Monopoly Cheats - Nintendo 64

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Mr. Potato Head token
Rename the "Moneybag" token to "Potato".

Gold token
Rename any token to "Aurum".

Control view
Rename any token to "Wander". Press [Z] during game play to display the assets screen. Press [C-Up], then press [A] to zoom in or [B] to zoom out.

Expert mode
Rename any token to "Ace" to make the game more difficult, You will always land on owned property and lose more money.

U.K. version
Hold [Z] + [Start] and press [B] at the menu to toggle between the U.S. and U.K. versions of the game. The U.K. version uses pounds instead of dollars, and has different street names.
Dice trick
Hold [Z] while the dice are in the air to increase the chances of them landing on top of each other.
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