Goemon's Great Adventure Cheats - Nintendo 64

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo 64

Primary Collection of Cheats
Four player mode
Insert controllers into all four ports and begin game play using controllers one (and/or two). Collect forty-four entry passes from various levels. Then, press [C-Right] + [Start] on controllers three and four.

Alternate costumes
Unlock four player mode, then go to the "Prediction" house to access new costumes for each character.

Control ending screen
Highlight the "Try Again" option at the game over screen, then repeatedly tap [A] to move the hula hoop faster.

Double coins
Wait until night to get two coins from an opponent that would normally only have one coin.

Unlimited items
Begin the game and go to the upgrade store. Purchase any desired item, then go to the save location and save the game. Reset the game. When the game is resumed, you will have all your money plus the item that was purchased. This may be repeated to get an unlimited number of items.

Unlimited lives
Go to the restaurant, buy sushi, and you will gain one life. go to the Inn, save and reset the game. You will have another hundred coins that you can buy sushi with again. Repeat to gain the desired amount of lives.

Partner on your back
In two player mode, crouch down and have your partner jump on your back. You will be holding them on your back. If you are the player taking the ride, press [Z] to shoot upgraded attacks. This also works in towns.

Run faster
Hold [B] when running in any town (not roads) to move a lot faster.
Falling blocks
When on the falling blocks, just walk to prevent them from falling.

Strange looking characters
Press [Z] to crouch, then hold [A] to get your character to stand up and appear as if they are always running. Note: If you jump, press [B] to attack, or get hit your appearance will change.
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