Monster Truck Madness 64 Cheats - Nintendo 64

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo 64

Primary Collection of Cheats
Low rider trucks
Enter "YRDR" as a password.

Full time missiles
Enter "Y_WNT_T" as a password to have unlimited missiles. Note: "_" indicates a space. To use the missiles, press [Left] during game play.

Gut bomb
Enter "BRPS" as a password.

Turbo mode
Enter "CFFNYN" as a password.

Programmer images
Enter "JMPNG" as a password to place a picture of one of the game's programmers on various surfaces.

Weird textures
Enter "JMPR" as a password. Select "Done" and "JIM" will appear in the square. Press [Start], select "New Game", then choose "Summit Rumble". Select any number of players, but many CPU trucks. When game play begins, the background will be black and white, black squares with aliens or other objects in the middle will appear, and someone's picture will appear on the ground.

Jet-pack power-up
Hold [L] + [R] + [C-Left] + [C-Right] + [C-Up] + [C-Down] then press [Start] at the main menu to begin a level.

All levels
To access all levels for time trial or custom race, unlock the Death Trap track then press [B] at truck selection screen. Start your own race or time trial under the expert difficulty setting and all tracks can be accessed.

Aztec Valley track
Successfully complete a circuit under the easy difficulty setting.

Alpine Challenge track
Successfully complete a circuit under the medium difficulty setting.

Death Trap track
Successfully complete a circuit under the hard difficulty setting.

Press [Down] to use the horn. Note: There are many different type of horns that are randomly assigned at the beginning of a race.

Sound effects
Press [Up] to hear "Yahoos", burps, and farts.

RuinsG[Up Arrow][Star]NJ2L0
Junk YardJ[Star]XQYN4G
The HeightsM[Star]OT1Q9R[Left Arrow]
Voodoo IslandP[Left Arrow]3W4TC[Star][Left Arrow]F[Up Arrow]
Greenhill Pass5[Up Arrow]627WFX9[Left Arrow]23G
WastelandV[Left Arrow]92[Up Arrow]2[Down Arrow]0CL56B5V
Aztec ValleyYYC5D2L3F[Right Arrow]89[Down Arrow]8[Right Arrow]B7
The HeightsMJMPT[Right Arrow]XRN
Voodoo IslandPJPSWR0[Star]89R
Greenhill PassSBSV2[Star]3XBC[Up Arrow]4[Down Arrow]
WastelandVBVY2X60[Down Arrow]FD7B2M
Aztec ValleyYFY15093H[Left Arrow]G[Up Arrow][Down Arrow]5675
Alpine Challenge1N1483C6KLJDH89[Up Arrow]G4N
RuinsGKGH[Up Arrow]G[Star][Left Arrow]
Junk YardJGJKLJP[Star]
The HeightsMSMN[Right Arrow]M7QW
Voodoo IslandPKPQRP[Up Arrow]T793
Greenhill PassSKST[Star]SDW[Up Arrow]C61R
Aztec ValleyYGY209YJ2G[Left Arrow]C796462
Alpine Challenge101231M5JLF[Up Arrow]C979S0D
Death Trap404564P8M[Right Arrow][Left Arrow]DFC[Up Arrow]CV32KC
Entering the Ancient Temple
Go to the Ancient Temple located at the southwestern part of the Ruins Track. There are four entrances but only one can be used to enter. The real entrance is on the side farthest away from the track. Once in the entrance, turn left and accelerate to enter the temple.

Runes hiding places
Go to the corner of the second highest level of the gray tower. There is a hole on the side near the Hover that can be used to hide in. If two monster trucks are placed in the hole, one will go flying out. Drive on the road where Nitro and Hover are located. A small building will come into view after the jump. Use Hover or Diamond Invisibility to enter the building.

Crushed truck
Get the shrinker missile. Shrink your opponents, then crash into them. When they become large again they will be crushed. Note: They trucks will only be crushed for a short period of time. They will slowly regain their original size.

No shocks
Enable the "Low rider trucks" code and begin game play in two player mode. Collect a shrinker missile, then shoot it at the other player's truck. That truck will appear to be only body and wheels.

Wheelie on front of truck
Enable the "Turbo mode" code. Start a new game, go to exhibition and pick "Beginner". Select any truck. Go to the Junkyard level and get the hover item. Use it at the top of a hill and quickly fly over the black wall. Once you are clear of the wall, stop until the hover wears out. Then, slowly drive into the wall (it will not break). When the front of your truck is touching the wall, accelerate. When the words "Hang On" appear, quickly hold [Analog-stick Down]. You will then begin to fly back in the air. Keep "Analog-stick Down" held to land on the front of the truck then hold [B] (brake). If done correctly, you will then stay on the front of the truck while sliding backwards.

Wheelie on back wheels
Select the Scrap Yard race. Go to checkpoint 4 and plow through the breakable part of the fence. Then, backup to the unbreakable part of the fence. Keep holding the "Analog-stick Back" and when you get "Hang on" message, you will launch. When you fall from the air (keep "Analog-stick Back" the entire time), hold [B] two seconds before you land. Hold "Analog-stick back" + [B] and you should do a wheelie.

Glitch: Big tires when hovering
Note: Two players are required to perform this trick. Have player one get the hover power-up and player two get the shrinker missile. Then, have player one use the hover and begin to fly. While player one is in the air, have player two use the shrinker. The truck will shrink but the tires will remain the same size.

Glitch: Get stuck in last place
Select any truck and start the Voodoo Island track with more than one player. Between the start/finish line and the last checkpoint is a large jump. Skip the jump and go around on the track already you went on. The game will state that you are in last place for the rest of the race.
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