cheat description | size | |
GUIDE Nov. 29, 2006 | 21KB | |
GAMESHARK CODES Nov. 29, 2006 | 1KB | |
ENDINGS FAQ Apr. 15, 2006 | 24KB |
D01C8675 0020Use Nayru's Love, then play a warp song. Hold [L] while the song automatically plays to make Link invisible.
811DAC50 40CB"
D01C8675 0020In Lake Halyia, face the warp point from the wall to the north. Press [Z] + [L] to go over the wall. Go to where the warp point is, but if you go above ground you will have to repeat the code again. When you enter the warp point and emerge in Zora's Domain quickly wear the Iron Boots or you will just pop out of the ice. Now you can look at the "underwater" cave.
811DAC50 40CB"
D01C8675 0020Go into the first big room in the fire temple and stand on the platform that you used to entered the room. Elevate up and forward until you go "into" the large rock wall. You should fall into the Boss room where you should momentarily fight the fire temple boss Volvagia.
811DAC50 40CB"