Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA Cheats - Nintendo 64

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Downloadable Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat menu
Hold [C-Up] + [C-Down] + [C-Left] + [C-Right] + [L] + [R] + [Z] at the settings screen to unlock a cheat option under "Audio". Then, highlight one of the following options on the cheat menu and enter the corresponding code. Note: Another way to activate the cheat options is to hold [L] + [R] + [Z] and rapidly tap [C-Up] + [C-Down] + [C-Left] + [C-Right]. Alternately, enter the cheat menu code and highlight any cheat you wish to activate. Then, hold [L] + [R] + [C-Up] + [C-Down] + [C-Right] + [C-Left] + [Z] + [A], release the buttons, the repeat until the code activates.
Massive Mass
Hold [L] + [R] and press [C-Up], [C-Down], [C-Left], [C-Right].

Hold [C-Down] + [C-Left] + [C-Up] + [C-Right] and press [A], [R], [Z], [L], [A], [R], [Z], [L], [R], [A], [Z], [L].

Killer Rats
Hold [L] + [R] and press [Z]x4.

New York Cabs
Press [R], [L], [Z], [C-Up], [C-Down], [C-Up]

Resurrect In Place
Hold [Z] + [C-Left] and press [C-Right]. Then, hold [Z] + [C-Right] and press [C-Left].

Frame Scale
Hold [Z] + [C-Down] and press [C-Up]. Then, hold [Z] + [C-Up] and press [C-Down].

Tire Scaling
Hold [Z] + [C-Left] and press [C-Right]. Then, hold [Z] + [C-Right] and press [C-Left].

Quickly press [C-Up]x4.

Game Timer
Hold [Z] + [C-Down] and press [C-Up]. Then, hold [Z] + [C-Up] and press [C-Down].

Fog Color
Hold [Z] and press [[C-Left], [C-Up], [C-Right], [C-Down]] three times.

Hold [L] + [R] + [Z] and press [C-Up]x4.

Suicide Mode
Hold [Z] and press [[C-Down], [C-Left], [C-Up], [C-Right]] two times.

Super Tires
Hold [L] + [R] and press [[C-Up], [C-Right], [C-Down], [C-Left]] two times.

Invisible Tracks
Hold [L] + [R] and press [[C-Down], [C-Up]] five times.

Invisible Car
Hold [L] + [R] and press [[C-Up], [C-Down]] five times.

Super Speed
Hold [L] + [R] and press [C-Up], [C-Down], [C-Left], [C-Right].

Track Orientation
Hold [L] + [R] and press [[C-Up], [C-Right], [C-Down], [C-Left]] four times

Hold [L] + [R] + [Z] and press [[C-Left], [C-Up], [C-Right], [C-Down]] three times.

Car Collisions
Hold [L] + [R] and press [[C-Left], [C-Up], [C-Right], [C-Down]] three times.

Cone Mines
Hold [Z] and press [[L] + [R]] four times.

Car Mines
Press [Z] + [C-Up], then press [[C-Right], [C-Down], [C-Left]] six times.

Inside-out Car
Hold [C-Right] + [C-Down] and press [L], [R], [Z].

Press [[R], [C-Down], [L]] two times.

Press [[L], [C-Up], [R]] two times.

Invisible Car
Hold [L] + [R], and press [[C-Up], [C-Down]] five times.

Hold [C-Up] + [C-Right] and press [Z]x3.

Super Tires
Hold [L] + [R], and press [[C-Up], [C-Right], [C-Down], [C-Left]] two times.

Suicide Mode:
Hold [Z] and press [[C-Down], [C-Left], [C-Up], [C-Right]] two times.

Do the Dew!
Press [L] + [R] + [C-Down], [L] + [R] + [C-Left], [L] + [R] + [C-Up], [[L] + [R] + [C-Right]] two times, [Z].
Collect three keys on any level.

Hot rod
Collect six keys on any level.

Formula 1 car
Collect nine keys on any level.

Prototype car
Collect twelve keys on any level.

Rocket car
Successfully complete the circuit with a standing of first place overall. The Rocket car will be available on all tracks.

Boost with Rocket Car
To get a boost with the rocket car simply back up to the wall, then hit the gas. If done correctly, this will give your car faster acceleration.

Rocket car and Midway track
Attain a standing of first place overall under circuit mode. The bonus Midway track is based on the interior of Midway's development studio. To do this easily, enter the following password to start at the last race in the circuit. To complete the circuit, simply allow time to run out.
Change screen position
Hold [L] + [R] and press the Analog-stick to rotate the screen.

Pipe track
Compete the following goals to unlock the bonus Pipe track, which appears between the Crash and Midway tracks. Your car can drive on the walls and roof of this track.
Get all keys and cans in all the courses.
Finish first in a circuit race.
Finish first in a Death Mode circuit race.
Finish a "one race" on the Crash course in first place.
Finish a Death Mode "one race" on the Crash course in first place.
Finish a "one race" on the half-pipe course in first place.
Finish a Death Mode "one race" on the Half-Pipe course in first place.
Mountain Dew dragster
Collect all four Mountain Dew bottles on any level.

Extra time in practice mode
Even though the instruction booklet states that keys and cans are not used in practice mode, they may be collected for 999 seconds of time.

Switch control directions
Highlight the "Mirror" selection on the Options screen. Hold [C-Left] + [C-Right] + [C-Up] + [C-Down] and press [Left] or [Right] to access an "Extreme" option.

Tag mode
Select practice mode with two players. Repeatedly tap [C-Up] during the countdown after both players have selected their cars. When game play begins, the word "It" will appear on player two's part of the screen. The player that is not "It" becomes "It" when their car is destroyed. A timer will keep track of how long the current player has been "It".

View credits
After finishing a race on any track, except for Half Pipe, in any place, return to the very first screen and rapidly tap [A]. The screen should begin cycling through the fastest times. Keep tapping [A] and it will eventually display the credits.

Drive as a cone mine
Unlock the cheats menu and activate the "Car mines" code. Select any car and choose a race that has some cones. When you find a cone, it will be a cone mine. After hitting one, instead of blowing up you will turn into the cone mine. You can drive the rest of the race as a cone mine unless you hit something and explode.
Under the stunt course
Enable the cheat menu and the "Super Speed" and "Resurrect In Place" codes. Select the stunt track at the track selection screen, then choose a fast car, such as the prototype or Mountain Dew dragster. Begin the race, then turn to the left and drive around the mountain in the middle. The green quarter pipe will be at this location. Hit it at an angle on the right side, so that the front of your car will end up pointing right above the "out of bounds" wall. This is very easy to do if your car can reach 280 km/h. Your car should fly over the wall into a black area with points awarded. Look in front of your car to see the bottom of the stunt course. If not, turn around to find it. Drive around to view the course from underneath. Your car will move slowly at first, but can eventually gain more speed. To return to the top of the stunt track, press [C-Up]x2.

Jump over the wall in the stunt course
When you start, go straight as fast as you can. When you get to the end, you will hit the road that takes you to the upper level of the stunt course. When you hit it, tap [Analog-stick Right] to begin flipping very fast and go over the wall into blackness. Note: This trick works best after the "Super speed" code has been enabled.

Float in the air
This trick may be used to easily collect keys and cans. Enable the cheat menu and the "Levitation" and "Resurrect In Place" codes. Select a track and the Rocket Car. Locate a key or can, then drive under it. Keep pressing [C-Up] to float in the air and collect the item. If the item is located out of bounds, point the front of the car at the target. Keep pressing [C-Up] again and press [A] to use the Rocket Car's thrust feature to move forward. Note: You can not turn while using this maneuver.

Easy air time points
Enable the cheat menu and the "Levitation", "Game Time" (for unlimited time) and "Resurrect In Place" codes. Select the stunt course and continuously press [C-Up] to rise up in the air. Allow your car to fall after getting enough altitude to get more than 350 air time points.

Land any trick
To land any trick In the stunt level, enable the "Super speed" code" and find the large blue pyramid. Then, return to the mountain in the middle of the stunt area. Go as fast as possible towards it and hit it. If you are going fast enough, you should fly over the side of the level. At this point, you can get any trick completed. After you see brown smoke coming from you tires, nothing else will happen -- press [C-Up] to go back.

Easy halfpipe
On the course with the halfpipe, simply accelerate. Your car will be on the side of the wall and will not crash. Note: You can not do this with the Rocket Car.

Easy first place
Enable the "Suicide" and "Invincible" codes, and turn on "Deaths". Start a race and just touch the other cars to destroy them. When all the other cars have been removed, you can finish the race or intentionally destroy yourself by flipping over. Note: You must be in front of the destroyed cars when you car flips in order to place first.

Glide sideways
Enable the "Resurrect In Place", "Levitation", and "Unlimited Time" codes to reach the top of buildings and keys over water easily. Then, set the wind to full speed and choose a course. Repeatedly press "Abort" to rise in the air, then stop to glide sideways in the direction the wind is blowing. If you do this high enough in the air and at the right position you can reach just about any can or key.

Kill the Drones
Enable the "Auto-Abort" code, the start a death race on a track with a lot of jumps, such as Seattle, Alcatrez, Hawaii, or Crash. Set the wind and difficulty to maximum. Watch as the other cars fly side ways and go off the track, hit buildings, and flip over.

Mountain Dew cans in Alcatraz
Although there are only supposed to be four Mountain Dew cans in each level, eight can be found in Alcatraz. It helps if the following codes are enabled on cheat menu: "Damage", "Invincibility", "Levitation", "Game Timer", "Resurrect In Place", and "Super Speed". The locations of the cans are as follows.
The first can is behind a bush on the left before you get to the "bridge."

The second can is in the air between the checkpoint and the tunnel shortcut. Levitate to get it.

The third can is above the hill that shoots you up to the roof of the Alcatraz building. Levitate to get it.

The fourth can is on the roof of Alcatraz. Levitate to get it.

The fifth can is in the air at the exit of the tunnel shortcut. Levitate to get it.

The sixth can is in the out-of-bounds green area under the loop-to-loop. To get it, get in the right spot on the loop, fall, and try to fall on it.

The seventh can is out in the ocean after the loop.

The eighth can is on a pathway. To get it, stay on the road after the loop and ocean cans. Stay on the right on the turn and swerve to the left at the jump. This should bring you to the building on the far left. Keep going and follow the arrows. When you get on a "path", turn around to see the eighth can.
Mountain Dew cans in Hawaii
Even though there are only supposed to be four cans per level, a fifth can is located on the Hawaii track. Take the shortcut behind the caution signs. After jumping off the buildings, keep accelerating and stay to the left. Jump over the small, barely noticeable grass ramp that appears to the left. Your car should launch through a tree, where the can is hidden. It has no apparent purpose and does not disappear.

Break through the fence post and get in the crop field. On the second batch of corn, get on the left and search. About half way in the middle you will see a Mountain Dew can. Get it and it will make a sound. When you exit from the crop field you will see Aloha Stadium. There is another Mountain Dew there.
Secrets to find
Note: These are located in race, stunt, and battle modes.
1. 3 sharks
2. Helipad
3. Conservatory of Music
4. Hellman Hall
5. The Last Trolley Motel
6. 4 Don't even think of parking here signs
7. Bent radio tower
8. 2 Bowling alleys
9. Huge fire with smoke
10. Small yellow/red Vecster building
11. 7 Rats
12. Rush City Diner
13. Toilets
14. 2 building with 4 "arms" on each side
15. Bay Bridge on 2 tracks
16. 9 Blue honeycomb buildings shaped like lollipops
17. A dancing green/blue hanging Tram
18. Community Health center
19. Big white Arch
20. Palace of Fine Arts on 2 tracks
21. 1 Slower traffic keep right sign
22. Golden shrine to Rush 2049 with a Dragon sign
23. Fillmore St.
24. A square dirt track in the grass
25. A Stadium
26. 26 small flashing red lights
27. Street St.
28. 5 Get off the grass signs
29. 1 crooked cone
30. 8 elevators
31. Mell's Kitchen
32. 8 Cacti
33. 4 Speed limit 45 signs
34. A Gregma Crowbars sign with 6 overhead lights on top of a gray building
35. 32 green/yellow boxes
36. 5 Cow skulls
37. The Lombard Inn
38. 5 Windmills/fans
39. 6 Gas Stations
40. Love to Haight Banking
41. 7 Solid Trees
42. Duboce St.
43. 7 Search lights
44. 3 Upside down trains
45. Hyde St.
46. Small building with blue and white paint and red stripes
47. Place to buy Snowboards an Hoverboards
48. 6 Trolleys
49. A trolley that flies across the moon

1. Firecrackers going off
2. Scrolling stock prices
3. 2 Gios Pizza shop
4. Chapel of Love
5. Door you can drive through
6. Propane Tank
7. 2 General Cinemas
8. Place to buy bamboo furniture
9. Wall St.
10. Wikiki Business Plaza
11. Zoo sign
12. 3 Elvis signs
13. A Soccer Field
14. Cow Palace
15. Wikiki Police
16. University of Los Angeles
17. 2 Miketown shops
18. Planet Follywood
19. Building from beginning of Men in Black
20. Kingdome
21. Hard Rock Cafe
22. 3 Bail Bonds
23. A place to take your car swimming
24. A Golden Lion
25. A Life Guard Tower
26. A Rich persons' house
27. A Water Slide
28. A Gunshot
29. USS Arizona Memorial
30. National Cemetery Plaque
31. Chapel Full of Fools
32. Joes Furniture
33. Tony's Ravioli co.
34. 2 Places with Fresh Pasta
35. Exterminate 46 Rats
36. Dodger stadium
37. University of Hawaii
38. 4 Places selling Star Maps
35. 4 Places to fill your tank
36. Wax Museum
37. 2 theaters showing Rush 2
38. 4 Baseball diamonds
39. Federal building
40. Sporting goods store
41. A Famous persons' house
42. Permanent Mountain Dew Can
43. Aloha Stadium
44. Erazo Bros. Studios
45. How far is it to Disneyland from L.A.?
46. The Late Show with Rush 2
47. Slot machine
48. 3 Cheps Cafes
49. 2 Places to get your checks cashed
50. Pay tribute to 14 American Flags
Glitch: Unfinished area on Midway Track
Go to the large room with the windows along the left wall and a desk along the right wall (near the beginning and adjacent to the room with all the boxes). At the end of the desk on the right wall is a Mountain Dew machine. Enable the "Levitation" code and look to see a tunnel leading to another room behind the wall. You can also see the room from another area. Next to the blue screen room is a long hall. At the end is the door to this room. You can get into it by falling of the track to go "out of bounds", drive directly under the room on the map, and "levitate" up into the room.

Glitch: Fall off level in Las Vegas
Find the parking lot that is near the spotted building. When you get there, go as fast as possible into the corner. If done correctly, you fall into an area where everything is gray. To leave, press [C-Up].
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