Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness Cheats - Nintendo 64

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Sound test
Attain at least 14 positions on the high score screen. Pause game play to access the "Sound Test" option.

Music player
Collect at least 9 gold clocks. The "Music Player" option can now be accessed at the stage entrance screen.

Movie player
Collect at least 70 gold stars. The "Movie Player" option can now be accessed at the stage entrance screen. Note: This also unlocks the "Sound test" and "Music player options.

Extra multi-player map
Reach the Pier Pressure bonus round (after Year Of The Pac) and get a score of 50,000 or more. A message at the results screen will confirm that a new map has been unlocked. Save the game if you have a memory pak (if not, select "Quit Game"). Quit the game and go to "Multiplayer" option on the main menu. You should have a new place to battle a friend.

Classic multi-player mode
Select "Classic Mode", then press [C-Right]x2 at the title screen.
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