During gameplay, press combined keystrokes as listed below. Note that, mostkeystrokes has no effect until you activating Debug Mappings (Shift+SLASH). Besure you didn't mapped most of these keystrokes on keyboard assignment mapperfunctions, they overrides your key assignment settings. Some debug keystrokescan be disabled by displaying pause menu (press Esc key) during gameplay. Nostatus indicator displayed when you press these keystokes, so be sure youremember the keystroke last state, especially with toggled function. Somekeystrokes probably won't works on single player game.

Toggle Debug Mappings Activation - [Left Shift]+SLASH/QMARK
Toggle MP Logging - [Left Shift]+D
Toggle Routing Debug Mode - [Left Shift]+R
Toggle Language - [Left Shift]+L
Toggle Joypad Controls - [Left Shift]+X
Toggle Grunt Swithing Mode - [Left Ctrl]+A
Toggle Client Debug Output - [Left Ctrl]+E
Toggle Freeze on Ghost Trail - [Left Ctrl]+F
Toggle MP Ghost Highlight - [Left Ctrl]+G
Toggle Widescreen - [Left Ctrl]+N
Enable New Sound Samples - [Left Ctrl]+Q
Reset Ammo - [Left Ctrl]+R
Toggle Server Debug Output - [Left Ctrl]+S
Toggle MP Ghost Trail - [Left Ctrl]+T
Disable New Sound Samples - [Left Ctrl]+W
Zero Ammo - [Left Ctrl]+Z
Jump to Next Local Player - [Left Ctrl]+Z (MP)
Fire Vehicle Weapon - [Left Alt]+F (can cause slow motion)
Toggle Bar Graph Display - [Right Ctrl]+B
Toggle Player Collision Spheres - [Right Ctrl]+C
Toggle Health Bar Display - [Right Ctrl]+J
Toggle Octree Nodes Display - [Right Ctrl]+O
Toggle Quad Tree Display - [Right Ctrl]+Q
Mission Successfull - [Right Alt]+M (*)
Kill Selected Grunt (Suicide mode) - [Right Alt]+K
Toggle Interface Filter - [Right Alt]+I
Increase Selected Grunt Experience Points - [Right Alt]+E (*)
Set Screen Mode to Briefing - [Right Alt]+B
Shadow Long - [Numpad Up]
Shadow Short - [Numpad Down]
Torso Right - [Numpad Right]
Torso Left - [Numpad Left]
Graphic Flag - [Numpad 5]
Toggle Vehicle State Info - [Numpad PgDn]
Resurrect Teams (Respawn) - [Numpad Home]
Change Skin Texture - [Numpad Multiply]
Toggle Cheat Input On - [Numpad Enter] (nothing happens???)
Scroll In - [Up]
Scroll Out - [Down]
Scroll Right - [Right]
Scroll Left - [Left]
Quad Tree Display Zoom In - [PgUp]
Quad Tree Display Zoom Out - [PgDn]
Speed Up Time - [Ins] (*)
Slow Down Time - [Del] (*)
Toggle Terminal Message Window - [Tilde]
Jump selected grunt to Specific Location - 1-9 (*)
Change Grunt Data Display - 0 (Zero)
Toggle Shadows - A
Toggle Enemy AI - B (*)
Toggle Camera State - C
Scroll Up - I
Scroll Zone - J
Scroll Down - M
Increase Experience - O (*)
Decrease Experience - P (*)
Toggle Route Marker Display - T
Toggle Interface Scalling - U (may causing game freeze)
Toggle Unlimited Ammo - V (*)
Toggle Time Freeze - X
Toggle Targetting Reverse - Y
Toggle Grunt State Info - Z
Toggle Lighting - [F2]
Increase FOV - [F3]
Decrease FOV - [F4]
Toggle Sense Display - [F5 (nothing happens???)
Toggle Enemy Sense Display - [F6] (nothing happens???)
Toggle Player Sense Display - [F7] (nothing happens???)
Toggle Time Steps - [F8] (nothing happens???)
Toggle Interface - [F9] (nothing happens???)
Toggle Wireframe - [F10]
Toggle Rendering Left - [Ctrl]+[F10] (nothing happens???)
Write Player State Left- [Ctrl]+[F11] (nothing happens???)
Read Player State Left - [Ctrl]+[F12] (nothing happens???)
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