Ancient Planet Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Achievements (Steam)
100500! - Collect 100 500 silver units.
Advanced defense - Build one energy tower.
Aludrians shall not pass - Build ten energy towers.
Antidoctor I - Kill 100 doctors.
Antidoctor II - Kill 500 doctors.
Antijellyfish - Free Aludrians from 200 jellyfish.
Arachnophobia - Kill 300 spiders.
Builder I - Build any 50 towers.
Builder II - Build any 500 towers.
Cleanup - Destroy 5 Aludrian mines.
Clear sky I - Shoot down 10 storm troopers.
Clear sky II - Shoot down 150 storm troopers.
Collector I - Collect 20,000 silver.
Collector II - Collect 50,000 silver units.
Die Hamalians! - Kill 150 troopers.
Die, Aludrian! - Kill the first Aludrian!
Dismantling I - Demolish health obelisk.
Dismantling II - Demolish armor obelisk.
Dismantling III - Demolish attack obelisk.
Dismantling IV - Demolish speed obelisk.
First blood - Kill the first attacking Hamalian!
First border - Build two machine-gun towers.
First thousand - Send to the skies 2,000 enemies.
Godlike - This honorary rank is given for 30,000 killed enemies.
Goodbye, Emperor - Save the planet from the democracy lantern.
Help I - Build a support tower.
Help II - Build 20 support towers.
I don't like to be cured - Kill one reanimator.
Incubator killer - Stop the incubator.
Industrialization - Build 80 factories.
Kill Aludrians! - Send to the skies 150 Aludrian officers.
Lucky man I - Collect 200 gold units.
Lucky man II - Collect 1,000 gold units.
Mining - Build three factories.
Phoenix murderer - Stop Phoenix.
Reanimator killer - Save the planet from 20 reanimators.
Rocketeer - Build 50 missile launchers.
Sky superiority I - Kill 300 scouts.
Something went wrong - Destroy Emperor's pedestal.
Steady - Crash 100 destroyers.
Tank crasher - Brew up 100 tanks.
They will all die! - Kill 1 000 enemies.
Total destroy I - Abolish any 10 objects on the map.
Total destroy II - Destroy any 50 objects on the map.
Total destroy III - Demolish any 200 objects on the map.
Total destruction - Destroy 10,000 enemies.
Trash fighter - Raze the fallen missile to the ground.
You shall not pass! - Destroy the destroyer.
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