Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Enter talk mode during game play, press [Enter], then type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Kill everyone elsediediedie
Resign gameresign
Full mapreveal map
1000 foodpepperoni pizza
1000 goldcoinage
1000 woodwoodstock
1000 stonequarry
Remove fog of warno fog
Transform villagers<SUP>1</SUP>medusa
Commit suicidehari kari
Laser gunner with 15 attack, 10 shots per second<SUP>2</SUP>photon man
Animal control, no human controlgaia
All Catapult Triremes and Juggernauts transformed into Flying Dutchmen that can travel over water and landflying dutchman
Instant building, research, creation, hunting for everyone until end of scenariosteroids
Win scenariohome run
Kill playerkill<player's position 1-8>
Black rocket launcher car with 300 attack and good rangebigdaddy
White rocket launcher car that fires twice as fastbig momma
Stone Trowers, all Catapult types upgraded to large damage areabig bertha
All Priests have 600 hit points, speed 6hoyohoyo
All Ballistas and Helipolises have 100 rangeicbm
Catapults fire cows and peasants<SUP>3</SUP>jack be nimble
Faster chariot archersupsidflintmobile
Upgrade all Bowmen types to Stealth Archer<SUP>4</SUP>dark rain
Turn any type Horse Archers into Black Riders<SUP>5</SUP>black rider
Nuclear missile trooper with 300 attack, long range, but one shot per 10 secondse=mc2 trooper
St. Francis unit that resembles priest, but can call lightning when close enough to opponentconvert this!
Turn gazelles, lions, elephants, and alligators into animal kingsgrantlinkspence
Zug 209 robot appears next to town center with 20 attack, 10 defend, 15 range, and 100 healthstormbilly
Turn birds into dragonsking arthur
Baby on tricycle with bazooka gunpow

1. After enabling this cheat, move one of the villagers (not builders, farmers, etc.) into an opponent. Medusas will transform into Black Riders when killed. The Black Rider will transform into a Heavy Catapult after it dies.
2. Enable this code after establishing your Empire and clicking on the center of a town.
3. Enable this code after a catapult is selected.
4. Stealth Archers can walk on water and look as trees when stopped. They cannot be order to attack a specific unit. Move them close to the opponent and they may attack.
5. When Black Rider is killed, a Catapult will appear in its place.
Multi-player mode messages
Open the chat window and enter one of the following numbers to get a sound that will say a certain message to all players.

I need food!3
Somebody pass the wood!4
Gold please.5
Gimme some stone!6
Your attempts are futile!8
Hey, I'm in your town.10
OoOoOo! AaAaAa!11
Join Me!12
I don't think so...13
Start the game already!14
Who's the man?15
Attack them now!16
Hah Hah Hah!17
I am weak, please dont kill me!18
I just got some satisfaction!20
Hey, nice town21
We will not tolerate this behavior!22
Get out23
Oh yeah25

Elephant conversion
Order a Phalanx to attack a war elephant or armored elephant. The Phalanx will convert the elephant.
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