San Francisco Rush 2049 Cheats - Nintendo 64

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Hold [Z] + [L] + [R] + [C-Up] + [C-Right] at the main menu. An option for the cheat menu will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Quick code activation
The easiest way to activate all of the cheats except for stunts is to repeatedly press [R] + [L] + [Z] + [C-Left] + [C-Right] + [C-Up] + [C-Down] at the cheat menu. For the stunts cheat, all you have to do is hold [C-Left] + [C-Right] + [C-Up] + [C-Down] and repeatedly press [R] + [A] + [Z] + [L].

All parts
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "All parts" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [L] + [R] and press [Z]. Release the buttons, then quickly press [C-Down], [C-Up], [C-Left], [C-Right]. Then, hold [L] + [R] and press [Z].

All cars
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "All cars" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [C-Left]x3, [C-Up]x3, [C-Right]x3, [C-Down]x3, then hold [L] + [R] + [C-Up] + [C-Left] + [C-Down] + [C-Right] and press [Z].

All tracks
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "All tracks" option at the cheat menu. Hold [L] + [R] then quickly press [Z] + [C-Up] + [C-Right], [Z] + [C-Down] + [C-Left], [Z] + [C-Left] + [C-Up], [Z] + [C-Down] + [C-Right], then release [L] + [R].

Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Invincible" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [C-Right], [L], [R]x2, [L]. Then, hold [C-Left] + [C-Down] and press [Z].

Heavy car
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Mass" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [R] + [C-Down], [L] + [C-Up], [R] + [C-Left], [L] + [C-Right].

Car collisions
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Car collisions" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [L] and press [Z], release, hold [R] and press [Z], release, hold [L] and press [Z], release, then hold [R] and press [Z].

Super tires
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Super Tires" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [Z]x3, [L], [R], [C-Up]x2, [C-Left], [C-Right], [C-Down].

Tire scaling
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Tire Scaling" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [Z] + [C-Down] + [C-Left] + [R], release, press [Z] + [C-Right] + [C-Up] + [L], release, then press [Z]x3

Frame scale
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Frame Scale" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [C-Left]x2, then hold [L] + [R] + [C-Right].

Super speed
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Super Speed" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [Z], then hold [L] + [R] and press [Z]. Release the buttons and press [C-Down]. Hold [L] + [R] and press [C-Down]. Release the buttons and press [C-Up]x3.

Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Brakes" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [C-Down]x2, hold [L] + [R] and press [C-Up], release the buttons and press [C-Up]x2, then hold [L] + [R] and press [C-Down].

Track orientation
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Track Orientation" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [L] + [R] and press [C-Right], [C-Left], [C-Up], [C-Down], [Z].

Invisible track
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Invisible Track" option at the cheat menu, then quickly press [C-Right]x2, then hold [L] + [R] and press [C-Left], release the buttons and press [C-Left]x2, then hold [L] + [R] and press [C-Right].

Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Invisible Car" option at the cheat menu, then quickly press [C-Up], [C-Down], [C-Left], [C-Right], [L], [R], [Z].

Car mines
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Car Mines" option at the cheat menu, then quickly hold [L] + [R] and press [Z], release, then hold [C-Left] + [C-Down] and press [Z], release, then hold [C-Left] + [C-Up] and press [Z], release, then hold [C-Up] + [C-Right] then press [Z].

Cone mines
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "ConeMines" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [Z] + [C-Down], release, press [L] + [C-Left], release, press [R] + [C-Up], release, press [Z] + [C-Right].

Auto abort
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Auto Abort" option at the cheat menu, then quickly press [C-Left], [C-Up], [C-Right], [C-Down], [Z], [L], [R], [Z]x2.

Resurrect in place
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Resurrect In Place" option at the cheat menu, then quickly press [Z] + [C-Down], [Z] + [C-Right], [Z] + [C-Up], [Z] + [C-Left], [Z] + [R], [Z] + [L].

Suicide mode
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Suicide mode" option at the cheat menu, then hold [R] and quickly press [C-Right], [C-Up], [C-Left], [C-Down]. Release [R], then hold [L] and quickly press [C-Down], [C-Left], [C-Up], [C-Right].

Battle paint shop
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Battle Paint Shop" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [Z]x3, [C-Down]x3, [C-Left]x3, [C-Right], [C-Up], [C-Left], [C-Down].

Change fog color
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Fog Color" option at the cheat menu. Hold [C-Up] + [C-Right] and press [L]. Release all buttons, then hold [C-Down] +[C-Left] and press [R]. Release all buttons, then press [C-Right], [C-Left], [C-Right], [C-Left].

First place passwords
Circuit and racePassword
Intermediate 2XB@#T3LCGB FWB6C2B42C
Intermediate 3CC@#T36WDLB LBCWFBCQ3C
Intermediate 4XC@#T36FNB VBD6GQC%2C
Intermediate 5CD@#T3BHQB YBFBJLDW9C
Intermediate 6XD@#T3LJTB 5BG6K2DWQD
Intermediate 7CF@#T3WKWB %WJWL@DYMD
Intermediate 8XF@#T36L2B HCK6MLF6LD
Intermediate 9CG@#t3BN4B KXLWP@FW#D
Intermediate 10XG@#T3LP6B MCPLRLGQVD
Extreme 20I7BBBW85JD XY3MQ6LN3C

Venom car
Collect all the silver coins in stunt mode.

Crusher car
Collect sixteen gold coins in stunt mode.

GX-2 car
Collect half of the gold coins in race mode.

Euro LX car
Collect twenty-four gold coins in stunt mode.

Mini XS car
Collect thirty-six gold coins in race mode.

Locust LX car
Collect all silver coins in both race and stunt modes.

Panther car
Collect all gold and silver coins in both race and stunt modes.

Barracuda police car
Accumulate 10,000 miles and join Team Rush to get a 78 Barracuda cop car.

Intermediate circuit
Finish in first, second, or third place on the Beginner circuit to unlock a bonus track and the Intermediate circuit.

Advanced circuit
Finish in first, second, or third place on the Intermediate circuit to unlock the Advanced circuit and a bonus track. You will receive the track normally intended for the Extreme circuit. Note: This circuit is only available when a 4 megabyte RAM Expander Pak is used in the Nintendo 64 in place of the Jumper Pak. Finish the Advanced circuit in first, second, or third place to unlock the Extreme circuit from the Advanced circuit.

Extreme circuit
Finish in first, second, or third place on the Intermediate circuit to unlock a bonus track and the Extreme circuit.
Disco stunt track
Get 100,000 points in the Rim.

Oasis stunt track
Get 200,000 points.

Warehouse stunt track
Get 400,000 points.

Obstacle course
Get 1,000,000 points.

Downtown battle track
Get 100 kills.

Plaza battle track
Get 250 kills

Roadkill battle track
Get 500 kills

Factory battle track
Get 1000 kills.

Underground stunt track
On track 2 going backwards, follow the right wall to find a tunnel. Go through it at about 80 mph, flip around so you stop and land on the ground in the tunnel. There is a small opening that leads to an underground stunt track on the left wall.

Race pads
Use your car to run over the red pads found on the tracks. It will then turn them green and unlock various secrets and traps within the level.

Strange camera angle
Press [C-Up] a split second after crashing and exploding. If done correctly, the camera view may stay the way it is when you return to racing. This will allow for some very fun driving, though steering is difficult. Note: This is very difficult to do, and usually accomplished with a lot more luck than skill.

Easier night racing
If you have trouble seeing the track at night (tracks 4 and 6), use the following trick. Activate the "Change fog color" code and change the color to yellow. When you get to the track settings screen, choose track 4 or 6 and set the fog amount to the lightest. You should see the track better.

Better car parts
Keep accumulation miles to get better transmissions, engines, tires and frames. You will get the last and best part when you reach 20,000 miles.

More shortcuts
If you race on the tracks backwards you can unlock different passages that you cannot access when going forward.

Moving boat
The boat only moves when you race on track 5 backwards, allowing you to land on it and jump onto the roof across the river.

Avoid a fatal flip
When your car is about to roll over onto its roof, turn your wheels the opposite way you are flipping.

More air time
Use the large wings to get longer air time, but you will lose stability.

Better flight control
Use the small wings to have better stability and control while in the air, but less air time.

Shield in battle mode
When in battle mode, use the Nuclear "rammer" and it will acts as a shield if someone hits you. For example, if someone hits you with the heat-seeker, you will not lose all of your life.

Stunt points
When in the air try to do as many different tricks as possible (Back flip, Front Flip, Right Roll, Left Roll, etc.). Do only one of each, then after you did finishing as many as you can, start spinning faster one way out of control just before you hit the ground. You will bounce and roll all over, getting more points.

To unlock tracks in stunt mode easier, just keep completing the first stunt track by getting 100,000 or more points.

Kill the drones
Turn on "Deaths" at the track selection screen and set the difficulty and wind to maximum. Chose any track with a lot of air jumps. When the other cars jump, the wind will carry them off course to their doom.

Turn on "Deaths" at the track selection screen. Go to track 5, forwards. Near the beginning, up and over the first hill, you will reach a U-turn corner. Let the other cars get ahead of you by five to eight car lengths. Around the next left turn is a switch on the left side of the road. Hit it and a ram will fly out, killing the cars in its path. Note: This can also be done backwards. The switch will be moved to the top of the hill ahead of the ram.

Turn on "Deaths" at the track selection screen. Enable the "Auto Abort" code. Go to track 3. When you get near the area near the giant satellite dish, push your rival cars over the cliff near the roads. They will not be able to reappear back on the road. Instead they will fly off into the woods and hit a tree or take forever getting back up onto the road.

Track 4, toward the third lap, usually has a train waiting at a station near the corner to the straight away parallel to the tracks. This road runs toward the water and the trees that are solid, and has a half pipe along side it. Stay behind or in front of all the cars before the corner because they will always crash into this waiting train.

Strange tires at the car selection screen
Go to the truck. Quickly move back and forth between the truck and the previous car. Stop quickly on the car before the truck and it will have the truck's tires on it. This can be done for any other car combo.

Giant half pipe 40 stories in the air
Go to track 4. Go to the huge ramp that is between the two buildings downtown. Climb it slowly, and at the top is a platform. Look around for a ledge along one of the buildings. You will have to jump a small gap to get there. Follow it along the building and drive off the end into the huge half pipe.

Jump inside the conservatory of flowers
Go to track 1. Go forward and you will see a building across a parking lot and some grass to your right. The building has a dome roof in the middle. There is a grass ramp of flowers surrounding the building. Hit this at about 100mph. You will jump up into the building which is like a half pipe inside.

Jump through the road
On track 1, race backward with the Panther car and all the settings for top speed at maximum. Also enable the "Super Speed" code. When you go up the last hill (left of Lombard St.), go as fast as possible and aim to hit the bridge ahead (which is the upper road). If you hit at the right angle you will go through it onto the other road.

Jump the track area
On track 4, use the Panther car with maximum speed settings and enable the "Super Speed" code. Go backwards toward the building with the pillars at the bottom. Weave through them to find a hole through the next building and across the street. Go right up the ramp in front of you at full speed. You may need to practice your entry run through those pillars. If you get enough speed, you can fly over everything and get "out of bounds".

Glitch: Monaural music
Note: This happens only with monaural (without stereo audio) televisions. Turn on the "Mono" option, and turn off the Nintendo 64. This will be saved the next time you turn it on. However, when the game is turned on and the theme music plays, it will sound as if the "stereo" option has been turned on. To change this, go under the "Audio" option, switch the "Mono" sound setting to "Stereo", and then back again. The music now will be heard correctly.

Glitch: Drive after game ends
Press [C-Up] just as you car is destroyed. If timed correctly, the game will follow your car as if the game ended, but you can still drive.
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