Aliens vs. Predator Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Aliens vs. Predator Cheats
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Sep. 23, 2010
Feb. 23, 2010
Feb. 23, 2010
Feb. 23, 2010

NOTE: There are 17 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Achievements (Steam)
That's A Promise - Get Tequila to surgery.
Ain't Got Time to Bleed - Heal or regenerate 30 blocks of health in Survivor.
Game Over, Man! - Complete all three Campaigns.
Get to The Chopper! - Recover Weyland's datapad.
Grim Reaper - Harvest all available civilians in the Alien Campaign.
Grunt Hunt - Wipe out all of the Marines in the Colony.
Gunslinger - Kill 30 enemies with the pistol.
Harsh Language - Discover all 67 Audio Diaries.
I Admire its Purity - Complete Alien Campaign on Hard difficulty setting.
I Like to Keep This Handy - Kill 2 enemies with one shot with the shotgun.
I LOVE the Corps! - Complete Marine Campaign on Nightmare difficulty setting.
I Will Never Leave You... - Locate Tequila.
It Ain't No Man - Complete Predator Campaign on Hard difficulty setting.
It Uses The Jungle - Find a way through Gateway.
Alien vs Predator - Create a new species.
Breaking and Entering - Find a way into the Research Lab.
Breaking Quarantine - Escape from the Research Lab.
Club hopper - Survive The 'Party' at The Club.
Come to Mama - Liberate the Matriarch.
Elite Sniper - Kill 10 enemies with head shots from the scoped rifle.
Exit Strategy - Escape from C-Block.
Extinction Agenda - Destroy the Abomination.
Eyes of The Demon - Retrieve the ancient mask.
Fallen Comrade - Find the Youngbloods in the Jungle.
Fortune and Glory - Find all 45 Predator trophy belts.
Let's Rock! - Kill 5 enemies with one burst from the smartgun.
Magnificent, Isn't It? - Complete Alien Campaign on Nightmare difficulty setting.
Matter of Honor - Discover the Elite Predator's fate.
Not Bad for A Human - Get all the Aliens vs Predator achievements.
One Big Bug - Defeat the Praetorian.
One Ugly Mother - Complete Predator Campaign on Nightmare difficulty setting.
Persecution Complex - Achieve Persecutor status more than once in any Ranked Match.
Quite A Specimen - Destroy all 50 Royal Jelly Containers.
Real Nasty Habit - Get 18060 XP in Ranked Matches.
Reclaimer - Retrieve the second artifact.
Regicide - Defeat the Matriarch.
Scatter Shot - As a team, kill 20 enemies in under 60 seconds in a Survivor match..
Serial Killer - Win 10 Ranked Matches in any Deathmatch mode.
Spin Doctor - Kill two enemies with one throw of the Battle Disc.
Stay Frosty - Complete Marine Campaign on Hard difficulty setting.
Stick Around - Kill 20 enemies with the Combi Stick.
The Six Pack - Play with six friends in a Ranked Match.
The Uninfected - Finish a Ranked Infestation match as the only remaining prey.
Under Pressure - Solve the riddle of the Ruins.
Very Tough Hombre - Kill 10 enemies in a row without dying in a Ranked Match.
Welcome to The Party - Get 6000 XP in Ranked Matches.
Welcome to The War - Play and complete your first Ranked Match in standard Deathmatch mode.
World of Hurt - Survive trial by combat.
You Have My Sympathies - Help Van Zandt.

Unlock Skins
Gibson (Marine) - Reach Rank 02.
Claw (Predator) - Reach Rank 03.
Connor (Marine) - Reach Rank 05.
Warrior Dome (Alien) - Reach Rank 04.
Stalker (Predator) - Reach Rank 07.
Ridged (Alien) - Reach Rank 10.
Moss (Marine) - Reach Rank 13.
Hunter (Predator) - Reach Rank 16.
Praetorian (Alien) - Reach Rank 19.
Johnson (Marine) - Reach Rank 22.
Wolf (Predator) - Reach Rank 25.
Rookie (Marine) - Reach Rank 28.
Spartan (Predator) - Reach Rank 31.
Nethead (Alien) - Reach Rank 34.
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