WordsWorth Cheats - iPhone

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 All cheats for this game by platform: iPhone

Chronic Shuffler - Shuffle the board 10 times.
Gold Miner - Create 100 words containing a Gold tile.
Heptad - Earn seven 7-lettered words.
Hexad - Earn six 6-lettered words.
Decad - Earn ten 10-lettered words.
Gala Combo - Use the Gold, Green and Red tiles in one word.
Go Green - Create a word containing 2 Green tiles.
Nonad - Earn nine 9-lettered words.
Octuplet - Earn eight 8-lettered words.
Sole Challenger - Send 100 challenges to unique friends and complete the game.
Palindromist - Create a palindrome.
The Challenger - Send 100 challenges to friends and complete the game.
The Knocker - Destroy two timed tiles in one word.
The Timer - Create 100 words in the Timed mode.
The Classic - Create 100 words in the Classic mode.
The Destroyer - Destroy four timed tiles in one word.
The Jackpot - Create a word containing 2 Gold tiles.
The Tumbler - Create 100 words in the Tumbler mode.
Vowelless - Make 3 words without vowels.
Wild Carder - Create 10 words using the wild card.
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