Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 1 - Tides of Fate Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Achievements (Steam)
A Foreboding Wind - Defeated Tempest.
A Key to Nowhere...Right. - Found the Key to Nowhere.
A Key to Somewhere... - Defeated the Indigo Knight.
A Secret Room... - Found the Developer's Room.
A Single Truth - Defeated Harbinger.
An Impossible Feat - Defeated Tanya Botelho.
Birth of the Dark Lord - Passed the Prologue.
Bless You! - Defeated Hazeezus.
Child's Play - Destroyed all teddy bears.
Closure - Completed the Zataron.
Completely Evil - Destroyed a teddy bear.
Darkness Imprisoning... - Beginning the Nightmare.
Deadly Couple - Defeated Zexor.
Don't F With a Vampiress - Recruit Drea.
Elemental Might - Defeated all four Neo Dark Mistresses.
Eternally Closed Heart - Learned about Anto's background.
Everything Has Changed - Complete Valdrace Area.
Fae Gone Wild - Defeated Thelessa.
Fallen Warrior - Found Rune Garnatea's Sword.
He Had it Coming - Defeated Daman Vel.
Hope You Didn't Use Them - Character dropped to Level 1 in the Zataron.
Hothead - Defeated Pyre.
I Hate Snakes - Defeated the Lamian Queen.
Interdimensional Siblings - Viewed the origins of Maga'ra.
Kill it with Fire! - Defeated the Waegelein.
Men After All - Completed Nightmare Vision.
No Honor Among Thieves - Returned the stolen Will to Sasha.
Patricide Works for Him - Defeated Exodes a second time.
Power of the Ancients - Completed the Arcanis Stone.
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold - Defeated Zexor for the last time.
Rim Kingdoms Rampage - Defeated Drea Nightshade.
Still Alive? Bear With Us - Defeated the Dark Mistresses of the Zataron.
That Was Really Greedy - Took the coins over recruiting Gelina.
The Atrocity of the Gods - Defeated Xe'on.
The Dark Dragoness - Recruited Gelina.
The Evil That Men Do... - Defeated Anto Calias.
The Madwomen of Cora - Viewed the origins of Crysta.
The Might of Cora - Defeated Tera.
The Obsidian Loach - Caught a Selini Fish.
The Prophet - Defeated Nejero.
The Tides of Fate - Defeated Harbinger for the final time.
We Don't Need No Passwords - Defeated the Aetevian Knight.
What is it with you and Bridges? - Defeated Zexor a second time.
What Rolls Around... - Defeated the Vengeance Spirits.
What WAS that thing? - Defeated Appolly'ione.
Wrath of the Seas - Defeated Moirena.
You Really Weren't Supposed to Find That - Found the Lazy Equipment.
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