Cabela's Alaskan Adventure Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Cabela's Alaskan Adventure Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Start the game with the "-cheats -developper" command-line parameter. Press [~] to access the console, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

noClip <0/1> - No-clipping mode
godMode <0/1> - God mode
showPosition <0/1> - Display the X Y Z location of where you're pointing
mod_fireCamSpeed <#.#> - Change Bullet Cam speed
mod_bulletCamFade <#.#> - Change Bullet Cam fading
mod_AnimalFreeze <0/1> - Freeze animals
mod_AnimalForceAnim <0/1> - Funny joke!
mod_StealthMode <0/1> - Invisibility
mod_Outlaw <0/1> - Allows you to be an Outlaw and not get kicked off of a hunt
mod_enablefog <0/1> - Toggle fog
mod_drawSpawnPoints <0/1> - Show spawning points
mod_drawTreeStandBones <0/1> - Trees info
game_buyItem <item> - Buy an item (it still costs you money)
game_equipItem <item> - Equip with an item
mod_MoveToAnimal - Teleport to a nearest animal
mod_MoveToEnt <location> - Teleport to the specified location
mod_MoveToPos <X Y Z> - Teleport to the specified coordinates
mod_buyBullets <#> - Gives you # bullets
mod_buyArrows <#> - Gives you # arrows
mod_buyAmmo <#> - Gives you # ammo (both bullets and arrows)
mod_addMoney <#> - Gives you # credits (won't work if you are in the Outpost building)
mod_setTime <# #> - Set the Time of day in the game (Hours Minutes)
mod_EndObjective <0/1> - Win the currently loaded Mission
AppVersion - Display game information
help - List console commands
? - List console commands
Exit - Quit the game

NOTE: The game console displays video statistics almost once per second, which is extremely annoying. You may download and use hacked game executable to stop most of that debugging info.
Hook fish
Make sure that [NumLock] is on (may say something else on your keyboard), and when a fish is about to take your bait, hit the [2] button on the number pad if the arrow points straight down, [1] is down-left, [3] is down-right. These are not covered in the instructions.
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