Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun Cheats - PC

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Unlimited Firestorm Wall
This trick allows a fully charged Firestorm Wall to last indefinitely without having to turn it off to recharge. First, fully charge your Firestorm Wall and turn it on. Before it turns off or runs out of power, sell or turn off your power plants until the message "On Hold" appears in the Firestorm Icon. Your Firestorm Wall will remain on indefinitely unless you build or turn on your power plants.

Firestorm defense
Play as the GDI. If your enemy likes air units or missiles, surround your base with the Firestorm Wall at a distance from your base, backed up with RPG Launchers. Whenever aircraft or missiles are detected coming toward you, turn the Firestorm on. When aircraft attack, wait until just before they cross the Firestorm line so that they cannot turn away before they are hit. Do not worry if the Firestorm is attacked by the enemy aircraft -- it is pretty tough. Just bring some MRLS in to assist destroying the aircraft.

Build anywhere
Build a sand bag wall where you want a building, then build the building at the end. Once built, sell the sand bag wall and put a wall around the building to protect it.

Go to "Options/Keyboard/Interface" and switch the scroll north, south, west, east to the following keys on the numeric keypad: <PRE> North 8 West East 4 6 South 2 </PRE>

Build a Power Plant or Barracks. Click on it so the build zone grid appears on the map. Put the build grid in a proper building position. Then, click and drag the build grid under the building options bar on the right. Make sure that the build grid did not turn red when dragged under the building options bar. Then, press the scroll keys to the area you want, that is clear of objects. Release the mouse button. If successful, the building should appear be ready to used.

Faster building or unit loading
When an object is loading, go to an area of the map that you have not explored yet or an un-revealed area. The unit or building will load faster.

Cheaper concrete walls
When building a concrete wall, while playing as either the GDI or NOD side, build the first segment. After that first segment is set, build another. When deploying the subsequent segments, set the white square first next to the previously built segment, then drag it for four more square widths away. This will give you a five segment wall that you only paid for one. This saves credits and time in establishing a base.

Winning with an air assault
The easiest way towards victory using an air assault is to take out the SAM sites. However, when you bomb SAM sites they just re-appear. When playing as NOD, purchase some subterranean APCs and fill them with engineers. Send them to the opposing teams base maker, take over the base maker, and quickly sell it. If the other team is NOD, you will first have to disable their power plants.

Finding enemy positions
This trick will allow you to find enemies anywhere on the map. First, save your game and/or skirmish, then surrender. Immediately after your base is in the process of being destroyed, move the pointer towards the direction you think their base is located. This will reveal the entire map. Once you find them, load your game. Note: This may take a few attempts.

Train about 20 Light/Rifle Infantries. Make sure you have a Radar. Click on one, then go up to the small screen. Click on one corner for him to move. Keep doing this repeatedly to random places with other Infantries. Look where they have gone, then click to see if they found the base.

Easy way to destroy enemies
Build a Tiberium Waste Facility and a Missle Silo. Then, when your Chemical Missile is ready, wait for your Tiberium Waste Facility to fill up again. When it does, fire your Multi Missle at your opponent's Construction Yard, which should destroy it. Then, fire your Chemical Missile at the Weapons factory. It may not be destroyed, but you will have another Chemical Missile ready. Also fire that missile at the Weapons Factory, which should finish its destruction. The enemy cannot build any more, or build vehicles. The Chemical Missile should make all surrounding troops Viceroids. The Viceroids will destroy most of the surviving buildings.

Destroy enemies with NOD laserfence wall
When playing as NOD, it is possible to destroy enemy units with a laser fence wall. First, shut the wall off. Then wait for an enemy unit to move between two connecting laser fence posts. When the unit is directly between the posts, switch the laser fence wall's power back on. If done correctly, the unit will be destroyed.

Destroying buildings
Use the following trick to destroy any building except a Construction Yard in one shot of the GDI Disrupter. Carry all the Disrupter to the bottom left corner of the structure and force fire ([Ctrl] and click) to just behind the back middle of the structure.

When attacking with a GDI Disrupter, look for two buildings that are set close together, such as two Refineries or a Construction Yard and War Factory. A Disrupter can shoot through one building and into the other and destroy both of them. To prevent this from happening to you, do not build important buildings close together.

Aim a NOD Cluster Missile to the top of a structure and out to the right a very short distance. This can destroy any building, even a Construction Yard.

Take over enemy buildings
Send some Engineers up to the enemy's base. Click on an Engineer, then click on an enemy structure. The Engineer will run to the structure and take it over. Note: When the Engineer takes over the structure you can not use it. It will just disappear.

If you are going to capture an enemy Construction Yard, take a large attack force with your Engineers. Destroy every building before taking over the Construction Yard. Make sure it is the opposite side. For exampel, if you are NOD, do this to a GDI base. Since you destroyed everything else, they should not be able to re-capture it. Then, replace their base with yours. You now have the full potential and every tactical option of both technologies. Also, since you now have two bases, they can support each other. Note: Make sure to build a NOD barracks and War Factory in your GDI base and vice versa so you can keep both techs in case you lose a base.

Chain reaction
When playing on a map where your opponent is harvesting on a large field of blue mature Tiberium, use something that creates an explosion, such as a Disrupter. Once one square has exploded, it will start a chain reaction eventually causing massive damage to the field.

Scout in fog of war
Select the Helipad or War Factory and scroll to where you want the unit to go in the fog of war. Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] and click. The unit will automatically go there.

Easy skirmish win
Take a group of bombers and destroy your enemy's Construction Yard and War Factory. Then, if you have ammunition remaining, hit their Tiberium Refinery.

Play as NOD and build your base as you normally would in the quickest time possible. You must also have at least one of the following: War Factory, Satellite Tower, Stealth Generator, Repair Servodroid and Construction Yard. Build three Artillery Batteries and surround your Construction Yard. Enemies can not enter your base. Next, find out where the enemy base is located. This can be achieved by looking where their attackers come from. Create one or two Armadillo APCs and fill them with engineers. Empty them around the construction yard and capture it. Sell it as soon as possible -- if you do not, they will capture it back. The enemy should now be without defense and offense. Note: If they have a War Factory and a Temple Of NOD or an Upgrade Center, they will be able to re-build their Construction Yard -- storm that building as soon as possible to ensure your victory.

When the CPU is controlling the NOD in skirmishes, it will probably cloak its base with a Stealth Generator. When he does, take out a Power Plant that is not cloaked with a Ion Beam or Missile. That will normally uncloak its base. When this happens, quickly locate key structures (Construction Yard, Refinery, Stealth Generator, Tech Center, etc.). If you destroy the Tech Center (or other key structure) but he re-cloaks before you can destroy other buildings, do not worry. Its Tech Center (or other key structure) will be rebuilt in the exact same location.

Find an enemy base, then build about five or six air forces (Orca Bombers recommended). Then, send out the force of air units and first bomb the main enemy buildings, such as War Factories, Tiberium Refineries, or Construction Yards. Keep repairing the air units and send them out until the base is pretty much destroyed. Then, send out some tanks and a lot of troops to finish the job. Note: This works best when playing as the GDI.

Play as the GDI. Build the largest base as soon as possible. Build about 30 Disc Throwers/Light Infantries. Then, build the Mammoth MKD that you can only make one of. Protect that with about three Bombers, and about 10 other large tanks or vehicles (Disrupters recommended). Take the Mammoth and the other attackers into the other base. Use it and kill everything. It has so much life that it is practically invincible.

If your opponent likes to use aircraft, find out the way that they get to your base. Make an MCV and deploy it in the path it takes. Build SAM sites and other anti-air weapons, such as Rocket Soldiers, near the Construction Yard. As the aircraft fly towards your base, they will fly over the defenses, which will shoot them down or at least soften them up, so that they do not damage your base as much. You may do this with ground units, but use automated defenses such as Vulcan Cannons and RPGs.

A good strategy in multi-player mode is to start as either the GDI or NOD. Build a Mutant Hijacker as NOD or an Mk 2 as GDI and capture the opposite side's technology. For example, as the GDI, capture the NOD Barracks, and build a Hijacker. Have a mutant Hijacker ready. The enemy most likely will send an MK2, and you can capture it with the Hijacker. You now have two Mk 2s and you can build a Cyborg Commando to team up with them. This combination is perfect for base assaults and will decimate anything.

Defeating the NOD
Build many Juggernauts and surround your base with them. Then, make a Ghoststalker to stand in front of your base. Every time a tank or man walks toward your base, the Juggernauts will weaken it and allow the Ghoststalker to finish it off.

Easy NOD victory
Build a Subterranean APC and fill it with Engineers. Send it in the enemy's base. As soon as they arrive, send them into important enemy structures (MCV Barracks, War Factory, Refinery, etc.). Once done, sell them quickly and they will be crippled.

Ultimate GDI Defense
Build three Component Towers with RPGs. Have two SAMs behind them. Have a Mammoth MK.II and a Ghost Stalker in between. Nothing should be able to penetrate.

Ion Cannon target
When facing the GDI, train engineers and deploy them just out of your base. The GDI will almost always target them.

More money
Make more Tiberian Refineries rather than buying more Harvesters. It may take longer, but it will give you more money.

Missile Target
When playing as NOD against GDI, when you have a Cluster Missile ready, fire it at the Upgrade Center. It will take them time to rebuild it, plus the money. This is the most valuable building that can be destroyed with one firing.

Protection from NOD ballistic missiles
For GDI commanders, the Firestorm wall can be used as protection against NOD ballistic missiles. The walls should be placed above the base and/or in the general direction of the enemy base. They can have spaces in between to save on power and money. The Firestorm building should be fully charged. Turn on the wall when you hear the "missile launch detected" warning. If you have nothing else to do, you can watch the missile dissipate in the Firestorm wall. Note: This was done with a base at the bottom of the map. It may work differently if your base is elsewhere. Also, do not send your aircraft through the Firestorm Wall while it is activated because they will be automatically be destroyed.

Protecting Refineries
To protect Refineries, War Factories and Barracks, simply place a wall around the building, except for the entrance where units go in and out. Then build two Compont Towers on the entrance side and place two Vulcan Cannons to protect them against engineers and other infantry. A SAM site and an RPG launcher can be also put on the other sides to give further protection.

Kill a Cyborg Commando in with one hit
Note: This trick requires the ability to build a GDI Firestorm Wall Generator and Firestorm Wall sections. Fortify your base and develop it until you have the option to build a Firestorm Wall and sections. Build Firestorm Walls across any sections where an enemy can get into your base. When a Cyborg Commando is over one of those sections, turn on the Firestorm Wall Generator to kill it easily.

You can use Hunter-Seekers outside of multi-player mode. In the final Nod mission, build the Temple of Nod and capture the GDI Construction Yard in the east. Build along their tech tree until you get the Upgrade Center. You can build Seeker Control Nodes. This might work for GDI. This not critical to your success; you can finish mission just fine without it.

Visceroid help
Order an infantry unit into Tiberium until the soldiers die to create baby Visceroids. Note: The Visceroids are not friendly after becoming adults.

While playing a skirmish, shoot a Multi-Missile at an enemy base at an area where there are Infantry, Jump Jet Infantry, or Rocket Infantry units standing on Tiberium. When they die, the Visceroids will grow big and go after their base. The more units standing on the Tiberium, the better.

When playing as the NOD side, launch a chemical weapon into the enemy base that has a lot of surrounding population. The people will die and turn into adult Visceroids, which will then destroy the base. They are even a threat if the enemy has an Obelisk Of Light.

Visceroid baby to adult
The only way a baby Visceroid can turn into an adult is when two babies merge together.

Control NOD ore processor and mining vehicle
Note: Try this trick on the "destroy chemical tanks" GDI mission. Position an engineer next to the NOD ore processor and wait for the mining vehicle to dock with the structure before capturing it. You will get control of the building and the vehicle.

Mutian breeding ground
Play as NOD and create a Clocking Device near or in some Tiberium Make a large square laser fence inside the cloaked area with the Tiberium. Create a Subterranean APC and Infantry. Use the Subterranean APC to put the men in the fenced area. Take out the Subterranean APC and run the men around in the Tiberium until they change into Mutians. The more men you change, the better.

Easy building capture and profit
When playing as NOD, purchase some subterranean APCs and fill them with engineers and a Cyborg Commando. Take the APCs within their base and pop up next to something important (GDI Upgrade Center, Tiberium Refinery, etc.). Have your engineers pour out and have them take it over. The commando will protect the building that you capture. Should he fail, sell the building for an easy profit.

Easy building destruction
Take a Harvester and fill it with blue Tiberium. Put it in your enemy's base. Try placing it next to the Construction Yard, and watch it blow up.

Cheap Harvesters
Instead of purchasing harvesters from the War Factory, build a Tiberian Refinery, wait until the Harvester is out of the Refinery then sell it. It costs 2000 credits for the Refinery but by selling it you get 1000 credits, a Harvester and five infantry units. Retail price for all these units is 2000 credits so you save 50%.

Hijacking vehicles
Take a Mutant Hijacker into a city, find a car, truck or a bus, and select it. You now have control over the vehicle. They can be used as transports.

Regenerate cyborgs
If you have wounded cyborgs or cyborg commandos, take them into a Tiberium vein and they will regenerate. If they have just a torso remaining they will regain full energy, but remain just a torso.

Tiberium vein damage
Tiberium veins will damage most vehicles, except for the following: NOD Buggy, Wolverine and Hover MLRS. This makes them excellent units for scouting vein areas. Veins also have no effect on infantry and Harvesters.

Destroying Tiberium veins
You can destroy the Tiberium veins by targeting their holes with an attacker, preferably an air vehicle. This trick is especially useful during GDI mission 9.

If you want to get rid of vein hole monsters, do not use anything with a cannon. Because they are made out of flesh, they need anti-infantry weapons, such as sniper rifles or machine guns.

Airstrike bait
Because the CPU always scans down from the north to find targets for airstrikes, use one of your men as bait. Place him in the far north of your base. Although minigunners are often used in this role, you can save money by purchasing a silo and then selling it. You will spend $150, and get $75 and a technician back, which is the perfect A-10 bait.

Destroying Stealth Generators
As the GDI, build a Mobile MCV and a Carry-All -- and build the MCV within EMP Pulse Canon Range. Once you have built the MCV, build a Pulse Cannon and guard it with grenade launchers. When the EMP is ready, fire it at a NOD Base that has a Stealth Generator. This will not only temporarily disable tanks, it will also disable the Stealth Generator giving you targets for air strikes and your Ion Canon.

Attacking stealth units
Select a person or object that fires. Hold [Ctrl] and click the ground or water where you believe a enemy is in stealth. You may also attack one of your own men for fun or you can have someone shoot the ground.

Play as NOD and G.D.I. simultaneously
Play as NOD in a skirmish game. Make a well protected base with many Lasers and/or Obelisks Of Light completely around and in your base. Make about three Subterranean APCs and about ten Engineers. Then, make a Cyborg Commando and about four Cyborgs. Have all three APCs go right to the side of their actual base, then take it over with an Engineer. Also take over as many buildings as possible, preferably those that are important. Then build a G.D.I. War Factory. You will have most construction options of the G.D.I.

Select a multi-player skirmish. Build something and click "Options". Select "Abort", then "Surrender". Your base and units will explode. You may build more than one thing to blow up.

Glitch: G.D.I. Service Depot
Do not press S while a unit is moving in or out of the G.D.I. Service Depot, because it will explode.

Glitch: Unrevealed Terrain message
Sometimes when you scroll into the black shroud the "Unrevealed Terrain" message will continuously appear at the bottom of the screen. It can happen in any mission, but will usually will occur on slower computers

Glitch: Selling concrete walls
When you sell concrete walls you will not get money back.

Glitch: Build anywhere visible
This glitch will enable you to build a building anywhere that is flat and that you can see. First, enter the options screen, go to "Keyboard", go to "Interface", and scroll down until you see "Scroll North, South, East, and West". Assign keys on the number pad to those. Construct a building and place it as you usually would, but do not release the mouse. Next, slide it under the sidebar, making sure no part of it becomes red during the process. With the unplaced building under the sidebar, scroll around to a flat area where you want to locate it, and release the mouse. Note: This requires some practice.

To easily get rid of an enemy in skirmish, build wall (one square) and keep building one square. You will notice that you can build them further and further away each time from your base. Do this until they reach an enemy base then build a load of wall around their refinery to cut off their money supply. They will not shoot the wall as it is making no threat to them, but it will keep their harvester locked out. In the end they will just sell their items one by one.
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